Thursday, July 2 2020 - Tead Talks - Colonialism

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like real noodles so I'm having fake
noodles can you get good noodles in
London sorry can you get good noodles in
London Japanese yes Chinese not so much
that's such a shame
it is during cold it I attempted twice
one is making bow which was a huge
success but I can't be asked to go
through it again it's just made also but
the thing is in London the water is so
shitty so to make that you need really
good water and it's just it's just not
really yeah hey so you know there's um
there's a try soba in Japan you can get
they they put matcha into the the
noodles oh yeah I did nice love lost
Christmas you had some yeah that's
really nice we can have marchin noodles
yeah you can have matcha noodles yeah
it's called try soba it's like but
there's buckwheat noodles green
buckwheat noodles you know you can
actually have all sorts of noodles with
tea crushed in length we made noodle
ones really good how do with some dock
sign somehow it works really well
doesn't work well with duck shit pretty
all right this is duck bit actually any
circle I mean the original name or
something was honeysuckle today know
that weirdos in me
oh no he's talking about the team my
Chinese that means just don't ask
questions and just eat it good we get
hopefully this series paying me the last
few weeks but hopefully they want today
how's your new place it's good yeah
we worked out really well because it's
kind of like the first time I've been
every will centralize things so it's not
like story this here practice at this
place at this place not running around
town having to do multiple things so
it's a lot better for that reason good
how's Terre Haute everything pretty much
fully back open and you guys say staying
yeah we're in phase three which means
we're almost completely fully open and I
think there's only two 2220 cases in
Vigo County they're like a 3% positive
test rate so it really hasn't affected
us nowhere near like it affected other
places yeah yeah I see it's cut it's
weird because what it means is that
nobody here cares you probably see like
a quarter of the people with maps maybe
so you think since there's such a casual
attitude here that it would somehow find
a way to spray
I guess it just hasn't it's just not
here like it is elsewhere so that's why
most things are just opening up and
staying open no real fear of it being
shut down I think these four is like
next week and that's pretty much they
wanted phase four at July force and I
think they're on track for that so
hopefully things just open up completely
next week I bet you it would be a
different story if all of your
university students were there oh yeah
because we have three universities and
they'd be they'd be having all their
corona parties right oh yeah something
like that they came out saying the
students are like purposefully trying to
see who gets sick first the toying
around with ideas about how to bring
students back like they're like they
were thinking about we're just gonna
bring the freshman class in and
everybody else will stay online I'd
understand the logic to that but they
just want to find a way to get kids back
on campus without being it crowded
yeah which is there's really no way to
do that they're all in or not and all
three universities are well two colleges
in one University but they're still on
the fence they haven't figured out what
to do yet or how they're gonna handle it
so yeah it's not like it's not like
what's happening in California or pretty
much anywhere else anyway guess yeah
it's a problem you know all of the
restaurants you know that weren't in
such a hurry to open back up and even
casinos a lot of them have already had
to to do at least one cycle of closing
again and disinfecting you know can
someone test positive okay so there is
multiple situations of contact
tracing happening on my Facebook page
that's what's scary it's like everybody
was feeling so confident and like yeah
let's get back to work and get back to
life and then few weeks later they're
posting oh I went to three different
parties last week and I'm just letting
you guys all know that you should go get
tested like I'm glad I stayed home I'm
just you know doing my virtual tea
parties and you know I'll stay happy
that way you might buy a parent some
kind of Florida and they were in this
bar and it was very strict 50% capacity
only and they were there one night and
health inspectors came in and says okay
you know you have the capacity right but
everyone's too close and they say
basically it's a one strike rule and
they said so you know we're gonna be
back and if it happens again we're gonna
have to shut you down and they came back
the next night saw that nothing changed
and they suspended their license oh so
it's like even though it's the only half
capacity and they got that part right
and that's they're following the rules
in that respect it's just that still
everyone's crowded around the bar yeah
so you have to do the Florida I know is
really trying to get a little bit more
they're trying to enforce it I guess
better this that health inspectors are
everywhere all the time you just assume
they're coming in the door there the
next person coming in the door yeah yeah
I don't know if they're doing that here
in Vegas although I'm supposed to have
my health inspection you know my annual
is supposed to for the past two weeks
they've been supposed to do that and
they haven't come so maybe they are you
know at capacity
inspecting inspecting the places that
are having people in because I'm not
having anybody here and close to the
public so yeah right I have like a tea
room here in Vegas I'm based in Las
and I have a warehouse and then this is
the office I have a pretty nice science
teacher with a huge tea table that like
20 people considered I love my tea table
yeah it's a lot of people yeah but it's
okay it's manageable Jeremy it's
manageable right oh yeah yeah Jeremy
came for a tea party I had it was a the
royalty and music festival I put that on
every year he came last year and we had
I think we had close to 200 people come
through that event at some point
throughout the night it was pretty crowd
yeah we have like there's probably at
least 80 people there at all times
yeah right but in a couple of hundred
throughout the night guys
but I have like a big rule on my
warehouse I can open that up and then
kind of like the rock party the outside
the back alley
so that's how we're able to fit so many
people but sadly all that space going to
waste now it makes me so sad can't use
it so your the purpose of today or the
topic of today we wanted to continue the
conversation from Tuesday's panel I'm
not just the panel Jeremy did you watch
that we did you have a chance to
participate yeah I would say I'd listen
to it all good so yeah maybe maybe we'll
start with asking your reflections on it
what did you what did you think or did
you have any questions or any any
inspiring thoughts come from it I'm
about inspiring but it was it was really
good because you had so many different
perspectives all going after the same
topic I mean you know it wasn't just
I've been it's way too many panels
whereas for the same person yeah
so at least in this respect it was
really certain dynamic and that you were
really I think you were all feeding off
each other really effectively and the
conversation never slowed down and never
got off track and it did and it ran long
and it was still too short I think
everyone was complaining about that I
think we were all prepared to sit
through three or four hours if you are
willing to do that but no I'd like to I
mean I really enjoyed it
what do you it would like so what do you
feel about that topic you know because I
know that you you think about these
topics often you know in spirituality
and and and you know the importance of
respecting someone empowering someone
spirituality what do you feel about like
the importance of preserving cultures
and my I mean if if I were to it's like
if I had a chance to if I had the chance
to jump in on the panel what I would
have talked about is you know you you
you very much have the living T dynamic
but my whole thing is it is much more
different because my whole thing is I
don't necessarily I'm not too concerned
about what the T is now the only thing
I'm really concerned is is what the T
will become and that's you know that's
the idea of it being director the
transformation of the tea leaves my big
fear is it's too soft of a story it
needs to like toughen up in a way
because it is fantastic when you talk
about the living these and really sort
of keeping its nature and all of that
but I think in a way it doesn't attract
a male audience and we need to create a
stronger storyline
so let me see Nia so that's when I was
like when I do my project is all about
the tea leaves suffering and dying and
being reborn sort of the tea leaf as a
hero as it has its own story to tell
rather than sort of preserving the
nature it has mild thing is that is
