Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - The Path to Truth
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Going on the Internet, do you
guys like my look today? I was
looking for something high
Internet happy Tuesday. Happy
May 12. Good to see everybody
and have a nice conversation
today about truth. it's
something that a lot of us are
it really focus on these days
and really wanting you know I
as someone you know, I posted
that they felt like what
humanity needed. most right now
is just the truth so. I was
speaking with a friend last
night and we're talking about
truth and how tricky it is and
how like ever changing it is at
the same time how it's not ever
changing cuz the truth is the
truth. That is what it is and
so why is it so hard for us to
get our hands on so so yeah,
I'm gonna talk a little bit
about that today made a little
bit of a revelation last night
in the conversation with my
friend so I wanna share it with
you guys today and you know
how. Relates to tea and how
that relates to our work is
a hundred percent of the work
that we do here at tela and
what we strive for to provide
for the industry and and really
not just for the tea industry
specifically, but for the world
at large and how we can make.
Not necessarily the truth
itself because that I would
never guarantee that that that
I would always be able to
provide hi Allison Good to see
you thanks for tuning in right
cuz it's always changing. you
know your idea of the truth or
what we believe to be is the
truth is something and that is
constantly changing so you know
to guarantee and to verify that
you're constantly gonna be
providing the truth to quite
irresponsible to do and. you
know, it's something that we at
TX say that we provide and
strive to provide to our
network of of tea producers and
buyers. But
The only way that I feel
confident saying that and
saying that we are focused on
the truth and the truth is that
we're not providing the truth
itself. We are providing a
platform for perspectives right
and so the more increased your
perspective is.
The closer we can get to the
truth. It's a funny thing
though, because it's like with
knowledge in general, people
always say the more you learn
about tea. the more you learn
that you know nothing same
thing could be said about the
truth. the more you increase
your perspective and the more
exposure to the truth that you
get the more you realize really
I I don't know anything here so
it's a very complicated thing
and for those seeking truth, if
you're watching this right now
and you're identifying with
what I'm saying and you're
feeling like. Yeah I wish. Why
Why is the truth? not not that
hard? So Tommy says. That's the
whole point of science strive
for the best understanding
possible and abandoned
abandoned all perspective
shifting to new ones as better
info comes to like of course,
right, so tell me you hit the
nail right on the head of what
we need to do to increase our
capacity for truth. how do we
stay focused on that and not
married to one perspective of
truth that we feel serves us
Because then that would
handicap us from continuing the
cycle as you as you had so
elegantly put there as science.
it's a beautiful thing about
science. I'm a big fan of
science. I'm a scientist
myself. so it's it's like
second nature for me to to to
think in that way but I think
that they're understanding
somebody or. Community of
people or you know a whole
Organization of people
understanding their perspective
and potentially their
commitment to one perspective
of truth that they have is part
of the bigger picture of truth
as well. so you know this kind
can get you into the spiritual
realm and where this
conversation becomes very
interesting is when we can. To
those two worlds, so the world
of science in the world of
spirituality and apply it our
seeking of truth. That's it so
before I get deep into this
conversation and I don't have
any industry updates. There's
nothing you know I've I've been
doing updates almost every day
now and it's all kind of the
same story but the reason why I
got inspired to talk about this
not only because of my
conversation last night, but
because I saw an article about
a company in Australia that is
going to be applying blockchain
or saying that they're. Going
to apply blockchain technology
to provide between trade of
Australia and China And T is
part of that as well as other
food food supply chains. So you
know the whole idea of
prominence is based on truth
and you know you think of
something like the closest
thing that we have to an
infrastructure in the tea
industry. that addresses this
topic is fair trade. It's like
the old. Like Verification Seal
brand that we can we've learned
to trust that holds some truth
that we believe in but there's
a lot of criticism of that
system that it's it's started
with a good intention. It
started with this intention of
providing the truth to the
consumer to the market but it's
kinda spiraled into something
that's not really the truth so
Yeah, that's a. It's a
difficult it's a difficult
thing to think about you know
is that good enough you know
and then with with blockchain.
So now we're coming along all
companies and Hi Joe. I'm happy
to hear that you're working. So
this weekend, then I'm gonna
have to do a special one this
weekend for the folks that are
working now cuz I'm not doing
them on the weekends anymore.
I'm just doing them during the
week and actually I'm thinking
about potentially taking a long
weekend this weekend just
because been a lot but yeah, I
miss you. Hi good to see you I
saw those samples might be
getting to you soon. so that's
good news. so Tommy you asked
about rainforest Alliance.
That's another one I fair trade
is like the most powerful one.
It's the most well-known one.
