Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - Constitution Study Group Part 1
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hello internets happy Wednesday May 20th
beautiful day here in Vegas grateful for
our incredible weather here and
everything the air feels clean crisp the
energy here is feeling great today is
the first day of a new project I'm
taking on and sorry Instagram my phone
is about to die and today all of my
charging cords decided they don't want
to work anymore which is fine but my
phone may die very soon so I did want to
come on here in live and let you guys
know what's going on but if you are
enjoying the conversation as this begins
and you want to get more deeply into it
please go see this live on either our
Facebook page our YouTube our periscope
which is Twitter's live so you can just
go to our Twitter page is playing there
as well as twitch and you can see this
video live as well as join the
conversation because what I'm doing
today is not teaching anything what I'm
doing today is learning and creating the
space for us to Koller n-- together and
the subject of what I'm going to learn
today and what we can Co learn together
is the Constitution of the United States
I'm just as intimidated as you would be
to try to do something like this but I
think it's time you know this is
something that I have actually been
thinking about doing for months now
there was a really incredible article
written by I believe he was active duty
military and he expressed his concern
with where the military has gotten he he
did particularly talk about this
particular you know political campaign
that's in power right now but he did
allude that this has been a long time
coming and his grief is that you know
soldiers have to take on one earth when
they start their job as to do any
political servant or any politician
right so this is not just limited just
to active-duty military but they take on
the one it's to protect the Constitution
of the United States and what's
interesting is you take on that oath but
then there's no engagement with that
document itself and so what this soldier
you know noted in his article is that
they're so aggressively you know working
to protect the Constitution yet not
having any type of study or any type of
exposure or even given pocket
constitutions for four people and so I
wanted to create a study group a
constitution study group similar to what
you see among other communities such as
like Bible study groups where people
come together and they may read a
passage together and discuss and talk
about it and try to learn from it
together and I found out this is a thing
these constitutions study groups of
course it's called high school right
which is funny because you know like all
high school students go through this
experience of studying the Constitution
but like really think about it they no
offense to people of that age I was of
that age but when I think back to my
maturity level my intelligence my
perspective you know talking about truth
what I was discussing last week it's so
much more basic than what it is as
adults and what it is as we're going
through our life and so it's almost like
this is an activity that we really
should be engaging in beyond just our
high school years you know I'm just even
our college years at college mean only
for those that study that area I was a
scientist in college I never even saw
the word Constitution went I actually
now I take that back I did I had to take
a food law class and actually be honest
like when I took that class I learned
far more about the constitution and
about how our hope
political systems work more than I did
in my poli-sci classes in high school
and the reason wasn't because the
content was better or my teachers were
better actually had a really great Poli
Sci teacher in high school it was
because of my maturity level it was
because of the perspective and the
perception that I was able to apply to
that study that you know made me much
more receptive and much more tolerant of
understanding the perspective so I was
going to do this for active military
here my Tea Room I wanted to host
regular study groups and engage you know
different active-duty here in town and
of course we would drink tea I wanted
this to be a free event and then the
pandemic happened and so that idea went
on the back burner and probably would
have stayed on the back burner because I
have so many other things coming up
but recently what I've noticed is
several of my peers and people I respect
even my family you know of course our
peers that I respect
have you come Constitution warriors and
this is great this is fabulous
you know identifying that we all have a
role in protecting our rights and
protecting the rights that are stated in
the Constitution
so as Constitution warriors which I also
identify as one I think it is our
responsibility to study it and to know
what we're protecting more than just you
know the the basic overarching rules
that we may know and also understanding
other people's perspectives or potential
perspectives that you know may not be in
our perspective of how we interpret the
Constitution so there are many purposes
of these these sessions and from here
until the indefinite future I will be
using this platform for having this
constitution Study Group on Wednesdays
around 2 p.m. you know I've been I've
kind of late to my my sessions lately
but I allow myself that that flexibility
so also because I'm not teaching this
class I'm in no position to be teaching
this class again I have not even looked
at the Constitution until or since I was
in high school which was well yeah that
was a 15 years ago 16 years ago so it's
been a while and I'm not knowledgeable I
do not know these things I am learning
myself and I'm just putting myself in
this vulnerable place while I learn you
can engage as well and you'll see on all
of our streams online I have the link
posted for visiting this this session so
if you come to this link and I let you
in and please have your camera on
ideally drinking tea be creative or
drinking tea together where we have
these conversations I'd love to have you
a part of this and we can kind of go
through this together if you don't want
to do that please ask questions either
through Instagram or through any of
livestreams I will address those
questions again I have no curriculum I
have no schedule I'm trying to keep on
this I'm really trying to make this a
cold learning experience so let's begin
the Constitution is let's just start out
with what it is before we start jumping
into actually reading it so I'm taking
all this information from Wikipedia and
I've double-checked the information I'm
going to share with you it's also
invented across other platforms too so
you know I do recommend Wikipedia for
its convenience but also recommend that
you don't check things and make sure
they're right because Wikipedia is an
open source thing full of many many many
many many perspectives that we have to
filter through and understand what's
right and wrong for us again Instagram
if this goes off you can visit me live
on any of the other social media
platforms Facebook Instagram YouTube
Twitter and twitch
so the Constitution of the United States
of America was created on September 17
1787 and it was presented on September
28 at that same year so just less than
two weeks later it was ratified on June
21st 1788 and it became effective on
March 4th 1789 so took a couple of years
there for everything to get processed
only a year and a half for for this to
come together and to get processed sand
signed so then the app actual
implementations are I'll go through the
rest of these so there's three branches
that are established in the Constitution
so Constitution is not just about our
rights it's also about how our
government is set up right so you have
three branches the executive the
judiciary establish the Electoral
College first legislature happened on
March 4 1789 so the day was affected