transform into something completely new
yeah like maximizing this potential I
think there's a stronger story to tell
there I think you know I think that
throughout that whole panel I think that
that's where I would have that's what I
would have contributed like I understand
the stories that you want to tell but
from my point of view from the from the
new customers I've gained the much more
interested in having a more dynamic
story to tell
yeah and the Tea Leaf and it's Healy
gives you the opportunity there's so
many different types of TV types and you
know leaves and they don't have a
different process so you have this like
endless supply of stories to tell yeah
well I mean and then there's also the
story of the surroundings of that Tea
Leaf and and the people and their
understanding of the tea leaves because
like oh no you know Ray Ray was talking
about you know and living - you're
listening to the tea as a tea master
you're listening to the team letting you
know finding the way to best express the
tea through your processing that's also
part of the story so yeah Jeremy may be
like so ray can understand a little bit
of context cuz your story is very unique
like your company and your brand and the
way that you're trying to introduce tea
to people is very unique yeah you can
give like a really brief context for her
yeah especially when I started as a
comic called exalted teas and our
initial audience is Catholics or hyper
focusing on that market and the reason
is is that it's a really effective way
to teach the theological concept of
transformation and suffering and the
meaning and importance
as in your life so when I found out it
was such an effective tool to teach all
these things in a very easy and
accessible way I decided to sort of turn
all my efforts and just make the company
around that T is a teaching tool it's
like you know you do have the farmers
and and the Pickers and everything that
entire story but typically when people
tell that story it stops at the leaf and
it needs to kind of go on and go further
how is the leap process what happened to
it because essentially it effectively
dies you know then we bring it back to
life so it's like the stories are kind
of almost being handed off along the way
so you can go all when you go all the
way back all the way through who packs
who drinks and everything mm-hmm did you
read the the Teague role of hummingbird
lane I have Bennett no yeah read it
Jeremy very important you know because I
think yeah it could add extra dynamics
and dimensions to to these stories to
like even like even that story of a
culture suffering like a culture and
cultural identity being oppressed and
and kind of hidden away for generations
and then for it to come back like those
stories are still there and the woman
that wrote Lisa C you know she great
storyteller and you know even in the way
that she described I love the scene like
where the the girl first
you know sees the ancient tea trees you
know and the way that she describes you
know like all the growths on it and like
the layers of stories just through you
know the biological makeup of these of
these trees yeah additional dimensions I
wonder to what extent you know it's
important to go back because I think if
you're too far removed from the origin
people have a tendency to Reese
the story but what ideally what you
should do is go as far back as you can
to the origin and sort of get back to
sort of the core culture of it but you
know it's like to what extent are we
allowed to create our own culture modern
culture that's important Jeremy it's
really important yeah it's it is you
know how how are we gonna because
instinctively we want to integrate every
all of our beliefs and our actions into
what's happening right now and today but
we lose track of the past so it's just a
matter of figuring out like how much
it's like you got to go all the way back
to go forward but I think I think
there's not I mean there really is an
opportunity now to develop this sort of
this modern culture I think you guys are
touching on that at the end when you're
talking about like how to get more
people to drink good tea and it's kind
of you know in a sense it's like
marketing in a way that you you have to
make it more of a lifestyle because what
I learned when I was dealing with
customers health benefits all that stuff
doesn't really sell the tea you have to
create you have to sell the lifestyle
around tea or I think if it's more well
if it's more well defined then I think
you know it could be my I don't want to
say marketed but I think that's that's
how that's what you'd have to do what
about the idea of through your marketing
and through your brand building
involving the tea lever into the story
rare Oh who's here okay father
oh my father's here so I think what
would interest me and I Jeremy I really
appreciate your the the point of view
that you bring to this that a lot
the narrative that I have gotten from my
mentors like Elise like Rea like Sohan
is kind of along the lines of this of
like the idea of ahimsa where we let the
tea grow and do and be as it is mm-hmm
when the reality of the producing of the
the drinkable product is actually very
violent death we're almost like
softening the story by focusing on just
the the ecological nice soft parts of
being respectful to the plan yeah
I think and this is because you can
liken it because everybody can share
that story because you know there's
their suffering of life always you just
it's gonna be there you can't avoid it
it's just how you deal with it
you can either sort of avoid suffering
you could you know transcendent which is
a way of sort of ignoring it but with
the tea leaf does is in a way of
something unique because the tea leaf
was chosen and it had no choice and what
was about to happen to it so the tea
leaf essentially embraces the suffering
and when you do that you actually allow
it to transform you into something new
and into something better so the system
is such a good lesson to help I mean
it's just an easy way to help people
understand you know not only does it
happen everywhere throughout nature the
fact that you can actually it's been
with tea you can actually enjoy the
benefits of something having transformed
for you and so that's what makes the tea
leaf a more personal story
but I think that story needs to be told
everything just needs to be more dynamic
no way it's kind of like you know
teenies to toughen up because it goes
through a horribly violent process and I
think that should and that story should
be told because it's much more
interesting canal's how much here Jeremy
how much you share in terms of the
history o TI z when they involved and
you know but the tough enough side of
the stories how how much can you tell
that to your audience and how much do
you choose to tell is that part of it in
your view like how tough and the way the
story needs to be yeah I sort of felt
because going on the panel one of the
one of the biggest question like in
pounder and nominees how much I'm going
to doing this this unfolds into bigger
stories that perhaps it for another
subject on how we choose to tell the
story for the T itself but my experience
particularly in the UK is people in
general have not heard about the opium
war when they heard about it they do not
know these had something to do with T
not know that few was stolen you know
one of these things yeah
open war Robert fortune and
yeah history and I just I guess my
question is if a sort of history or
storytelling is your way is what you
meant by tough not the storyline is that
one unit yeah I think it's why this it's
like one more aspects I was I was
pitching an idea to some
I really want to do a presidency and I
did a presentation on the history of tea
in America where I spent half the time
talking about the Boston Tea Party and
what that meant how it was done and what
signified and I was trying to tell her I
see what we really need to do the next
presentation needs to be the bloody
history of tea because it has a very yet
even it's in historical context it has a
very violent past stories I think those
stories are neglected - should be told
more Eric what did you want to say it
was basically it was too important of a
commodity there's gonna be corruption
and violence and bloodshed for it it was
too high it was too high a demand of the
product and every product like that has
that type of history but you wouldn't
think it was tea like if you didn't know
that history especially nowadays when
you're just enjoying a cup of tea I
think those thousands of years of
history that could death sort of lost I
mean didn't it drive the British
colonialization of India yeah they were
trying to get to China they were stopped
by the Dutch and they landed in India no
but I think I think that it's super
important to tell the true story and to
give people now and understand and how
important he was that first the
commodity and that's without I mean
without darkness you can't have love and
people truly understand the the history
and how connected he is not just to us
