Tuesday, May 26, 2020 - Quality Tea Processing, Withering

Video Subtitles:

hello happy Tuesday Internet everybody
good to see you today is going to be a
tea education session and I will be
talking about quality tea processing
specifically withering I'm going to be
drinking Darjeeling teeth and as I was
pulling this tea out to drink I was
thinking what what kind of tea education
can I offer with this that's relevant to
Darjeeling tea and yeah let me just get
this out of the way today on Instagram
and so yes something that is common
among Darjeeling teas and Indian teas in
general is a lack of attention on
withering which I have come to learn in
my travels and in my experience and
learning about tea from from real
legitimate tea masters that grow and
process tea that the most important step
is withering the withering stuff happens
right after hi Tanaka nice to meet you
thank you for saying hello on YouTube
hope you like tea that's what I'm
drinking today and that's what I'm
drinking every day and talking about
every day yeah so let's get started so
what I have here is a 20-18 a very
simple black tea Orthodox black tea
what's called Orthodox thanks yeah tell
your boyfriend that we talk about tea
and tea education so yes and in in
Indian tea terminology there's two main
types of teas that are that are made one
is Orthodox and the other is mostly CTC
both teas Orthodox teas are full full
leaf teas they don't necessarily need to
be like the highest quality full leaf
teas of what you would see in China or
Taiwan for instance it's just full leaf
tea so you'll see in this this tea I
just put in my guy Juan it is it is
relatively broken in size so you know
it's it's not the most premium in its
quality for several reasons and the
reason I'm going to talk about today is
withering just get some tea brewing I
want to drink some tea before I get
really wrapping on this subject so
whether it is the first step of the tea
process after harvest after the leaves
have been harvested and eat eat well if
your boyfriend likes to drink tea and
eat rice I suggest a Japanese tea called
good Maya get my chose Japanese green
tea that has roasted brown rice inside
of it so it could really satisfy a lot
for him you can check it out here all
I'll leave a a link of where you can get
it on our website I don't know where
you're located but you could at least
learn about it on our website here
comment leave it there that's good my
job very popular tea satisfying tea a
tea that withering is not so important
in green tea withering is not as
important as it is for black teas or
moolam teas but yeah get my check comes
from Japan very popular tea
so I figured you have the best way that
I can get into talking about withering
with you is to show you a video of how
that's how it oh thanks
Shiloh for adding that get my ge in and
I see AJ yeah kind of hard for me to
type into the comments on Instagram from
here you know my hands I should have a
little bunny paws little bunny feet if
I'm gonna have bunny ears and Buddy
knows I should have little bunny feet
funny so yeah let me cue up this video
for us to watch this is part of RT 101
class that is actually available on
vimeo Vimeo on demand you can actually
either rent it or buy it it's a five
chapter series really informative about
of course about tea but it has tea
processing mostly with like kind of the
viewpoint of science you know I'm a big
science nerd and so I like to bring that
angle into it it also has the history of
tea it has the story of how tea spread
to other regions
oh thanks yeah we're a very storytelling
based platform that supports tea farmers
around the world
so yeah on Vimeo that's where this video
is to not go so if you want to check
this out you can just search or you can
find the information here if you go to
Telecom /t 101
you'll find how to get access to that
video it's a five chapter video history
spread of tea you know busting some
myths around tea as well as some talking
about the processing so let's see this
will be good centered and looking nice
for you guys I'm gonna for Instagram I'm
gonna go ahead and switch the camera so
you guys will be able to see this and
enjoy it so let's start the video within
the main types of tea mentioned before
there are thousands upon thousands of
variations of processing those types of
teas harvesting typically only the
newest growth of tea leaves are
harvested for processing and consumption
camellia sinensis grows as a tree and
develops fresh supple shoots at the end
of its branches the bud the bud into
leaves or the bud and many of these are
harvested depending on the type of team
that will be processed in high quality
tea the tea master is sure to worry
about your pluck standard that is in
harmony with the process that has been
applied to the tea leaves white teas are
typically processed with the bud and as
little leaf as possible
younger and suppler tea leaves are
suited for white yellow and green teas
the amount of stem harvested and
included with the tea also affects the
flavor and qualities of the tea it is
important to know the optimal plucking
standard needed for specific teas when
evaluating the quality of the tea much
can be said about the quality of the tea
through its clear standard withering
almost all tea types must go through a