It's you know the one that you
see all over the place. So
that's why I brought that one
up. But It's the same thing you
know, it's like it's only
verifying a certain perspective
on that truth. oh good team.
hope you like it, hope you like
all those samples If you like
that, Amber Oolong you better
order it cuz I only have one
bag left the the ball long from
the fall that first successful
batch. I only have one bag left
so anybody that likes that
Amber. If you wanna order it,
It's gonna be. I'm actually
gonna take it off the catalog,
but because I say it here,
You-know-who orders the next
that's it. It's a really nice
tea. I am going to drink some
Shaul from 2014 from
Just cuz we're talking truth,
This is a good thing for the
truth. But yeah, things like
rainforest alignment or a
rainforest Alliance or fair
trade certification, or I mean
even organic USDA organic to a
certain degree is only
verifying the truth within a
very limited perspective. It's
not. it's it's it's not all
encompassing and and it
wouldn't ever be able to right
cuz the truth is some expansive
thing that we would never know
every little detail of what the
truth is, and so with that I am
going in my typical style kinda
look up the word truth in the
dictionary cuz any time that we
have like this very deep
conversations about words that
we just kind of. For granted in
our vocabulary, I think it's
always really important to look
up the words and make sure that
everybody is on the same page
about what we're talking about.
in in the words that we're
using and I know the truth is
something that we probably
don't have to argue much about
what it means, but I'm just
gonna go through this practice
cuz it's just it's for me. It
helps me process these things
and hopefully it'll help you
process this conversation as a
10 so Merriam Webster says.
First definition is the body of
real things events and facts
actuality the state. Being the
case fact transcendent a
fundamental or spiritual
reality, huh. Tell me there. It
is that's the the scientific in
the spiritual definition right
there trying to send it
fundamental or spiritual
reality, so that reality
doesn't always necessarily have
to be you know. Made of wood
and and touchable and and
something that we can sense it
could be ideas emotions
energies of things that we
can't see all the things that
we usually sum up with some
kind of spiritual context. So I
think it's really important as
we have this conversation to
include that side of truth and
what we're talking about cuz
those are powerful things so
the state of someone's emotions
or. Energies that are non
measurable within an ecosystem
that you're speaking of or
thinking of does contribute to
the truth to the actuality.
There's several more
definitions that are all kind
of similar. Fidelity to an
original or to a standard
sincerity and action character
and utterance. That's a nice
one. I like that. Relating to
the truth and uncertainty there
of in the immortal words of
Jack Nicholson's Joker who do
you trust? Yeah there you go
who do you trust so for me?
You can't trust somebody or
something that's definite, even
though that's the truth. The
truth is the definite thing as
these definitions I say here,
but we are only perceives of
the truth. We are not We are
the truth, but if we in our
like consciousness and in our
reasoning of the truth, we are
we are only perceives of the
truth. So I trust people that
understand that and that are.
Flexible and open minded of
increasing that perspective cuz
someone that has traveled the
world and lived with other
cultures and lived in different
situations, not just
community-based cultural
situations, but just different
climates and different
environmental impacts and
different, you know situations
their perspectives have been
increased so much that they are
actually. To the truth and then
being closer to the truth, they
probably know that they are far
from the truth. but you know
who do you trust? I say and
what I try to embody because
I'm trying to ask all of you to
trust me. I'm trying to ask an
entire industry to trust my
company and I'm trying to ask
an entire world to trust my
ideology. that it's not the
truth cuz it's gonna be
changing but that it's the
closest to the truth that it
can possibly be which is
through perspective. Increased
perspective having as much
perspective and the
perspectives are all within
each one of us as individuals.
so I have my perspective and if
I let my ego take control on
that I I would put all the
trust in my own perspective and
saying I'm responsible for
increasing that perspective and
sharing that perspective. So
you know I would become someone
that would be constantly
writing books and constantly
just getting my perspective out
there and getting people to
follow my specific perspective
and. I don't think that's
that's the right thing to do.
you know I I do have an
interesting perspective.
There's flaws to it. I make
but there are so many other
perspectives out there and if
they're all brought together
you can get pretty darn close
to this increased perspective
that we're talking about and so
my goal in trying to build your
trust and trying to build the
world's trust is in. Increasing
that perspective and building a
platform like acting as a
platform that's allows those
perspectives to intermingle to
share information and to grow
together to get closer to the
truth. Some people say that
there's no place for that in
the business world in the
market and the consumer world.
There's no place for that
because the consumer and I'm
not jaded enough to to be at
this point just yet. but I have
a lot of friends. a lot of
people that I respect and that
I look up to that are jaded
that do believes that the world
is not ready for truth that the
world is not ready for
increased perspective. I need
to stop saying the world is not
ready for truth because. We're
ready for it will we ever fully
get it? no never and to assume
that we will is irresponsible
but it's the world ready for
having their perspectives
challenge and having them
increase and expanded. that's
what people say you know the
sheeps are not ready for that
and I I have a lot more
optimism in the world that. A
consumer that people are ready
for that increased perspective.
So with that, I'm gonna look at
the word perspective again a
word I'm sure we don't have to
argue the definition of but
just for the practice. So
perspective is a mental you or
prospect a visual scene, a
visible scene the interrelation
in which a subject or it's
parts are mentally viewed the
capacity to view things in
their true relations or
relative importance. Alright,
so there That is kind of.
Overlapping with all the things
that I'm talking about. So it's
your ability to view the
capacity to view things in
their true relations. So even
in this definition, it doesn't
say your capacity to view the
truth. It says the capacity to
do things in their true
relations, so that's a relative
thing so that's good to know
you know and if I didn't look
up in the dictionary, the words
I would have never seen that,
but that's pretty powerful.
that's you know. so let's let's
go back to that that situation
where I let my ego take control
and I said that my perspective.