humans but to our history as a matter
which country of thumb for our global
history and the sacrifices that people
had to do throughout years and and the
the crimes that were committed for it is
just it gives it it gives people an
understanding of how important tea
actually is and give it a more than
respect well I also like sets a context
it sets more of a context for like at
least a lot of the work that you've been
doing in India and talking about what
they're dealing it was the culture that
really caused the people to go on strike
that it's like that's just an extension
of all of these wars yeah somehow I
found I found interesting they were
saying that you know to or how to go
about teaching people in England the
true history of tea and I think that
that is a little bit harder in England
because they have revised version of
history they really do not understand
their price in terms of a major colonist
country and they they still truly
believe that the English almost invented
tea as we have it in the West and they
invented the the five o'clock tea and
they've this all in all of this they
it's a very um
whitewash version of history and
anything that goes against it they kind
of took him personally and made me you
know there's this there's a defense yeah
I think that go I think that expands far
beyond just tea you know as a as a
Chinese person who lives abroad as a
non-white you know going on to none is
slightly on countryman subjects and run
across people tree here
particularly right now is I'm honestly
sick and tired of the capitalist or
whatever colognian is however you want
to define it come to a line record of an
unclaimed the stories are theirs and
then brainwash everybody and tell them
not so sorry I'm sick and tired of that
so which is why I think it is part of
the reason why I wanted to run the
education program is because I think
it's important for us to learn by
rightly from the souls where where
everything originates from and also
instead is to sort of show that it's not
it's not just that story there could be
a different perception if we're talking
about perception and if we want to make
a change there's a famous saying from my
mentor we we all need to be a well
informed by history before we destroy
yet and I think that is the case people
find that you know like British culture
is to show respect to any culture then
your storytelling should alter to speak
to their ears
so for my my experience is with British
culture I can't be too confrontational
even though my personal urge is to tell
them you know why this milk and sugar in
your tea is because of the GDP is
nothing to do with the culture but not
even made up and if I just say that you
know people just you know it won't the
grand scheme of things the outcome won't
be achieved so but I think it's very
important that for me to stand up for my
own culture at least a part of the
stories that I know the I been taught
that I grew up with and and I cross my
fingers for anyone else who you know
like all of us sitting here to tell your
own stories and in your own way but I
think it's important for us not to get
too conceptual
in this in terms of you know the
concepts but I think out maybe all of
our intentions at nine which is to
elevate and the way we choose the tower
stories of courses should here's the
audience whoever whoever the demographic
is and however you want to tell it but
the history needs to be told we looked
in a way I thought for me I've been
doing it in a way that I don't really
hold any functions
I tell it as it is T was stolen there
was was it changed the course of life
for it well everyone in Hong Kong to
start hidden the people that got
addicted to the opium India who who now
has an Oakland trade and still maintains
until today while all of that even the
Boston Tea Party
how important he was to to so many of
this Storyful events but really to deep
into the cultural ecology
because that is something that I've been
struggling a little bit now not wanted
to take that attention out of the
history of all see me first
I found some of people in Teague
community a little bit disappointing and
how they weren't stepping up for for for
the principles that I believe tea homes
which is equality and understanding and
and open and open talk about the current
the current situation worldwide but also
if we're going back to the Chinese tea
history about the Chinese tea history
and how we can take advantage of the
gongfu without appropriating it and
without maintaining this idea that it's
it's somehow is on it and it's somehow
you know something that we discovered
this is something that has been around
for centuries and in a way to for us to
take advantage of it for our own
personal development but without
appropriating it making our own rituals
or telling the true history I think that
those are extremely important and we all
should you know make a point in saying
it's not about politics is about
anything this is what it actually
happened the history that you've been
told that you believe might not be
exactly what happened we do that when
when the time is right yeah I am all
about this and I'm with young on this
but I think to some people you have you
have to break it down to a hundred steps
for them for some people you can just do
it like that they get it and you can go
as deep as for as you want they are
there to to listen or to learn to
embrace I go I think sometimes this is
something I learned about sharing the
story of tea is actually learning about
it's I constantly tend to go yeah you
know unto to feel like people are ready
for this I can't go too deep about this
because you know you're gonna make make
it too confrontational or the other way
around or sometimes I'm always worried
about it but I think it's a bit like
turning all kinds of jazz gates you sort
of just suss out what the situation is
for anyone else saying the vibe is a new
flow with it in terms of storytelling I
think right I mean it's thing to note
that you're saying it helps to be less
confrontational my father saying I own a
punches there is a difference between
the narrative when it's told by you Ray
as a Chinese person and with
Baga as a portuguese australian person
you know purchase person Australia and
that's that there's this phenomenon I've
noticed in the team world and what I'm
trying to see where I not agree the more
Chinese you are the less credibility you
have and this comes from a deeply
ingrained narrative of fantasy and also
the idea that white people are Chinese
people and that extends to immediate
people seeing my name's less likely to
trust me I'm a importer and then a white
person they get this extra boost of
credibility for not being Chinese and
and in some cases the narrative is that
anyone who tells you about the trees or
eight hundred years old in this bullshit
anyone who tells you they know your name
the team who pull all of this
information that we traditionally
associated with the value teeth is
bullshit that crooked Chinese people
make up to call con Westerners and it's
a very convenient narrative because it
takes the credibility away from the
people to whom the culture belongs and
it places so now where is the
credibility why is the person saying
that immaterial trees are bullshit more
credible than a Chinese farmer saying
these three hundred years old because
they guarantee is expensive and because
they're white and those are that's what
gives them a credibility edge but Ray
goes and is confrontational with
somebody about the history of tea then
she comes across it's like the angry
black Roman phenomenon a person of color
he's advocating on behalf of their own
race and perceived as angry whereas
Mafalda or someone else who is not a
Chinese person who is talking about
things that were done to Chinese or you
know to Chinese society by T by opium
wars will be perceived as being
confrontational or argumentative or
bitter and and so I think it's a really
interesting point to bring up that there
is this credibility gap and Rea the
difference in y'all's approaches really
speaks to that that Ray is gonna have to
sugarcoat her narrative even if she's
saying the same thing as my body she's
gonna have to shoot
so cheers to come across as a bitter
angry Chinese person who has yes I think
these disciplines to anything that any
culture done that had been claimed is
you too great to be able to reversal get
the audience to listen to it you need to
find a white face to tell the stories I
mean has been the case for forty four
shows in Africa for a lot of things you
know yeah and that to me you know it is
what it is that the way how things are
but I sort of felt like we can't really
I can't really think what I'm doing is
change in the world
I can't me do what I can and tell the
story how I tell it because I'm Here I
am now you know it's just
and I can't I and I really even though I
wanted things to progress but that is my
own personal hope and hope is very
spiritually material easily I think so I
think sometimes is just to do so very
and hopeful this right I really like
what you said about the space to tell