already started working great that means
things are working you know means it was
wanted and we needed I mean I can't even
imagine what this country must have been
like at that time right how people uh I
mean there was probably a state of hope
a state a state of unknown and
uncertainty similar to what we're
experiencing right now probably more
Hope than that uncertainty you know
which got something like this to be
created and put together you know in
such a short period of time really
that's not so much of a long period of
time a year and a half to create it and
and get it all implemented the first
executive happened April 30th 1789 so
that same year about a month and a half
later so I guess that's like the first
elected official that came out of it
and then the first courts were
established on February 2nd 1790s so
that took you know another six months
after that as part of the Constitution
there are 27 amendments the last
amendment happened on May 5th 1992
pretty relevant perhaps another one to
come soon who knows we'll see I mean I'm
sure in this process of studying this
and talking about current sentiments in
the community and I'm not going to use
the word politics because that word is
so so archaic and stagnating for what we
need right now and and not just in this
country but in this world and as this
country as an influential leader of the
world yeah we have a certain
responsibility that our actions and our
leadership will affect the rest of the
world the Constitution is located at the
National Archives building it was
commissioned by the Congress of the
Confederation and is authored by the
Philadelphia Convention there's 39
signatories as signatories of 55
delegates written on parchment with all
okay so and this supersedes the articles
of the Confederation so prior to the
Constitution we had the Articles of
Confederation let's see little and that
was structuring the government of the
thirteen original states and it was it
was our first constitution and that was
all approve of November 15 1777 was
which was just 10 years prior to the
Constitution so
again like really fast changing times
you know to have implemented documents
like the articles of the Federation
which is our Articles of Confederation
which was the Constitution it was our
law order of how things were going to
happen and to have to expand Andrea you
know modify and apply to a new situation
within ten years is a pretty fast
turnaround so here is the definition
from Wikipedia the Constitution of the
United States is the supreme law of the
United States of America the
Constitution originally comprised of
seven articles daily mates the National
frame of government its first three
articles embody the doctrine of the
separations of power whereby the federal
government is divided into three
branches so again you know nothing to do
with rights or you know just to do with
what is government and how is government
structured the three branches are the
legislative consisting of the bicameral
Congress that's article one the
executive consisting of the president
article two and the Judiciary
judicial consisting of the Supreme Court
and other federal courts in article
three article four five and six and body
concepts of federalism describing the
rights and responsibilities of
statements go the government's all right
so that's where it's gonna get juicy you
know sure we'll spend most of our time
focusing on the states in relationship
to the federal government and the shared
process of constitutional amendments
article seven establishes the procedure
subsequently used by the thirteen states
to ratify it it is regarded as the
oldest written and codified National
Constitution enforce ha that is
interesting I didn't know that there we
learning something the new already so
it is the oldest written and codified
national constitution in force so I'm
sure that there have been other
constitutions or you know other national
you know constitutions but this is the
oldest one that is currently in action
so another reason why you know we do
have a responsibility as a world leader
to to keep it relevant and to keep
ourselves educated on it and of course
warriors of it we should all be very
proud of this I'll be right back one
seconds I need some tea and I didn't
have my picture so I can make a tea now
so a little heavy here but I know this
is going to be good and you know the
more people that get involved with this
the better I really hope that this can
become you know a resource for us to
learn and to learn or to support each
other as well so since the Constitution
came into force in 1789 there's 27
amendments and one of those amendments
repealed previous amendments so you know
really hammers in the fluidity of this
you know which should make us optimistic
that there is opportunity for change and
there is opportunity for holding our
government and holding ourselves
accountable for progress and making
those changes
in order to meet the needs okay so this
is why I got repealed in order to meet
the needs of a nation that has
profoundly changed it's an 18th century
in general the first ten-minute
amendments known collectively as the
Bill of Rights offer specific
protections of individual liberty and
justice and placed restrictions on the
powers of governments the majority of
the 17 later amendments expand
individual civil rights protections
others address issues relating to
federal authority or modify government
processes and procedures amendments to
the United States Constitution unlike
ones made to many constitutions
worldwide are appended to the documents
all four pages of the original US
Constitution are written on parchment as
I stated before today I'm going to drink
some konoka Assam black tea so Instagram
it looks like my phone's about to die so
if you want to continue this
conversation about the Constitution
please join us on Facebook or YouTube
thank you nice multi buzzy tea to keep
me focused and alert well hell reading
this that was the one thing I do
remember in high school when you know we
were studying this was I found it quite
like unrelatable and boring like the
language itself you know which i think
is really important if you're you know
trying to instill this knowledge to
perhaps reiterate things or you know I
just remember my teacher having us read
things literally and again at that time
I didn't have the maturity or the
knowledge of perspective to really
understand relevance of things and how
things are really connected to me right
we're selfish beings and that's okay
there's there's really nothing wrong in
and our selfishness and belong is when
we understand that we are just a part of
a bigger part then then we're not
selfish but you know who's counting
you had a new picture today this is not
new I've had this I actually acquired
this from a studio in Seattle of a
collector of wabi-sabi Japanese ceramics
I feel really fortunate to have this it
in so many ways it's so wide that even
if I pour water in here it cools water
really well and like even this tea it's
it's still really warm having used this
as a pitcher is going to help cool the
tea in a timely manner so by the time I
pour it into my cup and then take a sip
I'm not going to be shocked with very
hot tea and that is an important part of
gongfu job skills tea service is
ensuring that the cup that you serve is
not too hot to drink but still doing
that while with grace you know not
making your guests wait too long for you
to pour the cup for them so a little
tricks like this really help with that
yeah you're under another Constitution I
get that so yeah if you live somewhere
else and not in the United States like I
still am grateful that you're
participating in this because of course
one it's good for everybody to
understand and under which context the
United States is operating of course the
bean tree you've lived here before so
you know firsthand but as things are
shifting and as our country is is
unfortunately under scrutiny right now
