Sunday, March 29, 2020 - Exploring the Future of Clean Energy
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People can still tune in okay. How
do we get it? How do we get
in touch with the people from the
audience? so what we're gonna
do something. I'll do that whatever
we can't do that that with
it doesn't seem like we're gonna
be able to do that with
everybody. But what Kristen is doing
now is sending a is
sending text to all of our people
from the Green team list to
RSVP to get on the. Like to tune
in the video, we can't do that
with that way and I will let you
know when a lease is up. I
sent something to my friend who
one of my friends who I knew
was on and she's in on this, we
can just mute her. Hey guys.
there's a link in the chat right
there. It's a Facebook link
that is the live stream right now.
so we are streaming live
right now and you can go ahead and
share that link to Facebook
and then Marcus and everyone that
was terrible. Yeah. Yeah.
Everybody can go to Facebook and
watch comments being added
there and and that's how we'll stay
in contact with the
audience great and then so Ben will
wait a few minutes. so then
we'll wait a few minutes and then
Kristin can like, can you oh
well well, the will tell everybody
what's happening by through
text. Yeah. I'll send her out this
live stream link now right I
don't have. Facebook Yes, we yes
when we can.
We can walk, I can hear you okay,
but yeah, but I mean you're
talking about Facebook or what yeah
access to face signals must
have gotten crossed let's start
over when that spine. Okay.
That's. Some got something with.
Of you for now and we'll get started
again when we're ready.
We're back again, Yes Lynn. Please
stop talking for when it's
gonna go for a minute. please stop
Hello, so there are seven viewers
on Facebook now the whole
invite list has been Emailed and
contacted with the link. So if
you wanna get started we can start
as well as this whole panel
will play back after this live event
is over so people missed
the beginning. They can watch it
Alright well if you are watching
if you're watching right now
on Facebook, hi everybody. if you
don't know me my name is
Marcus. I'm the Green Team. Nevada
organizer. We've had a
change in your plans about how we're
going to do our panel
event. so we are just going to.
We're gonna wait for a little
bit to give let everybody know who
was like who was in our
original zoom room of what is happening
and then we will see
you all and then you know once.
Well, we're ready to continue
we will so you know welcome everybody.
Alright alright. well. I
think we want to get started since
if you missed the beginning
of this, we will also have it on
recording I will so I will
said it is so then that will be
that will be a thing. so we
left off with Bob Bob. you just
won't want to let's see where
is Bob. I don't see Bob so let's
see how about I suppose it
like I suppose Cindy. do you wanna
give an intro You wanna give
an introduction Sure my name is
Cynthia Moore and I'm the Las
Vegas Ville Consultant for Moms,
Clean Air Force and also for
Echo. We're an Organization of Moms
and dads. we have over
a million members in the entire
country. we're. Here in Nevada,
we have over eight thousand members
and we have an organizer as
well. Feel consultant in Reno working
there as well of what we
do is we work directly with our
federal delegation and our
state legislators and local elected.
we are working right now.
we have several campaigns going
on right now. We're working on
zero climate pollution. we're working
on Mercury. Standards
Clean Arch Clean car standards also
toxic chemical reform, but
what we do is we engage our members
in different ways. this is
one of them. We're working on doing
virtual panels like the
essential future. during the legislative
session we meet with
our legislators. we partnered up
with cheese spot and other
environmental groups during the
last legislative session to
pass the clean buses for a. Youngster
build that the governor
signed into law, which would make
it so our school buses move
from diesel and become electric.
so that's something that we
were able to work on and engage
our members said are the things
we want to make sure that people
have a voice in this and I we
bring them into the whole and that
they talk about why all this
is a. the reason why I got engaged
in this work was a long time
ago. I've always been interested
in making sure that we move
more towards the clean renewable
energy. I couldn't understand
why we were still using you know
coal plants when we have the
Sun here and there's just other
ways that we could get our
energy but what really motivated
me recently was the birth of
my son. he's almost three years
old and I know. Feel that we
can do better for our planet as
so climate change is something
that's really important to me. I
want to make sure that when
I'm gone, I leave this Earth in
a better place that way my son
and my grandkids can enjoy the many
things I don't able to
Cool well, our moderator Maria Mitch
has just rejoined our call
Maria we were thinking that since
since we're starting with the
new where essentially starting the
event again would you want
to do it doesn't have to be the
full version, but would you
wanna give everybody a brief overview
of what to expect today
and what the Green team is about
and all that fun stuff. You
want me to repeat what I said earlier,
it is. More concise
terms, Okay. for some reason, I'm
getting a recording of what
he's saying before.
Second, just a little technical
glitch. Oh, we're listening to
Facebook live. That's why cool.
Okay. give me a Sec. The
audience is doing so.
Alright, alright, you're ready to
Thank you for your patience everybody.
So you know it doesn't work. Maria.
We can hear you now. can
you like and it's not your video
isn't getting into the call at
all. So can you can you go forward?
I'm trying here sorry
actually while you're sorting that
out so Senator Chris Brooks
is one of our panelists. Yeah himself.
Okay. is he not I'm
coming back on the meeting? No.
he's that's what I'm saying
he's here. Okay. If you want to
well Maria while you're
figuring this out, Chris do you
wanna reintroduce yourself? yes
please. Sure, thank you so I'm Senator
Chris Brooks,
representing the third District
of of Nevada, which is
basically the Center of Las Vegas
and and I I have a long
history in renewable energy and
and I I started a solar company
about about 20 years ago and and
it was the first solar
electric company here in the state
and I went on to develop the
first net metering systems and and
first utility scale solar
electric system of VA photobucket
Texas. Years ago and have
worked in that field my entire career
since then and went on to
to be the executive vice President
of a power company where my
my roles there were to advance clean
energy and that work
brought me to the Nevada Legislature
back in 2003 to lobby for
a bill that that would increase
solar use and access in Nevada
and and that's what what led me
to to get involved in the
policy arena and to to get elected
to run for office and to get
a. And and throughout the history
of of my career going back 20
years in this particular subject
people who've always said it's
it's too soon. It's too expensive.