stories and I like what both you and so
Han said just in terms of how you
communicated the complexities of
communicating and how I mean there's
kind of jumping to the super meta level
and two different things is that the the
way that our brains work is that we
associate patterns that we feel safe and
so there's there's a flaw in the way
that we are fundamentally wired that we
look for those biases and they're it's
it's a cognitive challenge to
continually break them and look for them
when you're in them and the other aspect
is from a linguistic perspective is that
when we're communicating the context of
the language that we're actually using
is itself flawed because it is a finite
representation of an intimate experience
and the language that we use presuming
that we're both using the same language
is tied to our experiences of each
individual word in that language which
is I pulled this book off of my shelf
meaning the meaning of meaning which is
I don't recommend anyone read it but
it's super dense and yeah but the
opening line is the purpose of this book
is not to learn to speak perfectly but
to understand what it means to speak
and I think you nailed it with the space
to tell stories because it's it's this
aspect of listening and then finding the
space to tell the story that matches
where that person is at so that instead
of being angry and saying you got to
listen here this is how it is making
space for them to overcome the bias that
they might not see because they're in it
and tell a story and I didn't know about
that and I think that that that is the
work that is the beauty that is that is
the point of strength that you and so on
I felt in what you were saying that what
you both were doing is telling those
stories to make space for people to just
have that little moment of realization
of oh that's that's not what I thought
it was
and also dimensionality calm is
available which was why I giggled when
you were talking about something super
potent but tied into that from snorrison
about drinking tea in this conflict and
he talks he talks about the the history
that that tea has and how we are very
reluctant to to to be confronted with
the truth and and how to go about it and
how to break up on biases and and how to
be open to changing our minds and I
think that globally we are going through
through a social hopefully awakening and
understanding that our own experiences
do not define truth and there's other
people's experiences and other people's
truths that are solid it's not more than
our own so I'm hoping that this can be
translated into into tea as well and
that people will be more aware into
their own research instead of just
believing you know the the revised
history that they are taught in schools
or you know the the have the half story
have you guys read it and the guys right
Scott - uncle no I didn't read it but I
I shared it in the comments I'm not sure
to the chat here - so everybody can get
access to it thank you
yeah I saw it I just didn't click on it
and I guess what I saw it I was like oh
that's probably good already cool yeah
it's it's really relevant to to t know
whole the whole movement that is
happening right now
I think bitch let's eat the tea industry
and the community can can take a lot of
lessons from it
I think this oppression we need to ask
ourselves here right with with what's
going on right now particularly with
depend on it with with black lives
matter and everything else that is going
on collectively in terms of the
consciousness I think there is an urge
within our human nature to Garn help and
to demand chain and to ask for justice
and fight for it but I this is my
personal point of view I think
everyone's missing the point a little
bit cuz I think without having done the
work within yourself first
is far easier for you to go and say I
need we want justice we want this we
want not because if ultimately just even
talking about self care self respect
self growth and you're learning how do
you sit with yourself self do you know
yourself as a being how do you take
responsibility of yourself before when
you go and and want to change the
situation eyes out there that applies to
everything applies to the situation the
industry we're in just as we are you
know it's very I think we the first
question we need to ask ourselves is
have we done enough work for ourselves
do we know where our boundaries are in
terms of mental physical spiritual
growth and well-being and before before
we go and say we need to change the
history or whatever we aspire to do so I
think the work is is it is quite you
know it's a lot of work in terms of
educating ourselves and then because we
are we're very lucky Bunch
in the tea community because we have tea
to help us do that to learn to learn the
sound of the silence to find wisdom and
some connect with yourself and find the
innate wisdom and power within ourselves
before we decide what we're going to do
with the external world and I think you
know to reflect on what Brian said I
think whatever we choose to speak
whatever the language is whatever the
words are and however we form our
thoughts it's just it's just subjective
it's far it's you know it's not work you
know it was just talking about what life
is and how we are as as being as as
human as animal there's a gap so we're
constantly using our intellects to
are surround do things may change but we
don't know how to access to that you
know the intelligence within our
intuition to do what we need to do so so
I sort of I felt like to be able to go
on is in a in a less biased way whatever
situational experience that provides us
to do what we want to do I think is very
important that we were tapping in
ourselves first amongst ourselves for
very crucial questions well it's almost
like the idea it's super cliche but like
be the change that you want to see in
the world but the idea that if we were
all doing this work we wouldn't have to
be out in the streets chanting that we
want justice because we would be
treating each other the way that we want
to be treated we would be respectful of
each other like we a lot of the change
that were that we're seeking from the
outside world I can't cause somebody
else the way that my I hesitate to say
new but it's kind of like you can lead a
horse to water but you can't make a
drink Sam yeah okay what's up so on I
was I was gonna was gonna yeah he'll sit
on the tracker I was someone tracker and
talk about teeth um I'm in a tractor
yeah yeah I hear that here's the big-boy
stuff we didn't see house definite
lumber the naked eye bass fault you're
not a tractor Denton would ya got a
pickaxe but anyway yeah we're renovating
a garden back there here we go careful
little dog all right but what I'm gonna
say is that um the Sam you make a really
good point because people talk about
racism like it's an alien species trying
to destroy us and that we all have to
fight it together we do not have to
fight it together black people do not
need to fight racism white people need
to fight racism because it's something
that's inside of them it's inside of all
of us but when it's inside of white
people that makes it possible to be
atrocities that were protesting about to
and Sam you're right if everyone was
doing the internal work we wouldn't need
to go out and protest in the streets but
I think the people who would going out
and protest in the streets have done
some of that internal work to get where
they are or they're a person of color
but the white people were out there in
the streets chanting and marching
they've done some of the internal work
probably to get them there if every
other person would do their internal
work then those few people out there
protesting wouldn't need to be out there
but I don't think it's safe I don't
think it's safe to say oh if all these
protesters would go home and work on
themselves and probably fix no all the
non protesters need to work on
themselves the protesters need to bring
it to their attention that that's work
that needs to be done I think because I
agree I fundamentally agree with what
you're saying Sam and also you Ray that
the work to be done is internal work and
some people aren't doing that work and
they need some kind of social pressure
to get them to confront and difficult
things to do that work but um yeah
that's kind of my my take on it is that
it's not like sometimes I feel like when
when white people are and I know we're
talking about black lives matter Heather
and it just comes up again and again but
it's relevant with discussion because of
the nature of the thing if people all
people are doing the work but especially
white people if all white people were
doing the work to understand that racism
exists then racism would stop existing
you know I mean so it's not like we all
need we're all we need to go out and go
into battle against an enemy army the
enemy army is within us and that's that
is internal work that needs to be done
not not political work before the
political work video before the social
work be done the internal work needs to
be done