because of our political platforms and
that scrutiny is not all negative like
I've been to places in the world where
that scrutiny is actually positive like
people are actually enthusiastic about
the United States current political
platform which means that they're
engaging with with our Constitution
essentially so I think it's relevant you
know so if you're in another country and
you're listening to this and you say I
don't need to hear this I understand and
I'm not
offended but I also encourage you to
also be a part of this because again
this is the longest-running you know
state documents state constitution
that's an action no
so there's relevance there and then also
to you know like the the ethos of the
United States at that time when the
Constitution was written is is an ethnos
that I believe a lot of the world looks
up to and so you know I think the
purpose of this activity and what I want
all of us to acquire from this activity
is understanding that echoes and kind of
understanding the mathematics and the
strategy that was set up at that time
and has been evolved and you know
amended to change with our changing time
but again like the the base and the
foundation of that document is still the
same thing that was originally written
you know the oldest state constitution
in the world
so yes comentary i know you're under
another constitution and if you wanted
to have a constitution study group i'd
be really enthusiastic and excited to
join that so I can learn because I want
to learn other perspectives as well good
teeth thank you for letting me take my
tea break
according to the United States Senate
the Constitution's first three words we
the people all right so that's one thing
I think we all know that's in the
preamble which I'm going to read before
the end of this session I will read that
and then my intention is that by later
sessions by next week and the following
Wednesday's we'll be getting into all
the different articles and you know
really getting into the juicy parts of
the Bill of Rights which i think is
really what is on the hot plate right
now you know in people's defense of why
or why not the government has a right to
tell us what to do
you know these are all very sticky
situations and not meant to be
intimidating we're meant to be
discussing this we're meant to be having
like really and intelligence and
understanding and tolerant conversations
with each other about this so we the
people affirm the government the United
States exists to serve its citizens for
over two centuries the Constitution has
remained at force because it frames
widely its framers wisely separated and
balanced the governmental powers to
safeguard the interests of majority rule
and minority rights liberty and equality
and of the federal and state governments
the first permanent constitution of its
kind adopted by peoples or
representatives for an expansive nation
it is interpreted supplemented and
implemented by a large body of
constitutional law as an in has
influenced the Constitution's of other
nations see so there is relevance of
engaging with the United States
Constitution because the first one is
the longest-running one and it has
influenced many others and you know
we're kind of bullies or were kind of
positive influencers that were kind of
big deals you know at the country as a
economic force as a military force so
yeah you want to
I think it's good to stay engaged with
that so I think that's enough of the
Wikipedia there's a whole bunch of other
detail and if you want to read it I'd
recommend you go check it out but for
now I'm gonna start reading zoom in my
mic repeater is kind of far away so we
the people of the United States in order
to form a more perfect union establish
justice ensure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense promote
the general welfare and secure the
blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our prosperity do ordain and establish
this constitution for the United States
of America there you go
Dimitri I am drinking a black tea a hand
rolled hand harvested fully loved black
tea from us on India this is called a
konoka a song hi Kayla thanks for
I'm talking about the Constitution today
intimidating to take on but it's not
that much you know like if you look at
it section by section and take it on
it's not that much so yeah I just went
through the preamble that was shorter
that was easy so we the people right so
that's the context in which we're all
even living today
I mean 1789 to today that's you know a
long time to hold on oh boy you're right
so every Wednesday at this time I'm
gonna do this and I really hope that
this turns into the thing I really hope
that this develops a following and
engagement and again I am not teaching
I haven't looked at this stuff since
high school so you know like and now
that I'm looking at it now I'm like this
is not that intimidating this is
incredible and you know I've just keep
seeing Constitution Constitution
Constitution protect the Constitution
and so I'm like okay let's do it let's
know what we're doing so that's what
we're doing yeah Konoe pass Tom Demetri
it is a very nice tea very smooth the
Islamic variety of tea plants which is
the broad leaf tea plant you had the
census varieties which originated in
China which thrive in higher elevation
more extreme conditions have the smaller
leaf sets that yields typically a
sweeter more subtlety while the Asama
kebaya teas which thrive in the lower
elevation you know kind of flatlands
common of Assam India as well other
places you know a lot of these varieties
you're seen across Africa and across
South America as well as well as in high
quality tea producing countries like
China and Korea and not Korea I'm sorry
Taiwan you will see this but it usually
does grow better in lower elevations and
that broadleaf yield a more punchy brisk
multi character to it and so this has
that this has that brisk multi-touch and
I say touch other than punch because
usually I would say punch you know you
think of like an English breakfast or
you think of a tea that is really strong
like milk tea think about like Hong Kong
style milk tea you know teas that that
you would add milk is sure to you would
want a punch because the milk and the
sugar is gonna kind of soften things up
so you want the tea to come through and
so that's why I say punch but this is a
touch this is like a little delicate
sweet touch and this tea surprises the
heck out of a lot of people
you know I always use the example of
high quality Chinese tea buyers and tea
tasters and tea masters because you know
their palates are refined and not just
their palate it's their understanding of
the quality of tea is really fit refined
and they say yeah I would love to drink
tea from around the world from India I
you know it seems were more it seems
more you know it's cool to try teas from
different parts of the world and they
say yeah but all the tea I've ever tried
from India has all been bitter and so
that's kind of like their way of saying
punch you know punch in the face with
bitterness or with harshness and they
say it's not sweet you know tea should
be sweet cuz you know in Chinese tea
culture they're not adding milk and
sugar to it they're wanting to drink it
like this you know just brew it simply
and drink it on its own and enjoy it
that way and I said no no no you know
you can make sweet tea from those those
types of plants like then they're
thinking that all Indian teas bitter not
just because of the craftsmanship and
processing but in the plant variety
itself they say no no it's impossible
the the tea that grows there is just
dinner it's rough it's harsh and I'll
brew it to you like this for them tell
them yeah this is this is a song you
know a song and a song is like a if you
go to a bogus shop that you'll see us
all on the menu it doesn't mean it's
coming from Assam it just means it's the
Islamic of variety a plant which could
have been growing in Vietnam or Taiwan