So says the world probably
would never be ready for truth,
but each individual has
potential to. I think, of
course we all do we all do even
the ones that are full of hate
and full of discrimination and
ego have the potential to be
ready. for truth or more
importantly, ready to build the
the ready to build the their
perspective capacity the
capacity to do things in their
true relations or relative
importants. So Hi Good to see
you Thanks for saying hi. If
we're going to become good
receivers, we we shouldn't say
I am I'm perceiving truth. I'm
becoming a better person
because I'm going to perceive
all this truth because that's
not how perspective works
perspective works, according to
the definition here relative,
it's all so even the next the
next definition the parents to
the eye of objects and respect
the relative distance and
positions. so the truth is. And
that was one of the first
things that I had said when I
first got going with this live
session. Okay, so just as I was
going over in the definitions
truth is it is like the hard
thing. It's this. It's that
it's these angles. It's this.
you know it's the existence and
that is not relative, but our
perspective the only way that
we can perceive truth is by
seeing relative to something
else. So you know if you're if
limiting your. Of perception to
say I'm only seeing truth, I'm
going to gobble up all this
truth and then I'll be more
woke. I I I think what I'm
trying to say, and this is all
the things that are coming up
now as I read this definition
think what I'm trying to say is
that we would be far more
successful in our perceptive
capacity if we didn't have that
mentality if we had the
mentality of I'm going to see
truth as a relative thing.
Perception on perspective. So
maybe that's related to what
I'm saying is so important that
you say important to keep
mindful of the impact of
perception on perspective. So I
think what you're trying to say
there is that our perception is
how we process. so let me look
up that word now too. It's how
we process what we see. So the
definition of the results of
perceiving a mental image
awareness of the elements of
the environment through
physical sensation, physical
sensation interpreted in the
light of experience quick acute
okay. So there that's a good
one. so it's it's how you
interpret based off of your
experience based off of the
past relative truths that
you've been exposed to so yeah
that is Super related to to
what I'm saying that's It's all
relative. And if we see that as
a relative thing as a
constantly evolving thing, then
we will be far more successful
at building our own
perspectives right next level
is bringing our perspectives
together. Okay. So that's
that's my call to action to all
of you watching to anybody that
drinks tea, you know because
drinking tea is a tool for
helping us with this stuff.
It's like you know, it's got
all the signs. Of the the the
and the caffeine that has
helped you know, triggering
your brain to work and our
bodies to be relaxed so that we
have less stress as we're
perceiving as we're perceiving
our and building our
so. Yeah, the important stuff.
Probably one of the more
philosophical conversations
that I've had with you, but I
think it's an important one Cuz
I feel like this is so much a
basis of a lot of the
conversations and a lot of the
arguments that are going on.
now. It's like why can't we
just freaking get the truth and
the truth should be such a
simple thing like especially in
the context of what we're
dealing with within this
pandemic cuz there's so many
like very polarized.
Perspectives that are that are
being introduced that conflict
with each other and all of that
all of that activity, even if
you like consume information
that you don't believe in that
you don't believe in to be
truth consuming that is
affecting your
Perspective. A point in your
relative truth, so we have to
be cautious of what we consume,
you know. I'm not like an anti
media type of person cuz I
think with some of the
negatives that come with social
media and come with this like
onslaught of information that
we we get exposed to a lot of
positives this right here, you
know, I wouldn't be able to
reach people and have.
Conversations and even increase
my own perspective, so really
all the stuff that I've been
saying here is like I didn't
write it down. These are not. I
mean they're kind of based off
of some points that I think
I've had in conversations with
friends in the past but just
this practice of being able to
speak with you and of course,
hear your comments. Tell me.
thank you so much for
commenting so much. it has
really help me. Bye. Say how
many straws we can grasp of the
haystack. Who knows the truth?
No one knows the truth on that?
they answer to that question
But our best success is going
to be approaching that haystack
with the greatest perspective
capacity as possible right and
we can use tools for that. you
know it doesn't it doesn't
exclusively have to be just
based off of our own capacity
that we have to collect data
that can. Help with our
perspective, there's nothing
wrong with that either that
could be a really powerful as
well, ultimately when it comes
to actually processing and
making a decision on what we're
how we're going to perceive
that perspective and and kind
of announcing that moment our
relative truth that we're gonna
take from that data or from
that experience of that. That's
where the the human comes in
and that's that's where our
power comes in. How much of the
truth do we get to perceive?
Yeah. Who knows? Yeah. I
totally understood your your
last comment about the needle
in the haystack. I totally
understood that as this so
rather than like having this
attachments to having to
consume all the truth and all
or nothing type of a thing and
I used to be a victim of this
was something that I I still
have issues with this as I've
gotten older. I've become a lot
more relaxed and I believe the
tea helps you know as. I've
developed a lifestyle of
drinking tea is really help me
kind of let go a lot of these
attachments that I've had since
I was younger, just it's all or
nothing. give me all the truth
or nothing
You know, it's a it's a it's a
difficult thing. It's a
slippery slope. If you let
yourself go in. so you say case
in point the evolution of
dialogue and T surrounding the
mysteriousness of prayer. You
know it's so funny, tell me I
was actually going to talk
about this in the relation to
this conversation. I'm thinking
Okay. I really wanna talk about
this. I really wanna talk about
truth and you know increasing
perspective and and and the
platform that I've I've built
as to it in relation to the
school and how can I apply that
to teach and I thought about?