definitely under totally get what you're
saying and I mean at a certain level is
there also and put and I guess this gets
more into like the spiritual beliefs of
things I mean
at a certain level there is the idea
that we are human beings are flawed
individuals and these are part of our
this is part of our flaws and learning
to live with learning to forgive each
other for these B's kind of that's
really where the load gets heavy systems
of injustice have always been around and
it is human greed to want to be in a
position of power over others but the
the whole colonists and and and racist
mindset was invented and created and set
up intentionally history throughout the
world has been revised to always show
whiteness as equal to superiority and it
is part of our legacy whether we want it
or not and we have I said I say we
because in some countries opposite of
white some countries don't consider
brown but either way at some point in my
life I definitely benefit from being a
pretty light girl and it's it's just
having that in spending having that's
best that's worth being being done but
also the realization that although we're
not the ones who set up the system and
this this you know unconscious bias that
we all have we have to be the ones to
dismantle it because it's not the people
of color it's not your victims that
doesn't lay the responsibility does not
lay on them they already suffered enough
they already pits through enough it's
our turn to say it's sorry to make
reparations and to dismantle this and to
teach kids and the newer generations
that how dumb this was
and how ridiculous this was and how
hurtful and you know damaging for for
centuries it has been not just in
America not just in China everywhere
everywhere racism is everywhere and the
repercussions are felt throughout
through throughout people's lives so I
think that it's really important for us
to definitely do the work of course we
have to do the work but I don't believe
that everyone is willing to do so you
know there's this there's always going
to be a racist uncle or the restless
grandmother or you know people that were
born in different at times and I see
such pushback from them as you know as
if you were telling them that the way
that they are is not the correct way
which is not but moving on I think that
the hope is in the new generations and
in kids and I don't want to delay
progress but I in my inside I really do
believe that true progress and equality
and change and you know a new system
will come out of it hopefully but I'll
probably not be alive for it but in the
meantime there's always things that can
be that can be addressed and they can we
change it there's always progress that
can be happy even if it's small you
could travel a long distance with a lot
of little baby steps yeah I just hope
that it's not the rhetoric that I have
been seeing so so far in my lifetime you
know one step forward and then there's a
push back and there's two steps back I
just hope that is not the same bitch
because RIT are the streets that that
step forward will keep itself forward I
think the majority of
people I don't want to generalize it I
think now there's a collective energy of
wanting things to change or people are
learning more about it but I think the
majority is still there I'm gonna put
these people people with very strong
preferences I don't know how to put them
they have a very fixed idea of how
things are and you know very little room
for other ideas to come in so they have
very strong preferences and these are
not mine
these are not the people I focus my
energy on because if I think myself as a
as a person living in this world of this
with this life that I have yeah I
probably have another I don't know 30 40
50 years I see this very realistically
I will speak to my side speak my stories
to people who will have the openness and
and curiosity or you know wanted to just
just I spend my time with people who
fight with me to put it very bluntly and
these are the people that that I can
tell my story to and they will they feel
it they would like with it they would
have a reflection or not that is
actually out of my control what I can
control is the way I tell this story and
the truth is in the storytelling and
that's all I can do and I keep on doing
that but the rest of it is not you know
it's not me being fatalist but I think
is recognizing myself as a as a human
it's a very insignificant thing in the
grand scheme of things and and also to
sort of realize where my where my energy
and boundary lies and I do the work so I
can I can keep my focus on doing my work
and indeed I in marketing times call we
connect talking to a niche market what
if I think I personally I've found
resonance in that regard with you said
not not all people you know not all in
all or right for it or some people don't
buy kind of talking about others that
area of the energetics to be super broad
I felt some new kind of emergence of
sadness because I see that ideology that
logic coming from authoritarian
technology which is co-opting the need
for human connection and a desire for
convenience in the pursuit of corporate
and technological dominance like if you
look at the progression of social media
over the course of the last 15 years
programmatically human beings have been
led to binary ideologies sensationalist
messages and and we're trapped I mean so
in the same way when you feel like you
can't breathe the tightness in your
chest and you put your phone down you go
outside you feel wholly different same
thing and so these people who post on
Facebook and they they are outraged and
they're you know throwing stuff in a
Walmart because they're being forced to
wear a mask because you know their
rights I see those people is trapped I
see those people as as imprisoned in a a
box that they cannot see that they
cannot touch and and just making space
for that whether it be sadness whether
it be pity making space for it it's it's
not them like I don't see it as them
it's this cloud that is shrouding them
but it doesn't mean that the light
inside of that cloud is not there
doesn't mean that that is not valued it
doesn't mean that they are inherently
bad it means that they've been led to
this other place that this dimension of
darkness shadow and yeah I'm gonna think
that the work our work is definitely go
during the beginning of this I was
writing a message to a group of friends
that invited us to share July 4th and
we've been moving through a lot of
energy for weeks on whether or not to do
that with a group of 8 people who have
all been communicating for the last
three weeks on this particular gathering
and and how everybody can do their work
to feel safe and that they're all doing
their homework to be educated that you
know we can all communicate something
that's very difficult to communicate and
writing a message to say we're because
like we this is our choice we're
choosing to go inwards and and shut down
unplug and not celebrate this holiday
for a variety of reasons but then at the
same time nothing like and you should do
that too because you're you're being
super in citrate like we don't want to
take away from what they're experiencing
because we love them and we we would
also like to experience it so it's like
this delicate balance of like we are
choosing this work but we're not
projecting it we're not telling you that
you should be in it and that takes
effort that takes energy and I think
that that is the work those those little
moments where you spend some extra time
and write a text message that's
considerate of the person that you're
talking to or you make space for the
person who's throwing an ideology and
the elevator and you're like okay like
instead of just like running away being
like I hear you're saying like today it
can be really difficult like there's a
lot going on and it's complex and like
it's prompted a lot of her front
reflection and you walk away like you
don't tell them anything you don't push
anything you don't try and convince them
of anything you just allow them to feel
heard you acknowledge the difficulty of
a concise and cogent and clear path and
you make space for their reflections
which are their own and sometimes that's
done elegantly and another times not so
much but that's the work such a nods to
I I consider my work is to be a mirror
and that's very hard to do because you
mirror the space the other person half
and you mirror
questions they you see them should be
coming but that's that in itself is very
subjective you know so so I've and and
this goes back to what I said earlier
there's always a urged for us to to go
over that line but merely I think is you
know is not about speaking per se is
really about learning how to listen and
they on the call so when they speak you
listen and you you reflect back what
they said so they can go and form their
own questions and finding their own
answers to those questions and and I
think that is so hard to do such not
takes practice also it is a practice he
definitely makes it easier great I know
you said you only had an hour so if you
