PT Harendong

Banten Red

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Tea: Banten Red

Grower: Dr. Alex Halim of PT Harendong

Origin: Banten, Indonesia


Elevation: 900m (2,900ft)

Cultivation: Certified Organic

Harvest Date: March 2018

Roast Date: March 2018

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Banten Red is crafted in the style of black teas from China, where black teas are called hong cha - literally, "red tea" - after the brilliant red color of their liquor. Unlike Indian and Sri Lankan black teas, Chinese hong cha tend to be smooth, earthy, and sweet, just like the Banten Red. The Banten Red has a distinct, sweet, well-rounded and earthy taste. It is milder than most black teas, and is very smooth with almost no bitterness thanks to its roasting process. It is extremely easy to brew, making it a great choice for novice tea drinkers. Notes of maple syrup, brown sugar, and fragrant wood make for a very balanced and very approachable tea. Like many other Indonesian teas, there is a slight mineral and earthy undertone, and the tea has a very clean character. Compared to previous years, this year's harvest is strikingly sweet, with a thin syrupy character. Grown on an all-natural farm in the Halimun Mountains, located near Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park. PT Harendong's team uses all-natural methods to grow their teas, and they are are certified organic by IMO International according to EU, USDA/NOP, JAS and COR standards.

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Recommended Brewing Instructions: Use 1tsp (~3g) per 250ml cup. Brew for 2 minute.

- 185F for a smoother, sweeter profile.

- 195F for a stronger, more complex profile.

This tea can be rebrewed up to 5 times, with hotter water and longer infusions.