or wherever and yeah the they know Assam
to be like this very kind of intense
punchy flavor and briskness that does
take to sugar and milk well when I say
no this is a sonica but it's just made
with love just like how Chinese teas are
made with love they're made with
positive intention and attention to
detail and you know high-quality mastery
awesome I never seen it that way awesome
we always say like awesome a song but
learn me a possum the way you wrote that
so yes Asante can be very good it can
also be very bitter and harsh and you
want that if you're gonna be you know
creating a milkshake you want you know
that unique flavor to carry through or
else it's just gonna be sweet so back to
the Constitution We the People so the
goal of this is to form a more perfect
union establish justice ensure domestic
tranquility provide for common justice
oh I'm so sorry I read that wrong
provide for common defense
that's an interesting I don't wanna I
want to focus more on that one but of
course I'm gonna go back and and and
focus on promote the general welfare Wow
okay we're gonna definitely look at that
one and secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity okay so
each one of those let's look at it form
a more perfect union that's easy to
understand I don't think that that's a
polarizing goal so I think we can move
on from that
I get it if you guys get it I mean again
please like text your questions or
better yet like come to this link this
this link up here and we will talk
face-to-face about it and no right or
wrong answer this is discussion and and
you know of course I do
welcome that discussion to be relevant
to our current times right okay so I
don't I'm not wanting you to come in as
a scholar and teach us all these things
like these these have all been very
simple words that should all be within
our vocabulary a couple of them I do
want to go back and really dig deep into
them but yeah this is this is very basic
stuff so please ask your questions do
you want no wrong question establish
justice okay
that one's easy to you but just more fun
I am going to look that word up I want
to make sure I use that word all the
time and I just want to make sure that
like I know that word and we all know
that so merriam-webster justice as a
noun and was it uses down here Estelle's
justice yes it is I guess it can't be
anything else what am I thinking it not
a noun it totally is it out only you
know see I'm not that smart I just like
I'm open I'm open to learning new stuff
right so please learn with me okay the
maintenance or administration of what is
just especially by the impartial
adjustment of conflicting claims or the
assignment of merited rewards or
punishments okay the administration of
the law okay so that's that's a hard one
I think I like that first one better the
quality of being just impartial or fair
okay that's cool that's that's easy so
justice is not just about tit for tat
you know it's not just about like karma
everything balancing out it's also about
impartial or fairness conforming to
truth fact or reason Wow
all right let's me treat you just went
there so Demetri writes
let's talk regarding the Constitution of
how you compare the ISIL and isolation
process in different countries yeah okay
so this is that's the whole point of our
doing this guy's I like I'm like beating
around the bush you know trying to take
this step by step which I continue and I
will continue but Dimitri you want to
take it there and that's cool that's
that's what I want to do here because
that's the context in which people are
defending the Constitution in this
moment right now especially on social
media because social media and it's
great ability of connecting us and
letting us share ideas just like what
I'm doing right now you know has also
empowered people to to start utilizing
the Constitution as a tool you know of
their ideas which I encourage as well
but how do we how do we exactly apply
the Constitution so based off of what
I've said already I know I haven't gone
into all the details will do that and
following shows this is just a very
basic introduction of what is the
Constitution and what stands for how
does it compare to the isolation process
in different countries okay so the
isolation process itself so you're
Dimitri I think that there are like
multiple ways to look at this and so
maybe if you want to like comment more
about what you mean by that so there's
like the forced ordered like executive
ordered isolation and then there's like
this cultural understanding isolation
and I guess because I'm talking about
the Constitution right now that involves
government so I'm going to assume that
you're talking about like the force like
the executive force of isolation and
that is what people are defending and
fighting right now that the Constitution
does not give the government that power
to make those decisions
it's an intensity question but according
to these rules and just in the preamble
because I have just been looking at the
preamble I mean I guess I can go down
and look what was that the the the
articles that highlight what rights the
state has we would need to look deeper
into that and let me do that actually do
that that way this all gets documented
correctly so this is an articles four
five and six the rights and
responsibilities of state governments
the states and relationship to the
federal government and the shared
process of constitutional amendment so
that would be that way they'd be eight
four five and six and let me go back and
see how long those are okay the single
one okay I'm gonna read it for you guys
cuz it's not that long and we'll do this
again in another in another week I will
look at it I look at the comments we
kind of have martial law in our country
Demetri please describe more of that and
you can just like briefly briefly share
or if you want to share an article to
more detail described which uses sex
that's that's pretty that's pretty
serious and that's something like here
in the states we're not hearing about
the media is not talking about that you
want to come back to the USS funny thank
you most people are like we want to get
away from the United States and and I'd
say like hold on I must be patient let's
like really count our blessings and
really understand the context in which
we're operating but to meet you I say
you are hearing out you were here
talking with me now so that that is a
blessing in itself as well but I would
like to understand a little bit more
of the martial law that you are talking
about and while you are eating that
information up I am going to read
articles four five and six that revolves
what is the states powers and what is
the states relationship with the federal
government and the amendment process
section 1 article 4 Full Faith and
Credit shall be given in each state to
the public acts records and judicial
proceedings of every other state and the
Congress may be made by General Laws
describe the manner in which such acts
records and proceedings shall be proved
in the effect thereof Full Faith and
Credit shall be given public acts
records and judicial proceedings ok so
this basically says that the state has
jurisdiction it hasn't talked about it's
in the relationship federal I'm sure
that's coming exception to the citizens
of each state shall be entitled to all
privileges and immunities of citizens in
several states and the several states a
person charged in any state with treason
treason felony or other crime who shall
flee from justice and be found in
another state shall on demand of the
executive authority of the state from
which he fled be delivered up to be
removed to the state having jurisdiction
of the crime okay no person held insert
service or labor in one state under the
laws thereof escaping into another shall
in consequence or any law of regulation
therein be discharged from such service
or labor but shall be delivered up on
claim of the party to whom such service
or labor may be due section three sorry