need to go you can go but I didn't want
to touch on the question that you had
for me about and it's a little off topic
it's it's on topic but it's kind of
changing the direction of what we're
going and the conversation but you we
dug and we dug too deep the whole
perspective but you had asked about you
know the potential of ideas of you know
how to help the people of your of your
home of your home community with the
issues that they're facing and you know
that's the work the work that I do and
you know not not necessarily in China so
much it's mostly and and and and you
know the more conventional developing
countries but you know I think that
there's there's two ways that cultures
are lost one of them is it's appropriate
and like straight up stolen and I think
that's like kind of been the angle that
we've mostly been talking about here and
then the other way is that a people will
allow their culture to go and that is
coerced through making people feel
insignificant you know
I think that that's an issue that
happens a lot is that you know a lot of
these indigenous cultures or not even
indigenous cultures but just humble
humble cultures that are just doing
their thing they get they get colonized
and then they feel insignificant because
they're you know they're not having the
same infrastructure as everybody else so
they're not having the same well and so
they start like sacrificing their own
culture to try to attain you know that
thing so there's examples and all types
of you know racists or colonizing
stories and so I think that something
that can be done to address that is
normalizing the original culture or like
the original level of humility and and
so like in the work that I do what that
is it's like you know I'll be meeting
with some farmers and they'll hear about
you know like polarity in the business
of that and how economically developing
it's been for certain communities in
China and they want that they're like
this is what we want to pursue we just
want it and it's it's like well maybe
that's not what you want to pursue like
what you want to pursue is autonomy and
health and community and that's not
always that's not always through through
through money you know it never is
actually it's it's their authenticity
and so I think that like you know in the
developed and and in the development
so like that's what before I was doing
tea I was in the development like
International Development so you know
NGOs nonprofits like water nonprofits
healthcare nonprofits that go to like
these like suffering communities and and
provide free aid you know like in that
world to you know it's like there's this
like division it's like well we have our
developed awesomeness and and we need to
help these suffering can be
use that don't have it and I think
that's actually a very dangerous thing
to do like I I much rather prefer
normalizing and almost romanticizing the
humility the simplicity versus saying oh
you've got to be like does you know I
think like that's that's the origin of
the conflict with like the conversation
around cultural appropriation of like of
like braids you know white girls that
have appropriated the style of the the
cornrow braids and and it's like black
women had kind of abandoned that part of
her culture because they felt
insignificant they felt like they have
to be they have to have the relaxed hair
they have to fit more into like the
white standard of what it means to look
white and and you know so that's
perpetuated out into this whole other
you know a thing of appropriation you
know when if the white people had
supported their culture and normalized
it and been like that's beautiful and
like that's what we're trying to get to
like natural hair is beautiful you don't
have to try to be like us and I think
that that is a stuff that I can help I
don't know if you understand what I'm
saying I know I'm kind of like
absolutely absolutely
you know I experienced it it's myself
because I think capitalism the damage of
capitalism in so complex and it goes
into so many different levels even even
even though it's just talking about
consciousness and you know it's so
damaging so to keep the example I go
back to bridge or nowadays days
McDonald's and Starbucks and I go back
and teach and when I round up a few
gatherings and it's gonna have tea there
that yeah here's the address and I check
on the math I mean seen Starbucks you're
like no we're gonna meet in the tea
house but these young people who are 18
to 22 something that
sixteen sometimes a bit younger they're
in very embarrassed to be seen sitting
the teahouse and I asked them why
because you know again this is to be
made feel ashamed of their own culture
and then I have to break it down to them
and say look star bus can Starbucks came
in last year and they bought eight tons
of tea as ingredients and and then they
go back and made their own blend and
then sell it to you for forty grand
which is like under 4 pounds five one
and five dollars a cup and he's sitting
there and you thinking you you know
business your lifestyle but if I took if
I took the time to explain it to them
they that they they would understand it
so then they will stop going that but I
think for me these is just just to begin
with this is such a lack of the
understanding of Europe of this culture
because there's always other people
coming to this culture either trying to
say that or trying to protect it and
telling all these local people how they
should live their culture there's a lack
of voice lack of role model really
represent that so there is lack of
education in so many levels and so and
then in the thing in the case of great
job for example even the Chinese people
secret show people as like you know the
the poorest people in the world and in
Shanghai miss people would say in
Shanghainese people's mind this China
there is no current means the villages
the way listed in the religious category
so this how we being viewed by you know
outside of great jobs and and we think
we're poor because of that we think we
pull from our mentality we just think we
can't do things and then is the is the
no story like not Gino came and did a
documentary about how poor Widow had
been it's exactly replica of how the
stories of Africa had been told to the
African people never mind the whites
demographics was shown on the primetime
whatever but the damage he has done to
its own people is de Graaff generations
of them growing up thinking they can't
do things they can't achieve and that
reflects on the economic setup on
education set up on social structure of
everything so so then now I sort of feel
like okay in order to tell the stories
of bridge oh you know for example from
my point of view
I'd go back home film it make a
documentary but not to share it here on
the BBC but to show it to my own people
this is this is why I am this is how the
stories of mine unlike you and kids is
the culture in system but I I felt that
you know this sort of level of
consciousness is people like my culture
because they've been pulled for
generations they don't see it and and
for how I see is not about the rich
comes and help the poor story is not
that it's about how to tell the stories
help these people tell their own stories
I'm showing resonate during your work
after you've seen that from time to time
but I think is really to help people to
have this consciousness because of this
because of the challenges that we face
in front of capitalism and the the
impact that had on us even though is him
so hidden but just you always have to be
so switched on and is so exhausting
sometimes even I just even I just think
about it's just exhausting
it's a soft power of other cultures into
your own I think we spoke about this the
sense of inferiority that we had now in
our own countries and how the only
discover äj-- how amazing our only
countries were once we left and live
everywhere else and then we started to
get value and independence actually our
country got a lot better than we thought
and it's no one else in the world has a
tradition that the history and the
connection that's that's you know those
things were we're giving us I think that
it's really important to find the
balance then let's release were saying
because the last thing that you want is
the the white stadia complex when
someone else comes and tells the
narrative as they did in Africa sounds
like you can help them for 50 cents a
day let's it's not going to give them
independence that's not going to give
them autonomy that's not going that's
just going to create dependency
you know instill that mindset that they
they are not able to do it themselves
and yeah I think that being someone that
is from there to be able to turn that
narrative and to be able to be like I am
from from there I'm from greasier I
represent you and I've been everywhere
else everywhere that we grew up thinking
that it's been up and I am telling you
what we have no one else does and it's
time for us to give value to it I think
that that is how you turn around it's
not someone else or other cultures