That like there's like all
these different perspectives on
how T processing goes and you
know China in particular, their
culture is very different than
Western culture like we're very
science driven and we want
things to add up and we want
all the shapes to fit into
their pss and you know feel
really confident that I like
that. so I'm speaking of myself
as a westerner versus you know
Chinese culture is very
willing. Like surrender to some
type of that that answers the
question in both points are
valid, I think it's very
important, something that like
in the arguments of like people
that have read all those
different dialogues and books
around. Oh, this is why this
happened and that's why that
happens and there's a different
folklore to explain different
things and you know that's led
to people on the Western
society that need to definite
answers to. That end up having
arguments with each other and I
say, hey, you know like that's
their perspective. There's
value to it too. you know the
end goal is still the same.
We're gonna drink a tea right.
How you get to that end goal.
The way that you connect with
truth and reach that end goal
with the truth cuz obviously
like in order to do something
you have to you have to like be
connected to the truth in order
to bake a cake. I'm gonna use
that as an example, tea could
be the same thing, but the for
some reason just making a cake
just came to mind If you're
gonna bake a cake, there are
certain truths that you need to
like uphold to in order for the
cake to come out either. The
cake will come out like let's
say when you're preparing. You
like skip few ingredients or
you completely throw the ratios
of different ingredients off
and and so then the cake the
cake is not gonna bake right or
you over bake it or you're
under bake it like those
truths. in this case, the truth
will be the recipe
now you could you could say
that recipe is based off of
science, which is true right
That's food scientists. I used
to make a lot of cakes in sense
where you had a recipe that was
like the number of. Of this and
grams of this, you put those
together in a Bowl and you mix
it this many times or this many
minutes and then you pour into
this thing and you bake it at
this temperature for this
amount of time. So that's like
the scientific truth of how to
make a cake, but you could just
as valid bake that cake and in
a ceremonial sets and spiritual
ceremonial senses where you're
not really understanding the
dynamics that are happening
between the gluten the glide.
In the the water molecules and
the heats and you know you're
not understanding that and you
don't need to and you're
completely surrendering to you
know some like intentional type
of magic that you're putting
into your Bowl as you're making
your cake and it's still
getting the same results right
they're both just as valid and
so I think. I think you know
kind of explaining the mystery
of Chinese tea processing and
the text around there of trying
to understand it and this
happened just a few days ago on
someone on someone's Instagram
that was asking about yellow
teeth and some capable T
experts came in and said Oh,
yellow T is yellow and this is
the processing and there was a
little like they are Chinese
tea specialists in yellow is
pretty to Chinese tea crafts so
They gave a very valid
knowledgeable high perspective
answer because they've been to
these places and they've seen
that T process and the team
master explained to them as
they were doing it and there
was a little bit of magic in
the explanation with not a
whole lot of science and Yeah,
I mean that just led to more
questions but you know, Thank
goodness our friend Eric Scott,
who's a chemist he was able to
come in and give a more
scientific explanation of that
magic. so yeah, I think both
perspectives are valuable and I
think like I said in the
beginning, understanding
someone else's perspective of
their relative truth if it's
magic or. A science of how they
explained something is part of
the relative truth itself so
have patience have tolerance
for someone else's perspective.
That's like the first rule. I
think if you're you wanna be a
successful truth, seeker and an
increasing your perspective as
much as possible, you first
have to be tolerant of other
people's perspectives. so,
Tommy says. Don't ask why you
do it this way because it's how
it's done tradition tradition.
And that's okay, too. It's also
okay to ask. I think you know I
think both viewpoints are
valuable. You just have to
understand that the people's
views and have patience for it
and some real magic can come
out of that real magic. I use
that word magic. maybe I should
use it cuz it's in the context
of what we're talking about,
but some powerful increased
perspective can happen where
you just feel like this after a
snap, you feel like. Infinitely
wiser I was like how did that
happen. I didn't like read
anything or I didn't travel
anywhere and see anything or
experience something that
increased the intelligence,
where did that come from it
purely just came from your
capacity to understand someone
else's perspective, which then
started trickling into your own
perspective and I think that's
really powerful and that's the
kind of manifestation. Magic
that I want to happen within
hey Dora you're here is
somebody yesterday. someone was
talking about you. Maybe that's
why you're here now but
someone's talking about dori
yesterday and I wanted to be
corrected on what I said about
you guys about your your brand
and I thought maybe Doerr will
pop in here and be able to
correct me. I think what I was
asking about was if you. Of
your brand I had met somebody
from from Europe years ago when
I was in Asia you know studying
and at that time, you know you
guys the Dover, a brand that
Dora you know franchise or I'm
sorry if I miss Mislabel US,
but just the idea of the brand
of Dora was like a very. Very,
like it was a very good brand
for sharing tea. This was like
seven years ago and I had
mentioned that they said, Oh
Doss from Premier actually very
big brand in Europe. So I
wanted to I wanted to correct
that statement. so relative to
what I'm talking about today,
I'm talking about truth and how
do we acquire truth and how do
we trust truth and? In this
example, right here this truth
that I'm asking you to correct
for me or this perspective that
I'm asking you to correct. Yeah
from Prague in 90 - three. okay
cool. that truth is not based
off of like you know some deep
research that I did on your
brand but it was based off of
like a casual encounter that I
had with another human being
that like increase
my perspective. You know on on
your brand. And sometimes we
have to just rely on that you
know, sometimes we don't have
time to fully research
everything and we have to trust
the information to someone else
gives to us even if it's casual
information like that. We have
to trust it, but then we also
have to be flexible for it to
be changed and for me to humble
myself and ask you to correct
me right again. Powerful stuff.