withering process as to allow the
moisture content in the tea leaves to
reach a low enough level for processing
each tea producer and tea type has its
own method of withering which could be
done in the Sun indoors or outdoors
sophisticated producers have even
developed technology to provide a more
controlled environment for the withering
process to incur occur to ensure
accelerated and even processing some say
that the most critical point of
processing for quality assurance is
during withering if the tea leaves are
not brought to a precise and accurate
moisture content across the batch the
resulting team may not process well and
could have office hour flavors oxidation
this video will be for another time but
yeah that's just a little introduction
of harvesting withering which are the
first very first steps of making tea
important steps very important steps I
wanted to also give some some other
examples of what withering can look what
look like and what good withering can
look like and what bad weathering can
look like and how it can affect the tea
so just a taste you know what about this
tea that I'm drinking it is a little bit
sour to it and that sourness is like
it's like in the back to the top of the
palate and and that's probably due to
the withering that the withering was not
done evenly and so that different parts
of the harvest of the batch of tea had
dried at different levels and so that
has a very significant effect on the
final product so you know in that video
I had shown several different examples
of good with good withering there of
course are examples of bad withering so
you know one of the best examples to
look at for good with airiness is in
you know the birthplace of high quality
long to you so here we are in we shine
Fuji in China
beautiful place it's not just a
beautiful place you can see through all
these photos it's definitely gorgeous
but I am trying to scroll down to get us
to the process here we go so you can see
here they're weathering this is actually
not in the processing area of the people
that we work with this is actually in
just in the street this is how we sean
is you know just in the street there's
there's a tea processing happening and
and this is the important step of
withering and they enjoy outdoor
withering here so this this I don't even
know where the tea factory is this
building right here I believe was just
like different retail shops but you can
see the the team acres out here
spreading the leaf just out on the
common area just like the sidewalk in
the city this is the family that we work
with and this was a batch of tea that we
documented them processing and you can
see them spreading the leaf all
throughout the grounds they're using
these tarps so that they can easily move
the leaf around they would you know grab
different sides of the tarp here to
collect all the leaf and be able to you
know move it where it needs to go and it
would go between sunlight withering
you know outdoor withering - indoor
withering and you know it's up to each
tea maker to decide how they're going to
do that but the main reason why you
don't see this type of quality
processing happening in places like
India is because they're working in such
large quantities that the land space and
time and labor needed to wither all the
leaf like this
I would be too much and I'll show you an
example of what they do due to weather
when they are working with these larger
quantities so here's another picture
from above of withering happening pretty
cool a lot of like throwing leaf around
I mean this is a very iconic image of
quality tea processing is the leaf
playfully being thrown around you don't
want to throw it too hard so that you
bruise the leaf and cause damage but you
also want to make sure that you're fully
rotating everything so that there is
even drawing - - every single leaf that
every single leaf dries to the exact
same water content before you move into
the rest of the processing so there we
go you see long tea usually like a
larger leaf set is used this term and
the tea growing world is called bond G
so it's like more mature leaf that's
used and before with their aim this leaf
would be way to moisture like way too
much moisture to be able to roll it to
manipulate it and to process it into
what you want come on Emily come on
probably sorry good queen is over here
crying to come up and say hi
then yeah you just wait there's a lot of
this that's happening you know you you
spray the leaf out let it wait 30
minutes 45 minutes and really the the
tea maker will periodically go and check
not scientifically check the moisture
content of the leaf but we'll check it
just with touch you know with how
pliable the leaf is and and and all that
and rotate it again
so here's even more views I mean this is
pretty much that's all that's happening
you know out in the area and when the
outdoor weathering is done the the leaf
will be taken so so look here she's
showing us an example of what they're
looking for
in the texture of the leaf before they
move it on to the next step so you see
her husband they're also kneeling over
and you know checking out the texture of
the leaf to decide if it's if it's ready
to move on to the rest of processing
yeah and this is assembly and so I'm not
going to go into the the rest of the