I'm not going to do details to those I'm
really trying to just like point out and
highlight what's important in this
conversation section three new states
may be admitted by the Congress into the
Union but no new States shall be formed
or erected where erected within the
jurisdiction of any states not nor any
state before and by the junction of two
or more states or parts of states
without the consent of the legislatures
of the states concerned as well as the
okay Congress shall be I shall have
power to dispose of them make all
needful rules and regulations respecting
the territory or other property
belongings to the United States and
nothing in this constitution shall be
construed as to prejudice any claims of
the United States or any particular
state okay so yeah so then Congress
Trump's state I see Russia so now to be
true you've got like you like got me
curious about what's going on in Moscow
only have to do some research after I
finish here just because I'm curious
about what you know what level of
martial law and and all of that I am not
very educated on on Russian current
affairs but some very interesting Dmitri
thank you so much for sharing if you
want to share more please feel
comfortable to share more you can also
do not share more also feel comfortable
to not share more it is your choice
section pork the United States shall
guarantee to every state in the Union a
republican form of government and shall
protect each of them against invasion
and on application of the legislature or
of the executive when the legislature
cannot be convened against domestic
violence interesting so this is like
this is like where interpretation can
kind of give the give the executive well
give the legislature as well as the
executive some some room to do something
like martial law or unjust martial law
or whatever
the application could be I mean maybe we
should better define this word protect
each of them against invasion what does
that mean invasion of a virus is that
included and this is that what would
give the executive so the executive is
president is that what would give the
president the power to do something
crazy domestic violence so like protect
each against invasion and against
domestic violence so those are two very
broad terms that could be interpreted
very you have to have masks and gloves
everywhere to meet you what I've also
gonna look this up myself but how are
the numbers in Russia because someone
was telling me one of my conspiracy
theorist friends and loved him you know
was telling me from their perspective
and their research that there is a big
bias in in in how the this pandemic has
affected different countries and he was
saying that Russia hasn't been affected
so now you're saying that everybody has
to have masks and gloves everywhere and
what is the consequence if you don't
have masks and gloves that's interesting
I know here in the States
like I was saying right in the
Constitution each state has a
jurisdiction to create their own rules
of how they want and and president Trump
here in the beginning of this pandemic
was very clear in saying that he was
going to allow the states all to make
their own decisions and how things would
work out and of course support them and
and like I just said here when things
really get crazy the legislature as well
as the executive will the alleged
legislature first but if they can't
convene and take care of something than
the exact
it has the right to take care of
something and protecting us from
invasion or domestic violence but the
states do have that power
in some states and even some counties
have very different that's so
interesting like one you could be in one
city like I want to go visit my sister
in Fresno and Fresno has a mask order
you have to wear them everywhere in
public like not if you're walking or
running but if you go to a public
what's deemed as a public place I'd
assume that would be a store or mall or
whatever what business you're going to
our public venue that you're meeting at
you need to have a mask no clothes but
just masks but then the next town over
or like literally one you know listen a
mall over you can go in and and they're
completely open including you know
restaurants being open I think so very
interesting how we've this country is is
broken up and and the powers are
distributed which is a good thing you
know it's a good thing so movie night
article 5 ok so that was article 4 I
finished all of our force that just kind
of established what does the states and
what power is that state has you have a
weekly pass for grocery store and
pharmacy only two times a week huh
so two times a week I've heard this
another place that so I have a friend in
the Philippines as well as who else was
I talking to where they said they can
only go to store once once a week
actually and actually only one member
the family can have the pass to go out
so you kind of have to deem somebody to
be your runner essentially to run your
errands for you but you said martial law
so you know and that's that's something
I'm gonna look that word up as well
right now just so that we can be on the
same page because that's a word that's
been through in our learn out a lot
martial law is a law applied in occupied
territory by the military authority and
of occupy
or of the occupying power the law
ministered by military forces that is
invoked by government and an emergency
when the civilian law enforcement
agencies are unable to maintain order
and safety so you said you're under
martial law so I'm assuming that means
that the local authorities are not
strong enough to enforce this this
ruling or this order that you're saying
of masks and gloves everywhere weekly
pass for grocery store pharmacy two
times a week that they have to invite
military powers to to enforce this
so yeah Marshall I guess martial law
doesn't exactly mean that you know
they're out and about the streets and
and unjustly capturing people or
whatever you know the whatever image
that sensationalized media puts around
martial law I mean I think there could
be room to say that martial law could be
a very peaceful thing right it's just
the need of additional resources to
enforce some type of order and that
could be like distributing aid right or
distributing goods or resources and just
the local authorities a little please
force the local state authorities city
municipal authorities yes we have
military somewhere in some regions
that's a polarizing thing you know most
military is just there they're just
occupied and just there even if they're
not doing anything aggressive or violent
it is very intimidating that's something
on in India so I guess so you could say
you know India is under martial law all
the time because their military is
everywhere and I personally have never
had an m- one time well it wasn't even
negative I just had a weird interaction
with military on on a train where they
were actually hassling and booing all
the local people on this train
and they'll let me go and didn't well I
was like purple and green in the face
because I was sick on this train all
night long and I think baby okay let's
not mess up this girl but I think that
there was an additional layer of
privilege that I had of why they didn't
mess with us but it was quite scary
situation cuz they just came on board
our train it was just a middle of the
day in the week early in the morning and
I was just a peaceful training they were
the the of the sleeper car and everybody
just woken up and we made a stop at one
of the stations and like six armed
military personnel came on board and
just started like they were like
pointing their guns at people and
telling them to open their bags and show
their they were you know just basically
frisking everybody and that was scary
and you know they I don't know what
their purpose was it could have just
been self-serving you know not from some
type of platform giving orders to them
to to do one thing or another they could