See what the poore Does it gets
you talking about all these
things. That's cool Prague how
many how many stores are
throughout the world? Dora tea
shops and then something else
that I had made a statement or
an assumption on is that
there's like relative autonomy
of the of how you guys operate
cuz I've only been to one shop.
I went to the one in Ashland in
Oregon, and that was a very
nice experience. Someone else
is telling me that like the
ones in North Carolina and the
ones and the one in Maine are
very different similar but then
different. so I was wondering
if that's true like autonomy,
which is cool. very cool. I'm a
big fan of autonomy. Also
related to what I'm talking
about today and. 30 in Eastern
Europe and seven in the US
cool. Yeah. Teri If you're
still here Terry a friend Terry
she visits to your shop in
North Carolina. She was
thinking you guys have the new
shot. It's incredible.
Congratulations on you guys to
get that tea in know a lot of
businesses are struggling to to
cash flow and what not of thing
going on struggling to get the
new teas in particular is a
very difficult. Cuz it's like
Super sensitive and also it's
very valuable and so it's kind
of a high risk sourcing
endeavor. She was very excited.
She was very excited that she
had the new.
Tommy Thank you. Thank you for
listening to this Tommy. Yeah
the power of autonomy to
increase our perspective
perspective capacity. They are
all privately owned but
purchased through Prague. Cool
so the so you you you all do
centralized purchasing through
Prague. so even like the Shina
went through Prague. It seems
like you guys got your tea fast
and you go on Saturday. Cut it
on Saturday it couldn't have
been harvested more than a few
weeks ago.
You got it from. Some tea you
come to it from the garden.
that's cool. That's really
cool. I like that model, so you
get the centralized buying
power, which is really
powerful. It is but then you
will get the autonomy to be
able to run your shop and build
your own shops culture. That's
a lot of the Proms the problem
with centralized service brands
or not even a service Brands'
brands in general when they
when they have they're. Located
in different markets if they
work within one centralized
code, they can often be really
big culture schisms that cause
problems. Of the owners, how
many owners are there, so you
said there's 30 in Europe and
seven in the US, and there's
got to be at least a couple of
dozen owners right. That's
exciting. That's cool. Thank
you for educating me on all of
that increasing my perspective.
Getting the inspiration and
This tastes really good.
You feel good, I have to say I
wasn't feeling good today this
weather in Vegas. It's just
like incredible and what we're
in the Middle of May. It's
never like this. It's like got
a nice breeze. So when you're
out, it's still a little cool
but then strong Sun, which is
much needed right now. I can't
really see it on my Instagram,
my black and White face, but.
So, how is this all related to
Tet to what we do here? It's
the core of our work. You know
like I always say this word
transparency transparency
transparency and my friend last
night, he was criticizing that
you know he has his own
perspective on transparency in
business. he's it's actually a
real estate developer and so
his perspective on transparency
is very different than mine. so
he he doesn't quite understand
why I do business the way I do
why I have a business that I
do, but when he does understand
and appreciates is this pursuit
of truth and that's why we have
this whole conversation last
night that inspired me to talk
about today and so, he says,
you know all of these like
focus that you have on
transparency is like the way
it's like the way. You're
trying to make to your
destination like instead of
focusing on the way focus on
the destination. And so yeah,
that's really incredible
because even the path even the
way that we take is a
relatively what is our path one
day inappropriate to a true
reach that final destination
one day. it could be a
completely different path the
next and if you're focus on
that path, you're gonna be left
in the dust when everybody else
is on this different path or
maybe not that everybody
else's. That path, but like
you're not on that path
basically and so what's gonna
get you on that path and get
you on the right path. Every
day is focus on the final
destination So manifestation
manifest truth. So that means
to be you know my new and so
like this is just giving me all
kinds of ideas about my
communications and and I mean,
of course all with the goal of
continuing to educate about tea
and supporting the team. Yes,
erich's ice cream truck if you
want the Dow of your
destination, I like that. The
ice cream truck as the
destination. Ice cream truck
going around you know here in
Vegas. Actually things are
pretty wide opened up all the
restaurants have been able to
open at like 50 percent
capacities so the city is
getting back to. it's original
state, but actually the ice
cream truck where they're
rolling around the whole time,
But there's a little bit of
contention around that. But so
Tommy asked what are the
importers and suppliers that
people trust more tela,
Tillman, Taiwan T Krauss and
Camille Sentences are my
homework for trustee What do
others think and why do you
trust those guys?