processing here hi everybody I have a
big wide everybody hello boo Quinn had a
rough couple of dated so today is his
first day being back to his old self
which is nice I was really worried about
him I took him on a bike ride a long
bike ride on Saturday and he
unfortunately got pretty sore so much so
that he wasn't able to like jump and and
really was kind of high jonell good to
see you
the Quinn say hi to Joan Elle cute yeah
so we were able to go on a nice walk
this morning and he you know did some
marine around and jumping around so now
I feel like yeah he's back to back to
his old self so now I'm gonna show you
some photos of what bad withering eye
looks like and why it is so hard for
you know like Indian tea producers to to
make fine quality leaves so let's see so
here's an example of the Heritage just
the Assam tea burger that we work with
this is actually pretty good withering
that they're doing here you can see they
are doing it in door but there's some
sunlight and there is a lot of air
circulation and the space that they're
inside and you can see the layer of leaf
is is pretty thin not as thin as what
you saw in the we Sean photos I was
showing you that was a very thin layer
you can see that there was really only
one leaf set and no stacking there
wasn't like multiple leaves stacked on
top of each other here there's a little
bit of stacking you can see that there
was a little bit of he's actually
getting ready to steam this green tea
this is the steamer so even this like I
would advise a tea maker to make an even
thinner layer than this especially if
you're gonna be applying some type of
heat or processing to it you do want it
to be a very even layer so that every
leaf can be processed the same so yeah
that's the final product after the
steaming but he has some photos here of
withering that's after the green tea has
been steamed and they're sorting the the
broken leaf and maybe different sides
leaf from that
okay so here's an example of like bad
withering like really bad withering and
this is very typical like any tea
factory you go to in India even like the
specialty tea factories in the high
quality tea factories of Darjeeling
you're gonna see these very thick layers
of leaf I'm gonna go ahead and show
Instagram so that you guys can all see
it so
let's see how thick this layer of leaf
is and this this here is called a
withering trough and usually they would
have underneath a like an airflow system
that's pushing air through here so you
can see this is definitely a thick layer
I mean this is a whole like pool
basically like a swimming pool full of
tea leaf it does look and sound great
but it's not good for even processing
and so you see this guy using they're
trying to help it rotate the leaf so
that there can be some there can be some
even processing so you'll Ponte you're
saying that you guys use like a
withering trough like this for you upon
yeah this is not ideal quality
processing it really isn't if you want
you know you can look at the example of
that that we shine that I showed every
leaf really should be on its own and I
mean you can see how deep it's like it's
almost going to his knees how deep the
layer of leaf is so you know there
definitely is not even processing
happening you know not to mention you
know everybody in their bare feet
walking around in the leaf I don't think
that's you know something ideal for you
would not see this in China or Taiwan
and in fact when I show photos of this
to my tea making friends in China and
they're very disturbed they get they get
sad almost you can see now all three all
three of them in there kind of tossing
around and throwing the leaf okay yeah I
wouldn't think you'd be walking in it so
like this type of tea is definitely not
the type of tea that we work with but
you know there are several factories
that we work with like heritage that
have what we call hybrid systems where
you know they have a necessity they have
these kind of bulk commodity processes
but then you know out of there
ashin and out of the future they're
trying to manifest for themselves
they'll say yeah here's the rest of the
factory you can see how big and this is
a small factory you know compared to the
there's a funny well that's it that's it
for this so yeah I just wanted to show
an example of what bad weather he looks
like and that's it and that's like all
of the DNT so you'll never get like and
even and even weather and they say all
of this there's air flow and there's
people rotating the leaf to instigate
you know more even processing but but
that doesn't even work and so that's a
problem and so like this team that i'm
drinking here this Darjeeling tea you
know I have talked I have talked with
them extensively about the importance of
withering and how that would be a very
easy fix to ensure that their teas came
out more evenly processed and sweeter
and more gentle and more you know
nuanced like what we usually like to see
but their main complaint is that they
don't have space they don't have the
space and the resources to do that more
mindful withering like what you saw in
the photos of the Louise shot so one of
the solutions that we've seen in Taiwan
and I think it kind of started in Taiwan
although you can see it pretty much all
across China and even some parts of
Japan too is the bamboo the stackable