have just individually been exploiting
their power to get something that they
wanted money bribes or whatever but you
know just the fact that they're allowed
to be out and about like that with their
weapons it's intimidating you know they
have checkpoints at several different
places and yes there's a lot of like
corruption and bribing going on there
but I mean the the government is still
supporting all of that so they also out
the Indian government I've learned
recently is that they have like by far
the biggest like Internet cut off
internet and media cut off of any
I take a little time to find the link to
give you guys the exact numbers but it's
like several different countries utilize
their power to turn off the internet or
you know cut off telephone lines or
whatever to you know keep people quiet
or keep information from sharing that's
a very common thing
but in India it is a super common thing
and the like hours of internet cutoff
are far more in India than any other
country so I don't know I don't know if
that's this is really martial law but
that's just censorship you know which
that's all related to the Constitution
Thank You Dimitri for sharing really
appreciate that okay article 5 the
Congress whenever two-thirds of both
house houses shall deem it necessary
shall propose amendments to this
constitution or on the application of
the Legislature's of two-thirds of the
several states shall call convention for
proposing amendments which in either
case shall be valid to all intents and
purposes as the parts in this
constitution when ratified by the
Legislature's of three-fourths of the
several states or by conventions and
three-fourths thereof as the one or the
or the other mode of ratification may be
proposed by the Congress provided that
no amendment may which be made prior to
the year 1808 okay 1808 when that beef I
don't we still wrote years that way okay
shall in any manner effect the first and
fourth clauses of the ninth section of
the first article in that no estate
without its consent shall be deprived of
its equal suffrage in the Senate okay
so that's just pretty clear-cut not
clear-cut but it's just describing the
amendment process makes sense so
amendments article six all debts
contracted and engagements entered into
prior or before the adoption of this
constitution shall be as valid against
the United States and the Constitution
as under the Confederation okay not at
all news this constitution in the laws
of the United States shall be made in
pursuance thereof and all treaties made
or which shall be made under the
authority of the United States shall be
the supreme law of the land and the
judges in every state shall be bound and
thereby anything
the Constitution or laws of any state to
the contrary notwithstanding okay
supreme monolid get it the Senators and
Representatives before mentioned and the
members of the several state
legislatures and all executive
additional officers of both the United
States internal state shall be bound by
oath or affirmation to support this
Constitution and but no religious test
shall ever be required as a
qualification to any office or public
trust under the United States all right
thank goodness because I would feel all
of this but I'm also not seeking
qualification of any office or public
trust but who knows so that's it that
was that was four five and six very
short didn't really say much in detail
about what powers the states have you
know so you know I think we'd have to in
order to go further to this conversation
Demitri about how the Constitution
applies to these you know executive
orders of isolation we'd have to look
deeper into the the Bill of Rights in
the amendments
which I will read right now not that bad
so preamble the conventions of a number
of the states having at this at the time
of their adopting the Constitution
expressed desire and desire in order to
prevent miss construction or visa fits
powers that further declaratory and
restrictive clauses should be added and
as extending the ground of public
confidence in the government will be
best ensure the benefits and of its
institution resolved by the sent Senate
and the House of Representatives in the
United States of America in Congress
assembled two-thirds of both houses
concurring that the following articles
be proposed the legislature of several
states as amendments to the Constitution
in the United States all or any of which
articles when ratified by two-thirds of
the said legislatures to be valid of all
the test purposes as part of set
constitution so you see what I mean like
a lot of words to confuse you for
something very simple don't worry if you
lost me and and and what I just read
don't worry it's okay articles in
addition to an amendments of the
Constitution in that sense America
proposed by Congress and ratified by the
Legislature's of several States pursuant
to the fifth article of the original
Constitution right so I just read the
third article to you which I feel like
the fifth article is a lot easier to
read than this preamble but we love to
make things complicated okay okay so
amendment one and I wasn't expecting to
get into this today but it seems that
there's some interest so I will but in
future weeks when I do this again I will
look at these again and we'll look into
detail and maybe look from different
perspectives and apply it to different
things and so today what we're trying to
apply it to is the states rights of
executive order of isolation in regards
to our Bill of Rights
so amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof or abridging
the freedom of speech or in the of the
press or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble and to petition
the government for a redress of
grievances so yeah freedom seats freedom
to do what we want freedom to believe
what we want freedom to share what we
want just like what I'm doing right here
thank you for that rights amendment to a
well-regulated militia being necessary
to the security of the free State the
right of the people to keep it there
Arms shall not be infringed okay my arms
is a little different but that's my
personal opinion
that's my First Amendment letting me
choose which arms I want to keep in
there the Second Amendment is yeah right
keeping bear arms and then the three no
soldier sell in time' peace be quartered
in any house without the consent of the
owner nor in time of war but in the
manner to be prescribed by law cool
amendment for the right to the people to
be secure in their persons houses papers
and effects against unreasonable
searches and seizures shall not be
violated and no warrants shall be issued
but upon probable cause supported by
oath or affirmation and particularly
describing the place to be searched and
the persons or things to be seized so
that's a big one
again there is room for interpretation
there's room for as what is this up this
oath oath or affirmation you know so
what is this oath or affirmation so I
mean I guess that's like a search
warrant right like that's like the
official government documents that's
used for justifying a search or seizure
of something yeah Dimitry and so that's
what makes America unique and privileged
so yeah that's why I'm doing this like I
want to make sure that like we really
understand that privilege and thank you
do me through so much for sharing your
perspective because it's like it is
really putting into perspective you know
you're saying that your government
doesn't have these amendments but we do
so we should understand them especially
if we're gonna be using them to justify
our opinions about how our government
should be behaving cuz we should like
this is the document that we should be
citing and looking at and making
judgments on our governments so yeah I'm
curious about this this oath or
affirmation and particularly describing
you know like I think that this this
amendment could be used to describe the
right or wrong of these executive orders
of isolation right so from the citizen