So, yeah, that's important.
Yes, Erich. It's all open so
come to Vegas have some fun.
The casinos aren't open.
They'll those those will be
open for what we're in phase
one so phase one in Nevada is
like a hair salons and nail
salons and and restaurants no
bars, no gaming casinos and
then only at 50 percent
capacity, which means most
businesses are accepting
appointments only because you
know they have limited. Space
but yeah. Tell me your question
about like what do other think
what are what are brands who
are teamer T business people
that you trust. And why do you
trust those? yeah, I'd be
interested in hearing folks
perspectives and if you guys
don't feel confident you know
speaking up publicly, that's
fine too. You can send me an
Email it would be immensely
incredibly helpful. for me as
I'm you know investing my extra
time and extra work capacity
that you know, I'm not spending
on events or on you know
Packing orders and whatnot as
business slowed at this time, I
wanna spend talking about that
you know cuz my end goal is not
to become the ultimate renowned
tea importer T expert in the
world. No, that's not my goal
and I'd understand if you
thought that was my goal, you
know, it's all the things that
I talked about and the things
that I do but my goal is
bringing truth to help business
works at the core. That is even
bringing truth to how the world
works, but in my travels and in
the perspective that I've
developed in my experience in
life, I've found that it is
business is the most powerful
man made institution even more
so than politics and government
even though politics and
governments are very powerful
and have their place and oh my
goodness. let's bring some
truth to that too please but.
Think that by working on the
business ethos around the world
right now could bring a lot of
truth and happiness and in
truth is not just like I wanna
know if God exists type of the
truth, even though it's all
connected to that, this is true
of like fear exchanges of
values specifically around
people, but also around the
environment and you know all
the other. Factors that affect
I got a niche, not many feel.
Yeah, you're right I do. Eric
that needs to change because
yes, I have a niche for tea
right and if you think that
like my goal is to become this
ultimate T expert you would
think that like yeah, I'm just
gonna like fill this little
niche to be in this little
expert on this one thing. It's
like no like if I want to
become an expert on anything I
wanna become an expert of
helping people realize the
truth helping people realize
fair exchanges of value. Just
with tea, but all types of
business, I've just been
privileged with being exposed
to to tea and I'm taking that
privilege and running with it.
So you know I have no problem
in studying tea. I've met a lot
of incredible friends and I get
to talk a lot about a lot of
incredible things and I get to
drink incredible tea. So yes,
I'm very grateful for this path
that I've been put on but it's
it's not my only path. Even the
food story is not my only a
niche of transparency so. Okay.
so there you go transparency,
but then like this is it
shouldn't be a niche. It should
be like a norm. It should be a
mass-market thing. You know
that's that's my goal is to
take it from being a niche of
like it's qty. all that's cool.
This is like there's this small
company you can get you know,
transparency and supply chain
and stuff on. that's cool. I
don't know I don't want it to
be like that. I wanted to be
like if you're this
world-changing technology or
echo's not even technology cuz
this is gonna go beyond this
technology. This is a way of
thinking It's. Way of
transacting with one another
that you know. I just want to
inspire others. Yeah. So I've
got a from here on out and if
you guys wanna hold me
accountable for that, I wanna
focus on that destination
versus transparency cuz right
now. transparency is like the
path of right now and I don't
know where that path is gonna
be five years from now 10 years
from now, I just hope that I'm
on it, but if I'm like so honed
in on building this niche of
being transparency I'm
optimistic I know it should be
a Norman. It will be a norm.
I'm optimistic, Tomy says lots
and lots of info they share
shortcomings at times in our
open about environmental inputs
and worker treatment. Yeah.
alright. So you're talking
about like how do you trust A-
two business. I mean,
Ultimately, it's like I would
think I mean this is this is
what I what I think when I
trust A vendor. A product that
consume, but I. I trust
somebody that's like willing to
admit when they're wrong
willing to make. Yeah, we
talked about this earlier with
the Jack Nicholson with the
Joker question. Who do you
trust? I trust that has that
perspective capacity. Of like
not attaching themselves to
strongly to one perspective or
one interpretation of truth,
which could limit you from
seeing that truth as it fully
developed or evolves.