bamboo racks that you can do the
withering so instead of doing the
withering all in one big open space
they're able to kind of condense the
real estate requirement by stacking it
and in that that video I showed you
there was one example of of how that's
been applied in a more commercial sense
with like an elevator system so these
are like the really big factories in
China that are producing
you know commercial-grade teas and you
wonder how are they still taste good
like how do they still taste soft how do
they still taste sweet
why aren't they like Indian teas are why
aren't they like more brisk and more
tannic and sour too right because that's
the main negative character that comes
from uneven withering and it's because
they are they're doing good with areum
but they're doing it in a more
commercial fashion in a more bulk
fashion and that's through a system of
elevators what a bamboo ranked work
instead of hands and feet yeah of course
but even more than that is not having to
rotate the leaf so much like what what
they they're doing in that that
withering trough in India so the those
photos in Lewisham I was showing you
they were withering out on big tarps or
cloths so whenever they needed to
aggravate all the leaf and rotate it
they could just use that cloth and and
pull that up to bring everything in
versus having to individually go and and
walk over but you know even in Taiwan
though they'll walk in those spaces like
they they may grab a bunch of leaf and
they'll they'll walk around I'll show an
example of that they'll walk around and
kind of sprinkle the leaf it's it's
actually kind of fun it's very playful
that's probably like some of my favorite
photos to take are of people that are
you know playing with the leaf and kind
of tossing the leaf around my son fell
down he is ruined now so here's an
example I don't know what these leaves
are actually withering it's possible cuz
the same bamboo trees I'm talking I was
talking about those same bamboo trays
are used in oxidation here
see how they can stack they can put all
the leaf and stack it instead of having
it all spread out on the ground so the
smaller space can hold more leaf but
this is more than likely withering let's
see how Fredo is going through and
checking the state of the leaf he's
probably already withered this and now
it's it's it's starting its oxidation
phase in this Factory I know I have some
photos of him and his buddies all
tossing leaf around
speaking of Alfredo Lin I am excited to
be doing our first taste the people's
tea tasting series the event series
it'll start on Tuesday June 9th
Alfredo's teas are gonna be the first of
the feature our first that we will
feature we are going to drink his as you
show know long his 18 ruby black tea and
his I guess I don't have a photo here
sorry guys but someone else and his ruby
white tea which is really a tea not to
miss if you if you join us just to drink
that tea that's good actually so these
guys have the elevator so this is this
is big processing here and this is like
long to you they're processing and look
how large these batches of tea are we
actually don't so they're doing outdoor
weather in here so this is the first
step when they bring the tea in as they
spread it all out for doing but this is
like large quantities and yeah so
they're throwing it so they'll go around
and throw it but that you do use these
cloths for aggregating the tea and
making piles so like it's out
they can pull the corners of the cloth
all in and make these piles and then
they'll go around and grab armfuls and
sprinkle it out like this lady is doing
right there and there their goal is to
sprinkle it as evenly as possible to
give even processing to the leaf so you
see there's a pile here so they have
just pulled all the corners of the cloth
up to make this pile and then when
they're ready they will go over and
start sprinkling it out like she is
there I see this is big field we
actually don't work with this tea we
work with this family in their gardens
in Taiwan and just worked with our
scheduling for us to visit these fields
but you can see how expansive they are
we usually don't work with tea farms
that are like this but we still have all
the photos
so that's oxidation process going on
getting ready for for for the kill green
and then the final step after that would
be the let's see how hot that is they do
the cool green and these tumblers like
this but yet these guys had that
elevator that I was talking about so
they do the first step of of withering
outdoors and then they do their second
step so this is starting at the shaking
oh here's the elevator so you can see
all of these racks these trays so these
are big so that's a human right there
give you a reference I'm sorry this is a
human right here give you a reference of
how big these trays are they're big they
can process a lot of tea here so you
know they each one of these trays is
like one of these it is filled with leaf
and I think that there are like 15 or 20
on each side so there's another there's
another rack of trays on the other side
and each of these trays will
individually come out and come down and
there's two people in there that will
pull the edges of the cloth up and
reshape the leaf to rotate it every time
you can see there the tray coming out