point of view we could say you have no
right to tell us what to do how to live
our lives where we can go where we can't
go and the government can say well we
have a right when we have this oath or
affirmation and so that oath or
affirmation could be you know each
states has like their own written
executive orders you know so it could be
argued that those are the oath or
information of why they're allowed to
search or seize you know if you're not
following these rules so interesting you
know it's a slippery slope
amendment five no person shall be held
to answer for a capital or otherwise
infamous crime unless on a presentment
or indictment of a grand jury except in
cases arising the land or naval forces
or in the militia where an actual
service and time or war or public danger
nor shall any person be subject for the
same offense to be twice in put in
jeopardy or of life or limb not shall be
compelled in any criminal case to be
witness against himself nor would be
deprived of life liberty or property
without due process of law nor shall
private property be taken for public use
without just compensation
Demitri from your perspective from the
outside you know and I'm not too sure
how much media coverage you know you're
getting about what's going on in the
United States right now but you're
friends with a lot of people you know I
say it's obviously I mean you're friends
with me and you're watching these so
you're getting exposed you're hearing
what I'm saying about things and I'm
talking pretty freely you know over the
past few months I've been doing these
live videos and talking freely about my
opinion about what's going on what is
your perspective about like the the
privileged I mean you've obviously
expressed that you have some level of I
wouldn't say envy but looking up to this
Constitution or living within this
Constitution yet there are people that
are utilizing this Constitution to
justify that things are unfair and
unjust for us here in the States so as
an outsider like what is does that make
you feel like not good does it make you
feel like we're ungrateful or we're
entitled yeah if this think it's kind of
interesting I know it's just your
opinion and you're welcome to share your
opinion and not feel any any judgment
for that opinion or feel like you're
gonna you're gonna offend us or offend
me or whoever else is watching and
identifies as you know a citizen of the
United States but it's interesting you
know to think about that perspective
from from an outsider's point of view
maybe even maybe you don't feel like
people are entitled maybe you feel well
that people are proud and people have
the right I think they do I just want to
make sure I don't want to make sure cuz
I have no power over these things but I
envision that people do these activities
in any direction that they do them that
they do them with mindfulness and with
knowing what they're working with versus
just reading a headline on a clickbait
article and you feel they're more
secured ah that's a good one that's a
positive and like that that's a good way
to put it yeah yeah we are more secured
so like we're more protected that like
we can speak our mind and that's very
true I mean I of all people understand
that privilege and I'm grateful for that
privilege you know I don't want to ever
exploit that privilege you know and and
and let's me up the the word now the
word KarenT you know it's such a dirty
word no you know someone that has some
type of privilege and just exploits it
without understanding that I'm working
with them you have a monarchy you know
there could be some value in a monarchy
I've heard that before
I heard there's value in it yeah I yeah
I just I want to be I just want to be
coming from a place of gratitude but
also taking advantage of that privilege
like take advantage of it while at the
same time respecting it and you know so
I feel that all the time
you know doing so much work in a place
like India I keep talking about India
but that's just such a good example of
of a place where the security is it's
not so not so high or it's high for some
and not others it's a very big disparity
disparity and security there and you
know some of the things that I talk
about and some of the
there you go we have monarchy and then
you go directly to name me a single name
that's so interesting you know so it's
much more than just a monarchy it's a
single individual you know I don't know
if we could I guess with some people in
a personal opinion could say our leader
is specifically what we have that's
that's the law we have we have we have
our leader our law is our leader no we
have a constitution and our leaders
within that Constitution write the
executive is like one third of the whole
piece of that puzzle so yeah it's
powerful but we also have the security
and the power to hold that human being
with a heart in the brain yes they all
have hearts and brains we can hold that
human being accountable and so that's I
you know I think that's the healthiest
approach to this you know some people
say I have way too much patience I'm
like yeah like we're all so am I gonna
have like hatred no like that's not
gonna get us anywhere yeah we have to
have patience cuz yeah everybody has a
heart and a brain and we're all made of
the same energies so like let's get it
you know so yeah do me show you in a
very different situation and Wow what
what a cool experience to like launch
this event which like I was so
intimidated to get this thing started
I've been I've been freaking dragging my
feet like I started thought about this
month ago to do these types of events
here in my tea room and Here I am on the
internet you know broadcasting it to the
whole world but I was so how many times
has your Constitution been changed by
the monarch and more the last time it
was change I said 1992 is the last time
the United States Constitution been
changed and then I had also read about
amendments that it takes two-thirds vote
from all houses you know as well as the
executive to approve that so you know
it's not just a single one that can
approve that but yeah I'd be interested
to know in Russia how many times the
Constitution has been changed
I'll freak what those changes happen cuz
yeah then like the more changes like
there's value and change right it says
that in the Constitution I had said it a
lot all those like those words that was
like three paragraphs long that could
have been said in a couple of words of
like adaptability and strength basically
what the Constitution could have said
can you imagine of a bunch of hippies or
the Constitution we are gonna hold space
for everybody's thoughts and yeah the
change is necessary for adaptability of
times of culture but then too much
change and too much power
too much concentrated power of that
change within a single perspective could
be a person or could be an entire
platform or could be a whole community
party but just like one particular
perspective could be very dangerous so
you're in the process right now of some
change huh that's interesting I would
like to meet you I'm so stoked I'm like
after I get off this call I'm gonna um
I'm gonna go research what's going on in
Russia I hope I don't get any extra BOTS
on my computer watching what I'm doing
I'm sure I will but they're already here
I'm like I've surrendered I'm here you
know like I'm here to empower people and
you know do that thing so yeah I was
really intimidated to do this and and
here we are
Dimitri you're like providing this like
very interesting perspective on what I'm
doing right now and I'm very grateful
for that Kayla yeah YouTube I'm sure
getting a kick out of hearing this so
and everybody else it looks like there's
some viewers here so I'm grateful for
that and hopefully in the future you
guys will feel comfortable with my
vulnerability and would want to step up
and um engage more in this conversation
okay Dimitri I did hear about that so
you're saying the government trying to
change the constitution to extend the