So, yeah, I mean when. So
that's why the only condition
that I have for farmers to work
with us or you know not maybe I
shouldn't say it's farmers but
for producers to utilize our
marketplace for selling their
products and promoting
themselves is. Their ability to
to answer questions and you
know not that they need a
certain certification or we're
gonna hold them to a certain
standard. The only standard
have is that they're willing to
express surgery. And that truth
may not be what we wanna hear,
but if they're willing to first
step to getting into the future
to change to get to where we
want to go is admitting your
truth right isn't that like
with it was like recovery
people that are going therapy
to recover on something they
always say that's like your
step is to admit your truth and
then you can walk. Same thing
applies here and it applies in
business and you know so
there's that part of it. But
then there's the other side of
like why wouldn't someone be
proud of their truth is because
of some shame or some negative
consequences from providing
their truth. you know and I
think that's the whole core of
why we don't hear a whole lot
of truth. you know. Even if you
were to like communicate
directly with the estate, India
like a colonial style T estate
and ask them, you know how you
treat your workers treated and
they know the truth the
managers or whatever they know
the truth. They're not gonna
give you the full truth because
they're afraid that they're you
know markets going to be
affected with that truth. And
so the longer that they delayed
sharing that truth and not even
just sharing it publicly, but
like holding it for themselves
and sitting on it themselves
The longer until they're going
to make the changes that they
probably wanna make anyway. I
mean you know they're not
people don't really wanna be
exploited like very people want
to be exploited and even if
they are in a state of systemic
exploitation, the the. Roots of
that are usually not in their
own source in their own hate.
It's sourced in their own self
protection, you know so It's
almost like we have a
responsibility as true speakers
seekers as truths, you know,
collectors and and and wanting
truth we have we have a
responsibility and holding
space for that truth without
them feeling potential for
shame or potential for negative
consequences from sharing that
truth. So that's why I think
it's really important that like
when we start our surveying the
farmers like when the farm
first wants to apply to sell
products, we put all the
questions out there and I told
them hey, we're not looking for
organic or you know one thing
or another, but we're just
looking for your truth and
we're not gonna shame you.
we'll still sell your product.
You know the only condition we
have is that your truth.
Ireland 1000 good to see you on
Twitter or Periscope I should
say hi.
Have you had any positive
surprises or unfortunates
honesty? Yes? yes. definitely.
yes, That is a hardest some of
it's heartbreaking and It's
it's the same thing you know we
do in our personal lives. you
know even with like a
relationship like a romantic
relationship, which is probably
like the best example to use
here because a lot of our other
relationships in our life like
family relationships when you
start talking about truth and
untruth and There is like an
underlying layer of
unconditional love that
completely change the
situation, but then when you
talk about somebody that
there's not that layer of
unconditional love you can
become more critical and more
betrayed and heartbroken
which even that is a lot right
there, you know if we could
betrayal with unconditional
love could probably. Empower
us, I say us, I mean myself cuz
that's something that I deal
with I deal with betrayal like
that's my big. why I'm so
obsessed with truth is is
because of the trail I don't
like to be betrayed. I don't
like to be told one thing and
build you know some some trust
with somebody and then behold
something else that betrays the
trust and there's so many ways
that can manifest. but that's
core the of it. I know. My
issue in is that So you know
when you're working with
somebody and you come to find
out that they are not being
fully honest or haven't been
fully honest and this happens.
it happens a lot you know
you're talking about business
and business is important. Tell
me I'm about to cut off here on
Instagram. I've I've been on
here for an hour, but I
appreciate your conversations
and in your questions. if you
wanna ask me anything more,
you're welcome to email me or
message me. I like yeah, I
wanna talk a lot more about
this. This is a powerful and I
appreciate being able to put
this conversation into this
perspective cuz it's helped me
a lot like just in this past
hour of rambling on and on.
Thank you so much for letting
me do that. I've I've overcome
a lot. I've I thought a lot you
And I hope that these are all
things that help you all. you
know. I know I'm talking about
the context of of truth and T
and T business in the work that
I do but I think that this is
something applicable to what we
are all dealing in our homes
now around truth from our
government from media from
businesses. from our neighbors,
even you know there's so much
distrust even among friends
around how we should behave
behaving right now, how we
should be perceiving our
perspectives of what's going on
right now and yes, so there's a
lot of room for love. I think
that's ultimately it right
there. Why a conflict with your
family member involving truth
cuz we've all been lied to by a
family member. We've all have
compromised truth from someone
that we love such as like a
blood family member, and in
some cases, it does the story
of that relationship that
happened in the past, but most
of the time it doesn't most of
the time. To have patience with
one another and if we're
successful. We empower that
other person to to build
confidence in their truth and
to share it. But the reason for
that success is simply love.
So, yeah, love more. If you're
struggling with this right now
not relating to tea but
relating to you know the
information that we're getting
access to right now from our
leadership and from our media.
And from our companies so you
know, I think that that's
another really important thing
that if you're a marketer
products. Or whatever you're
selling, I mean, even if you're
a cog in the machine of a
bigger marketing initiative,
such as fast food or you know
big brand. you're actually a
very important not you, but
that brand and the marketing
messaging that gets out is a
very important part of.
Increasing in people's
perspectives which is all
related to truth now, so you
know you may think, Oh I'm
working for a company and we're
just trying to sell our
product. Kinda like well, we're
educating people actually,
we're exposing them to to more
perspectives. you know it's not
just marketing. It's it's much
more than that. so Yeah,
there's some responsibility and
that as well. I put the link up
if anybody is wanting to come
online and chat with me. This
is very heavy subject but
Also, if you don't want to
that's cool too, I feel like
I've done enough of these
videos now in the beginning, I
think the the zoom you know,
kind of interaction was very
powerful and needed thing and
in the world in the community
as we were feeling a Super
isolated. It's kinda good, You
know now that we've gotten to
this point now where
we're building confidence in
ourselves as isolated beings
Finding ways to occupy our time
and if we don't need this
interactions as much as we did
need them, you know weeks ago.