and then
we'll go down so that they can process
it yeah we had a good time in this night
this this was a fun night so yeah this
is after the weathering then they'll
start putting it into these bamboo
tumblers to start the oxidation process
to start you know so here you go
let's see this is the elevator here and
the two people in there are shaking the
leaf and kind of moving it around
rotating the leaf and after they
finished that then the elevator will go
up put the tray back in here and then
another tray will go out and they'll do
that again and so this is another tactic
for saving you know realists real estate
space so that they can do good withering
in a very bulk context this is not
typical of you know the small growers
that we work with but it is a trend of
how you know you see you see cheap tea
on the market and cheap meaning like low
cost low value tea and it still tastes
good and you know maybe it's missing the
nuance it's missing you know those
little details that make the high
quality possible but this is how they
are able to get the decent tea at a very
affordable price you know they have to
retrofit all of the the processing to
you know minimize size and all I mean
these systems are probably not cheap as
well I mean each one of these trays is
an elevator it pulls out the tray it
goes down and they can rotate the leaf
and it goes back up and back in these
are not cheap operations here's another
example so this is withering they're
using these bamboo trees not not I'm
sorry not for weathering this is
oxidation so after the the tea has gone
through those tumblers to start you know
kind of breaking the cell walls of the
leaf in a very gentle way then the leaf
will sit for an extended period of time
in these trays
and the next day it'll go through that
kill green process so this is this is an
example of what the leaf should look
like when it's finished with its
withering you see it looks very
different than what it looked like when
it was fresh it's smaller in size it's
more limp and that's uh now it's ready
for processing when the leaf is fresh
from the bush freshly harvested it has
way too much moisture in it and it does
it won't roll you know you need to allow
this this process to happen see so
they're so scientific and that before
they stack each tray they weigh exactly
how much a belief goes into each and
this all plays into that that that
consistency and quality control now this
was like a very small operation like
what we usually work with they wouldn't
need to weigh it like this because their
operation is so small that it it just
like it has the the consistency and the
small scale processing cooked into it so
but here the process is so big I mean
look how many bamboo trays they have
I don't know thousands definitely
hundreds of these damn food trays that
are gonna be filled and put onto the
racks so they want to make sure that
every single bamboo tray has the same
amount of leaf on it so that there is as
even processing as possible no later
it's pretty cool this is definitely like
a very cool and so there's the tea
master there this is after withering you
know making sure that the leaf is ready
to move on to the next step you see how
the leaf looks after it's finished its
whether he looks very different than
what it's fresh
I think that's the final product
it hasn't been dried yet this is just
after the kill Green and after the
rolling but it hasn't been dried just
actually no one listens processed
because they're waiting it for final
there's the vacuum the vacuum bag so yes
a little a little education today
that was Taiwanese style long but
actually in China not a whole lot of
that kind of very large scale processing
going on in Taiwan just because of the
limited land size and resource
availability there on that island versus
China which has this very expansive
availability of land and resources to do
larger scale processing as well as the
intention of doing large-scale
processing so if you guys have any
additional questions you know withering
itself is a pretty simple concept but I
know that there can be a lot of
questions around it specifically around
like how long withering is and I guess
I'll answer my own question on that it
depends really on the team and on the
harvests and the bank Shiloh glad you
liked that on the harvest you know even
like the amount of rainfall that the
farm has been experiencing prior to
harvest will really affect the moisture
content in the fresh leaf and so every
single with the rain process will very
batch to batch and so that's up to the
tea master to know when not only to do
even processing but then to know when
the batch is done and ready to move on
to the next step
yeah because the last thing that we want
is sour tea and that's the main thing
and now that I told this to you you
might actually start recognizing that
note and tea now
it's a textural thing it has nothing to
do with flavor
even though sour is you know one of our
main tastes it's it's more of like like
a feeling like when when when you used
to when we were kids and lick the
battery to get it activated that's some
kind of feeling but take a little like
metallic shock sourness to it that
usually you'll feel like on the sides of
the palate or even to the the top of the
palate now if you exclusively drink you