president terms I did hear about that
and that's actually something I started
hearing about like
two years ago or last year I mean I it's
a thing for a while now that that rumor
and that's something that people even
joke about here you know but I don't
know if if those powers have have that
much concentrated power here
it's interesting the the concentrated
power here in the US is like completely
outside of the Constitution it it exists
and it generates its power completely
parallel to the Constitution and that's
what scares me
and that's what I want to change so like
I know I can't change politics I mean
maybe I could but the effect of my
change would be far less influential
than I believe the change could be
affecting Commerce and and that's where
that power is that I'm speaking of that
is outside of the Constitution nothing
in the Constitution says anything about
the rights of a business and individuals
within a business and yeah so that there
room for an amendment there you know but
I'd rather than you know trying to
implement those changes in our
Constitution and that that could come
we can Institute that instill that
change now all inspire that change now
because the corporate world the the
economy capitalism
there's no constitution of the
capitalism that's like it just is I mean
that's the beauty of capitalism and you
know I love capitalism actually hippy
that says that it's true and a big part
of why there may be understanding about
what I just said is that the definition
of capitalism is very different
especially the definition I'm using and
not to say that anybody else definition
is wrong but like let's increase our
perspective to understand this that
capitalism is much more than this like
evil greed
that evil greed is what's currently
interesting it right now the capitalism
is justice its exchange of value right
so if you think about it from that
perspective like looks like hold true to
counter true capitalism what's happening
in our world right now like we would be
in a state of harmony but it's not
obviously so we have to inspire
capitalism and there's no constitution
for capitalism maybe there should be
maybe I'll write that just for fun just
for shaitan giggles all right something
like that it's just at least just like
plant that bug in people's head and just
like even if it's a joke you know and
you know it'd be better as a joke
because then it would be easier swallow
and of course more viral which is always
the goal these days but yeah and Dimitri
we know each other from business context
right so of course yeah of course you
know how things work but this pandemic
is offering a very valuable opportunity
to inspire you know these changes that
I'm talking about so let's not be afraid
of them and just do it so I ended on
amendment five which was about you know
crime which is cool but not directly
related to what we're talking about
right now
amendment six in all criminal
prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial by an
impartial jury of the states and
district within the crime shall be have
been committed which district shall have
been previously ascertained by law and
to be informed of the nature and cause
of the accusation to be confronted with
the witnesses against him to have
compulsory process for obtaining
witnesses in his favor and to have the
assistance of counsel for his defense
okay more about the car
and amendment seven and suits at common
law where the value is controversy shall
exceed twenty dollars the right of jury
trial by jury shall be preserved and no
back tried by a jury shall otherwise
reexamine in any court of the United
States and according to the rules of
common law yeah so a lot of this is
about you know criminal law Amendment
eight excessive bail shall not be
required nor excessive fines imposed nor
cruel and unusual punishments inflicted
I guess maybe this is what people are
are associating our executive orders of
isolation with no I'm just joking
unusual punishment
amendment nine the enumeration and the
constitution of certain rights shall not
be construed to deny or disparage others
retained by the people okay and then
amendment 10 the power is not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution
nor prohibited by it to the states are
reserved to the States respectively or
to the people
or to the people huh that is interesting
the powers not delegated to the United
States by the Constitution nor
prohibited by it to the states are
reserved to the States respectively or
to the people so that means yeah state
jurisdiction is you know over federal or
to the people so that's interesting
huh yeah I'm gonna have to submit on
another week because I'm about to sign
off I've done one here for a while now
but I think on another week I am going
to look at this more because that could
be the answer the answer there's no
answer but that could be you know
something in here that
is applicable about you know like do
people have the right to make the choice
about how they're responding to this or
does the state sorry I'm reading so I'm
there's a lot of interpretations of this
so I mean these are all just say no it's
simple it's just restating that the
state has jurisdiction over federal but
like that the thing that confuses me and
that makes me curious about this is in
the last line or to the people so it
kind of you know kind of leaves it
open-ended that potentially individuals
could you know their perspective or you
know their rights could go over the
states but all these interpretations
that are reading do not address that
last line of or to the people so yeah a
little research that more and then next
week I'll start out talking about this
and then you know since I've already
gone through the Bill of Rights so I
have I've gone through all of the first
ten minutes and those are the Bill of
Rights and we'll go over them again of
course cuz you know that's like juicy
parts in yeah but the next time I do
want to go back and revisit the first
the first three articles which describe
kind of the government's structure which
I'm sure you guys will find all very
boring but I will like instead of
reading all of it because it is it's
very wordy
it is very wordy I don't wanna lose you
I will let you call the aborigine you
know break it down so we can easily
swallow it cuz it's easy I mean that
stuff that could be like easily
understood there's some visualization
and not really the purpose of what I
wanted to do this study group on the
purpose of the study group is to to
really understand what rights are
established here and how are they
relevant especially to what's going on
right now I think people need it I
I wanna provide this platform for people
to safely and calmly and lovingly talk
about these very deep issues and support
each other because that's what we need
right now we need support we need more
love I want to see it more we're all
under a lot of pressure right now and
feeling very confused and who knows
maybe something will come up this may be
our leaders will find us and they'll say
hey you guys that that's saying the
Constitution let's ask your advice on
who knows I hope we never know anything
I know nothing I know a little bit more
today because I read all this and I'm
very grateful and like I totally did
have to memorize those Bill of Rights
back in high school but it's been a long
time so I really like I remembered like
the first in a second and that was it
but you know I feel very good how do you
think good to see you
I hope you have a beautiful day there in
Taiwan I'll see you soon I'm gonna sign
off thank you everybody so much for
joining today for holding space for this
and for yeah wanting to talk about the
Constitution I hope it's been an
educational experience for you I look
forward to seeing this again next week
please come back tell your friends let's
make this let's make this a thing and
Thank You Dimitri much love good bye
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