coming in and saying oh how pretty it is
because then you will become a tourist a
adventure and I seen that in my own town
and Porto that has become like a hotspot
more tourists and all of a sudden are
traditional things I instead of being
you know made by hand inch by artisans
now being mass-produced in whatever
country it and you know being sold as
trinkets to tourists and I don't want
that to happen to two great Joe
so to be able to do it in a way that is
authentic in a way that connects to them
as I am of you
I am part of you and it's time for us to
open our eyes and see who we are instead
of cool we're not it's a it's it's very
romantic when we talk about this year oh
this girl has been going around the
world and come back to town with stories
so romantic I see the challenge I'm
facing is I first need to tell her well
find a way if I could but I don't know
whether this would be possible is to
first you need to find a bottle of say
of letting them see that they're nine
narratives have been told by us by a
group of people with very strong
preferences of telling stories and
claimants or other people's you first
need to rip it apart to them about this
and then you need to show them that this
sort these stories are not set out to be
empowering you and the generations to
and then your work your stories comes in
to say hey this is why I'm doing this it
takes so much explanation and work and
just to break it out because for my
people like people from bridge oh they
bury probably about 20 years behind in
terms of seeing this through so that
this is what I mean like you have to
break it down 400 stairs even for your
people and that's how fucked up it is
yeah when you were letting other people
write our stories I mean is we're always
told to to be selfless and not be
and in doing that we let other people's
opinions have more weight than our own
so when you start hearing somebody when
you start hearing somebody talk down
about the way you are you start to
believe it and it it also depends on
like the standards that if you judge me
based on the fact that I if you judge me
as because I you can't judge me for not
being a good basketball player because I
have no interest in being a good
basketball player that that it's like
the the richness that I have is not
defined by my ability to play basketball
even if somebody else says well that's
the measure of success so it's like in
that yes I'm very poor but I'm rich in
all of these other ways and if we just
listen to the people telling us the ways
that we're poor then we're going to
believe that the ho story of China how
people see life richness and everything
is is very I don't have the word for it
it's a very non Chinese thing that when
you see you know China is very different
I grew up in the eighties but the very
reason for that is because economically
you've been so poor so all you want is
its comfort in life and all of that
which is why you know a lot of people
ask me how how like can you not go back
and tell people stop cutting the trees
that's just very very privileged point
of view
yeah I talked about it a little bit on
the talk it's it's if you lived with
with 12 are we positive with everything
you could imagine or poverty means then
of course people do no need of air
conditioning they're not going to go and
work in the field of course it's just
within our human nature to seek for
comfort and modernity so it becomes a
this never straight car to sell to show
people look you have the mountains such
abundance of nature so amazing into
thinking of not you know so it there's
no simple answer to that and unto me
flags on I think to how I think so hon
said is he said China can never be in
the right whatever like does the Western
would you see it even China does it the
right way it's suspicious and the wrong
way and it's just the wrong way so it's
kind of can never do the right thing so
I think it's you know how China over the
Chinese culture have been perceived and
how Chinese people see how how how do
way she be
I think these with so many layers of
effect do you feel like the Chinese
cultures romanticize the West yeah it's
not not just romanticized but also from
materialized the lifestyle the western
lifestyle you know becomes building it
once in his life I'm now in Starbucks
it's a lifestyle isn't it going to grab
that and Gucci and yes yeah but that's
that's the soft power that I was
mentioning there like why is the
Beauty everywhere in the world is the
light skin blue eyes white you know wide
eyes and blonde and it's just it's it's
what you see in movies is a presentation
is so it's so important because it puts
the seed that's you're not good enough
because you're not married you know
because they're not white or because in
our Western corn whatever it is it's
just it slowly tells you that you and
your country are not putting out sense
where you're coming from is just not
what is revenge everywhere else in the
world you just internalize that there's
a lack of contemporary role model in
this and just for like he you know I I I
talked about I talk about tea with
younger people than they can relate to
it but it is if it's like oh dude
Chinese dude with a floss and the bird
cage in his hands you're not gonna
listen to him you know it's just very
easy and and nothing that is applies to
any made every non-white culture that
desperate needs rescuing you know we all
need to stand up and speed out somehow
just but the only one the only the only
rescuer for all of the only rescuer has
to come from with it yeah the genuine
rescuing that can happen otherwise it's
not Germany we certainly can't depend on
that a lot of people they can't do the
work themselves because if they in order
to do that they have to admit at some
point that they are the cause of the
problem or that they are the source even
of their own suffering and if people
aren't prepared to admit to that they're
really the the inner change can never
really take place
so that's a big ask for people so it's
just one of those things realistically
we can't we have to work around that
because you know that's not good people
too much credit but I think a lot of a
lot of this is is it's about value it's
basically how American capitalism how it
corrupted the world because in America
we have this insane idea that developed
probably about the late 19th century
that success and ethics are linked the
more successful you are the more ethical
you are moral but there is zero
correlation between morals and IQ like
hundreds of studies of hundreds of
psychological studies have proved this
over and over and over again there's no
correlation between IQ and morals but in
capitalism or the Americanized version
of capitalism the most successful tend
to be the most ethical we leave success
with ethics so the things that society
values the most we think it's just
inherently better I keep going I think
that was pretty much the gist of it and
then once it once it really ingrained
itself I think it I think realistically
now we're kind of at breaking point
where we're beginning to realize this
seems to be a flawed system in a way
that we've never anticipated before
because now the most successful and the
richest people in America are screwing
us all good people or terrible people
the corrupt people but for the long time
that's the mentality so like if you went
to a movie and you saw it but if if the
movie everybody wanted to see is the
white woman then if they ingrained that
value system inside of themselves they
will just instinctively think they are
better so it's a really
familiar with the I mean talking about
value value is separate from the word
money there's a cute very different
things and so that this is I don't know
how to explain it but one of the
passages from it and money as a cent
money is essentially a physical
expression of victim consciousness it
represents human fear our relationship
to money is therefore our relationship
to fear there is nothing that reveals a
hidden agenda more quickly than the
subject of money nearly all money given
a received carries a hidden charge our
money that is given or received
unconditionally has no charge attached
as money is handled in a cleaner way it
will become energetically laundered and
manifest one of the great cosmic logs
that to give is to receive the most
successful businesses of the future will
be based on the forty-fifth guests
energy the fifty-fifth these kinds of
businesses will no longer be based on
competition but will be transparent and
highly efficient because greed and fear
are actually highly inefficient and the
more is just the world is becoming more
and more secular more and more
materialistic so that's just it's it's
distorting things to the point where
money becomes that all of these lines
are getting blurred once the money takes
supreme value suddenly everything is
slowly being attached to Wells the
scarcity that capitalism is based on is
an illusion because if you if we if we
were all one utopian society there's
plenty of resources on the planet for
all of us to thrive the capitalism