know high-quality Chinese teas you'll
probably never it's not astringency
it's very different than astringency
astringency is the feeling of like
drawing the very different things
now a tea could have a certain see
problems as well as sourness problems
and you know that was really bad
processing assurance it will come from a
lot of things and perhaps withering
could affect the Australian scene of a
team but I know it definitely affects
sourness and the only way that I can
think of why that happens would be
because I don't know I can't even but I
get it you know cuz I've drank so many
bad teas right not by choice well of
course I choose everything that I do in
life but you're definitely not gonna
taste that sour note from like a good
quality like artisanal Chinese tea the
craft of tea making is so
steeped in the tradition of growing tea
and making and cheap tea in China it's
like just impossible like the weather
withering troughs like those think
withering chops which is usually what it
causes bad weathering doesn't even exist
in China they they figure out like it
they're gonna go commercial they figure
out how to keep the good with a rain
going in a commercial context but in
India they you know they thought they
figured it out with these withering
trout's and if you're gonna make CTC it
doesn't really matter anyway because the
CTC you're gonna create so much of the
tannins that it'll just wipe out any
other negative attributes to the tea now
when you start noticing that taste is
whatever the farmer tries to make
quality teas so like orthodox teas or
qualities teas that are meant to be soft
and more subtle that sourness is going
to come out so yeah the sourness is
totally coming out and it's tea and the
the grower that makes this tea does work
and you know a very small scale compared
to their counterparts there in in India
but even their withering is still very
you know they're trough sorry are
usually like this thing maybe two inches
which is too much and it has forced air
coming through and that's how they
justify saying oh well there's forced
air so that's how things are more evenly
processed and it needs more than just
that so when they make like the very
small batches of tea for us and they use
the withering troughs and keep a very
thin layer of leaf in it because it's
such a small batch of tea the tea comes
out great you know this is this is like
one of their more like bulk grades of
tea that they sent me a sample of and
I'm sure that they had stacked it you
know at least to two inches deep and
it's with
I know they did a great job at other
aspects of the the processing the the
oxidation which is very typical of
Darjeeling a little bit green to it you
can see this is this has been steeped
three times so you can see there's a
little bit of a green hint tent to
believe it's not fully oxidized it's not
fully browned and so it's nice and it's
pretty even the oxidation like the the
variation of green to you know the more
oxidized Brown is pretty consistent
throughout all the leaf but it is broken
so in that breaking process which I've
seen them in their sorting they like
purposefully break the leaf after
processing it which I don't get I told
them you just have to stop that
it's just have it you know a lot of the
workers that work in this factory used
to work in the estate factories and so
they just brought a lot of the habits
that they had from those from those
factories to this one but yeah we'll get
like like when I go to Nepal a hundreds
of small growers that like hear about
our coming and will come bring tea
samples and ask for our feedback and ask
us to buy the tea and so of course like
if I have the time we'll definitely line
them up and taste all of them and doing
the trial by fire you know which is the
very harsh steeping of the tea with like
boiling water for five minutes it's a
very good way to just like take one tiny
little sip and and identify all of these
hi Gabby good to see you happy Tuesday
and identify these discrepancies and
problems in the tea there - tannic but
definitely too sour
and I thought my feedback to them is
like hey if you're gonna like come bring
me a tea you know you could have a batch
that's only like a key little gig and
that would be impressive like but you
know they they're in such a
commodity mentality like every other
buyer that approaches them is looking
for the large quantities and is looking
for the lowest price so they've been
conditioned that way Oh for a buyer is
here we need to you know get get them a
sample of our best batch of team you
know if we got we got two tons on deck
ready to go for them and there's two
parts wrong to that one the tea is
probably not gonna be good because
you're gonna be forced to cut corners
and and and do things to make that big
of a batch and to like the quality
buyers aren't looking for that quantity
of tea their wine something more
exclusive maybe not as exclusive as one
key will a consumer would want that but
you know a company like ours like I can
legitimately bring on like five kilos of
tea and successfully enter that into the
market and build a name for that tea
maker in the market even with five kilos
of tea and so that's I talent I say next
time I come just make a small batch and
bring that sample to me and pay very