When we when we first got into
this, but it's not to say that
this is not good for us. You
know there's there's a
benefits, but ultimately
there's been a lot of
negatives. you know, I don't
think that we are meant to be
isolated for too long
anti-social for too long. I
don't know if it's good for our
psyche. You're a single person
like me. It's like. yeah. it's
it's not good but I've been
grateful for good conversations
that I've had with certain
friends like the one I had last
night. that's inspired this
this conversation today around
the around truth. so yeah again
my call to to myself that I'm
putting out there right now is.
that I will no longer be
focused on the past but focus
on the destination and the path
will work itself out and
that's. Too heavy for me to
join, I need it. Yeah. get a
dog. Don't don't lose. hope
you'll get your dog. It'll be
really good for you. I mean
it's good that you're with your
family. I think so that's good
but somebody that you can
relate to you know on a
different level than you know
with your parents. would be
really good for you. so you
know keep keep focus. I'm sure
once things start opening up
there, you'll be able to like
get to the shelters and And
then, of course, all the people
that took in fosters or took in
adoptions at the beginning of
the stay-at-home order that
realize they're not pet owners
will probably be oh you're at
your apartment. now that's good
to hear. But I wouldn't doubt
that there's kind of like a an
increase of of dogs that at all
the shelters when people start
getting out of their houses and
really cuz I know a lot of
people took dogs in at the
beginning, knowing you know
that they're gonna be lonely
and that'd be a good idea and
plus there was also a need for
fosters right cuz if if the
employees weren't gonna be able
to go and work who's gonna take
care of the dogs, so it was
important that a lot these dogs
found homes but Maybe not all
of these homes. We're ready for
dogs and that's okay. That's
totally okay. So you know don't
be cruel If you don't want the
dog go get it to a glass or
glasses at all. He'd be a good
dog owner. I'm sure you can
have a little tea parties with
your dog here. It can be really
Bye. So, yeah, sorry, I didn't
have a too much tea education
in my talk today I just felt
inspired to share about that
and kind of my new commitment
in my brand and in my work you
know so maybe you'll see me
talking a lot less about
transparency and more about
trust or and not just trust but
perspectives and The importance
of First, having tolerance of
other people's perspectives.
Which Russ your own perspective
it humbles and empowers your
own perspective by doing that
pretty incredible. so that's
why I think that's a good first
step in moving forward and then
after that
Always wanting to increase not
just your own perspective, but
I mean I guess it's kind of
related to that first role. So
maybe it's the first rule,
tolerance, tolerance and
Or maybe about perception,
Tommy you brought in some good
notes about that. so. I'm kind
of like running things, so this
will all get written out in a
nice concise and a nice concise
way that that will bring
clarity to all of it. So thank
you so much for letting me use
this time in your time
interacting. I hope it's been
enriching for you for kind of
figuring this stuff out but
it's important now more than
ever and it's related to tea.
It's related to your personal
life. It's related to you know,
pain or depression or. The
things that you might be
exposed to right now due to the
pandemic. so yeah keep hope you
know. that's one truth. I know
about is that happiness exists
right happiness fulfillment
community. those things all
exist and right now in our
perspectives that we're
experiencing those things are
kind of not existing or they're
all like they're. Go and and
there's so many other thoughts
that come through that negates
all those positives that can
make you doubt. I'm feeling it
myself and I'm really really
optimistic happy person usually
so if I'm feeling it I gotta
know the people must be really
feeling it So yeah, I don't
think that we should let go of
our desire for truth we.
Continue to seek it out Put our
patients, you know, maybe focus
on the truths that we know are
there and that will keep that
hope in that optimism for us.
so the truth that love exists
the truth that unconditional
love exists it does for
everybody, You know it may feel
like it doesn't exist, but it
does you know I think that
could help out a lot of these
other issues that we have in
the world and our T. How do we
know we can trust that we're
getting good teeth
Yup. Alright, I think I'm gonna
sign out I put on for over an
hour and I feel like I've
gotten out everything I needed
to thank you everybody that
tuned in Eric. Thank you so
much always good to hear your
banter. Good luck with your
dog. Keep your keep your eyes
open. Keep your hopes up I
believe in a truth that's going
to come really soon that you're
gonna have a really great
friend coming into your life
soon. you know. And I can't
wait to see all the pictures.
Alright folks Well, I hope you
have a beautiful rest of your
Tuesday and I'll see you here
tomorrow. if you have any
requests of what you'd like me
to speak on, I think tomorrow
I'd like to do something a bit
more workshop oriented and
hands on oriented with tea
versus you know kind of this
high level philosophical
conversation. of course, if you
want if you want more of that
I'm happy to do more lives
that. but yeah until then.
Please reach out to me my Email
is info at Tela dot com or you
can just comment or message
through any of the platforms
that you're viewing this video
on alright have a great night
Talk to you soon. Bye.
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