itself is fundamentally flawed and I
coincidentally we just watched John
Adams on HBO and you see like the birth
of our nation and the governance and why
it was born because of the oppressive
governance coming from afar and and then
you see the founders like starting this
govern we don't know the fuck we're
doing they're like oh like you know
already in the church presidency they
were already seeing
this is wrong this is bad but you know
snowball it's it's really challenging to
get something to stop once a 30 rolling
and that's where we are we've had you
know three hundred years of systemic
bias and unconscious thought now that we
have that hindsight it's up to us to
roll the snowball back up the hill and
over the other side and it'll probably
take another 400 years also I don't
think that that's secularism and
capitalism are correlated and
materialism is correlated because you
see monarchies you see like way before
democracy was was was the common or the
way of governing and you know there was
always grieved there was always the need
for power and money brings power so so I
don't think that immediately probated I
actually think I mean I would love to
believe that we're going into a society
where is all open source and there's no
competition at this today and people see
trading more than with money and just
being able to establish a more equal
area society but I don't think that the
reason why we are where we are now has
to do with a secular point of view I
think he actually has to do with with
the the droplets that what we had from
the past and this belief that
individualism and putting yourself first
and that the measure of success is how
much money you have how many
materialistic things you have it's just
that it that was something that would
put on us as a way to to reach happiness
the rich success you need to be rich you
need to be in spent allowed well a lot
of that's like a bath in people that
have no morals and no problems with
screwing everyone else to reach
positions of power
that's not gonna be released yeah that's
interesting you say the power and after
this conversation I'm feeling called
distinguish the difference between the
perception of power and the capitalistic
model that is dominant throughout the
world today and the true nature of power
which I would say is more in line with
something like Taoism which is alignment
with nature and I think that we're in
the space where people like us are
gathering together with these types of
perspectives and saying yes and then
creating that that understanding within
ourselves that acknowledgement with each
other and the perpetuation of that
signal outside Brian have you seen that
mean that your feelings I've seen all
the memes aliens of power and then the
first the first option is money the
second and it's small and the second
status and it's a little bit bigger and
then the last one has the biggest Barda
says growing a tomato that's it you know
so if we can if we can normalize this
idea so much can come from it that like
real power and real happiness does it
come from these things that like our
society has convinced us it's it's
simple things it's it's seen something
being born from a seed which is why
people often say that having a child you
know your own body creating that kind of
power it changes your life you know it's
a different perspective
yeah I really do like in the beginning
of the pandemic I was hoping that that
would bring will be the trigger to bring
that to understand the people they
doesn't matter how much money your hands
or a house that's what you are your job
with title you have or what kind of
whatever that does not guarantee you to
help that was not guarantee you
and sometimes you know having a little
veggie garden will actually guarantee
you good supply instead of a dependent
customer markets yeah you know I was I
was hoping that with this pandemic that
that's the message that people come out
of it I mean like how to bake bread and
how to grow gardens and old all that
stuff was trending on Google so like
it's it's happening like as long as we
acknowledge the time scale it's
definitely happening you know it's gonna
be something that our grandkids benefit
from significant or significantly than
than we do but but it's happening I hope
so because it's it's like it's a rude
to realize that the system that you are
part of might not be able to keep you
safe as you thought anyway and it might
break down that ego that we have that we
are not naked that we are above
everything else we are humans we are
we are sentient like bugger all of that
mother nature is inventing new ways of
waking us up and making making us
realize how humble we need to be and how
more much more connected we need to be
if we want to survive mmm thank you for
reprinting me to make make moves on we
joked around about creating ego death as
a service for influencers I just wanted
to let you guys know that on YouTube
there is a tea farmer from India that's
watching he's I don't know him I'm gonna
get to go know him after this is over he
found he came across the video on
YouTube he's watching it live and he
wrote much money is not peace and I do
not know who is peaceful with money you
know it's funny because the people that
do have money
when they're interviewed they say
exactly that you know that they thought
that they would be immune to certain
problems once they had money for some
reason it's like the link that we had
that once you have money everything is
going to be okay but once you do have
money you don't trust the people around
you you don't know if they are they are
gone you don't have the same type of
support network that you would if you
were able to invest more in the
relationships that you have around you
then in the efficient and the pursuit of
you know being better than everyone else
by making more money than everyone else
sort of mentality but Biggie Smalls said
Mo Money mo problems this is the same
right people people have to go through
in order to save themselves
we obviously you know we lived our lives
and in order for us to even have a
conversation like this today and this is
just our own life experiences but I
think the majority of people you it's
just it to meet its so big the
collective confusion under you sort of
thing I felt like I need to let it go
from my own personal perspective that we
are gonna get to the end of the world at
some point because the change that
happening and not fast enough to to
reverse it back I don't know how many
hundreds of years so I kind of present
in the work but acknowledging that if a
solar flare gets us in 15 minutes
there's kind of nothing we can do so
just like let's it's like
knowledge in the control acknowledging
the eternal existence of spiritual life
and doing the work that your physical
body can do in this time and then
absolving yourself of the anxiety that's
outside of what can be anything yeah
certainly illusions of control for
others and then you're like
environmental breathing everything right
now is with conditions that happened to
before you know this is why we're
standing here right now talking about
Taoism I'm talking about I think I often
questioned myself like who are you to
even trying to go think you can fix the
we're so tiny in the grand spectrum not
even time because time is such a made-up
thing in the in the grand scheme of
space and the universe and everything
and as human we're so such a tiny bunch
and we can see think we can control
everything and change and fix you know
and and but the world is still gonna
just wrote a little something under I
sometimes think no even a fire that
burns capitalism can we restart again
it's it's just you know so just the
moment I guess they were with hunger
say that and say bye because and thank
you everyone for your wisdom for
listening thank you for coming thank you
for staying up super late yep it was
good we had fun we had someone for a
little bit too a lot of a lot of good
things to say sure yeah well I think I
am actually gonna have to sign off as
well I have a number of things that have
not been getting done that are saying we
need to get done before before I do
though Mafalda can I see the painting on
your wall but I can't tell what it is
but I can tell I want to see the rest of
it she didn't hung up and I always find
myself just staring at it and they might
found it in in the garage she didn't
have a place to put it in this new house
and she gave me this room to do the Tea
Room and I'm like I'm definitely going
to put that there because every time
that I look at it I just get lost in
thought and in this type of internal
toxic serious business topics we do I'm
a very really way sometimes yeah we have
we have fun doing it it was probably the
most important thing yeah
oh thank you guys all for coming I
appreciate you all thank you for making
the space Sam yeah everyone for coming
in and filling it with beauty yeah thank
you yeah this was a very very good
conversation thank you guys I'll see you
next week
all right bye everybody

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