close attention any weathering make sure
that of all the steps make sure that
that's the one that you like are very
gentle and very mindful and very
conservative with and so we'll see you
next time I go you know how things
change and and how the mentality changes
I don't know this pandemic could you
know switch things to go in either
direction and don't know but it's still
a drinkable team just just not my
favorite it has like a very nice fruity
note to it it does have the the high
elevation Himalayan temprano to it it's
just salary you know and a simple step
not a simple step not so simple but
simple enough you know is is the key to
to bringing this level way
so many notches up and from like an
economic standpoint right that's what I
always try to explain to people when I
travel and they say oh this is like this
is gonna be too much effort in too much
labor for us to implement this we'll
never be able to do it I say so the tea
like this the the highest price that
you'll get in the market for this is
this is high balling it but seven
dollars a kilo is the highest price that
you're gonna get for this in the market
versus if you put that extra step and
extra intention and your withering
process I don't know how much additional
labor costs and expenses that brings in
to your production costs but it could
elevate the the market price of your tea
to thirty dollars a kilo which is like a
big difference you know I wouldn't think
that the increased labor cost cost and
resource costs to acquire that level of
quality would I still think that there's
an opportunity there a legitimate
opportunity and not just for more money
but for like more prestige and more
dignity in the product that you're
making that you know your product would
be highly regarded I wouldn't see a tea
like this making it into you know like
the the masters line of a really fancy
brand this team would just make it into
a tea bag of that fancy brand and
probably blended with other things to
enhance and and kind of detour that sour
no in the tea so yeah I hope you guys
enjoyed the session today again I am
really trying to remind everybody about
the exclusive tasting events that we'll
be doing and we'll be talking about
like this but also tasting teas together
and talking about the people in the
places thank you Shiloh thank you for
always engaging you know I think of
everybody on the internet you're the
most engaged with with all the virtual
things going on right now so it's it's
really great to see you engaged and
communicating being a part of it so yeah
that tasting series starts on Tuesday
June 9th at noon pacific time if you
want to participate in these tastings
especially this first one you hi
landlady you've got I am doing really
well I hope you're doing well too
you should get your order in by Monday
of next week so that way there is ample
time for you to receive the samples of
your tea thank you Joe Nell thank you so
much for being a part of this - I hope
you're doing well you and your dog and
then also something else to keep in mind
if you order all six tastings at one
time in each profile page or each event
page for each tasting has this option on
it so there's like a drop-down menu that
lets you select you know what type of
product you want to purchase if you
select all six tastings at once there's
a major discount and free shipping so
you know it just it's a pretty wise
decision just to do all six at one time
and you don't have to do all of the live
events with us of course that's going to
be like the most engaging and the most
interactive but these videos will replay
so you can watch them on your own time
or you can just taste the teas on your
own time - and just reference our
website and the text there depending on
how you want to take your media I don't
know how you want it right now
everybody's really into these
interactive life experiences so I fully
embrace it and fully you know supported
add some value to that world so yeah if
you just visit our website T and it's
people it is like the first option that
you can see is these tasting events and
I'd love to see you there again you got
to put your order in by Monday so time
is ticking on that would love to see you
all there
all right well with that I'm going to be
signing off much blessings much love
much Aloha to everybody out there I hope
you have a beautiful rest of your
oh great I'll check out your website on
juni thank you so much long lady are you
is this a blog or is this a retail site
yeah you can totally pick up while
social distancing and actually jonell
the Tea Room is open you know for for
tasting so if you want to schedule
something you can reach out to me but
yeah and you can definitely pick up
those those teas while you come here or
I am doing free delivery for Las
vegas-based customers of orders of at
least $40 so if you do all six tastings
I can even go deliver that to you maybe
I can meet your dog
that'd be fun I bring the coin over they
can meet each other alright don't oh
yeah check that out on the website and
yeah have a beautiful rest of your day
your evening your week and I will see
you tomorrow for our Constitution study
group have a lot of exciting stuff to to
share with that tomorrow
cool I'll see you guys much love

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