We can't do it. It will be
too hard and and they've been consistently
wrong and I've I've
I've always been absolutely surprised
about how wrong they are.
It's actually grown faster. It's
cheaper. It's the technology
and and and the pricing of this
has exceeded my wildest dreams
and and so I when I look at. Percent
I think that's very
possible and I'll be surprised.
I'm sure I'll be surprised how
quickly we can get there. one of
the things I did in the last
couple of Sessions was I worked
on the RPS Build Renewable
Portfolio Standard and I I was the
the sponsor of that and and
and work with the team to draft
that bill and and it was
amazing. I tried to run that same
bill in 2017 and and met a
tremendous amount of opposition.
He got no Republican votes and
and was Beto. We passed it, but
it was be told by the then
governor. On Sandoval just in the
two years from 17 to 19, it
went to the unanimous support in
the Legislature and then being
signed by the Democratic Governor
of Governor Steve his life.
so it's amazing what just two years
can can do when there's a
policy makers really get involved
and so I look forward to
working with with all the folks
on this panel and in and the
team that's assembled here today
to watch this to to to create
good polls. That will accommodate
the the technology that that
currently exist and I'm sure the
technology that will advance
and then coming years.
While we're while we're here Doctor
Bob bomb from UNLV just got
back on the call since we're starting
again, do you want to
briefly reintroduce yourself? I
give my part of this is that
the idea at this point, Yes. Okay.
Yeah. I'm a faculty member
of a mechanical engineering Department
at UNLV and I've worked
for a very long time and renewable
energy and what I wanna do
is kinda re go through the sources
that are available to us in
the US very briefly and to us in
Nevada a little more
independent. But for the US generally
we have energy
conservation. I put energy conservation
in in both list because
even though it's not really a source
of energy, I feel that
it's an important issue in. However,
we move that an energy
conservation, no matter what kind
of energy you're trying to
use and how you're trying to use
it is gonna be the most
important issue that you put into
the design of the system. But
anyway, energy conservation is number
one. We also have in the
United States, solar energy geothermal,
energy and wind energy.
Those are the main sources of energy
that we have available.
They're available in different kinds
of places more in some
places and less than others. so
there are quite variable across
the country, which makes it important
that we kind of tune in a
particular area that we're into
what we're trying to take a. So
if we move on to Nevada, the things
that we have here are of
course, energy conservation and
I might mention then some of
specific kinds of things on each
of these that I go through
energy conservation has a very large
number of possibilities,
but the one that I'll just mention
is for if we're in a
building and there are so many different
kinds of conservation
things we can do in that building.
Will increase our
availability of energy saving some
money so that's something to
keep in mind. buildings are the
big thing I think for Nevada
generally and so keep that in mind,
then beyond that we go to
solar energy. Now. solar comes in
a couple different forms for
our our group of possibilities here
they're both for power
generation. And also for heating
processes are solar energy
kinds of applications. Our generation
could be done by two
different kinds of ways. the most
popular way currrently is
photo takes and by far it's dominating
the field right now. So
if you see a panel on a roof of
a House chances are it's
affordable. take maybe a water heating
panel, but the chances
are most likely a PDF. there's also
a PVC setup in fields. so
if you go and tell the road. Valley
South of Las Vegas. there's
tons of power generation units down
there are various works.
The Energy type of system the type
of heating system rather
than the type of portable take panel
are the heating systems
that generated with trust. So if
there's a there's a trophy
system also in the El Dorado Valley
South of Las Vegas and then
what it does is heats the water
up and runs or heats of food up
and runs through a turbine just
like to bend. Power plants were
accept the sources sunlight.
the other source that we have available
to us is geothermal
geothermal is available mainly in
the North Park Estate and
it's typically taps through large
plants that put Wells in the
ground draw the hot fluid. That's
resides down some distance in
the ground and he's used that to
turn a turbine typically in
the ultimate kind of process and
so Chill Thermal is another
one that's important, but it's primarily
for northern Nevada.
there are other kinds of systems
that I could talk about that
briefly. There are more less commonly
used, let's say. so, for
example, through us storage of very
sorts, thermal storage and
battery storage are things we've
We've been storing energy in
this way for some long time, but
having it beyond a. Large
scale is something that's coming
a little more into development
because the manufacturers are bringing
the cost down on these
things and we're gonna find that
systems on houses. there are
few of them now that maybe run 20
- four hours off the Sun.
Well, we'll see a lot more of these
in the future with storage
another source of energy as it is
either less used or not so
fully developed yet is one that's less used.
Stretch for out of
burning of of taking out the trash.
that's these like the big
dumps and putting up something that
cast catches the gas that
comes off of these things. that's
primarily natural just like
and then they could use that in
a power plant to generate
power. so methane from garbage is
something that's there.
Limited and it's mainly from big
cities Solar towers. There are
two towers not too far from Las
Vegas. Both of them are having
some operational problems the one
in over the Nevada or the
California line. I think it's still
operating while the one up
North of Las Vegas is having some
problems and not operating
from what I understand hydrogen,
I began could be something
that we use and has been used from
a long time. really they're
been automobile's. Made back early
part of the last century,
but it's something we're gonna see
more and more of is hydrogen
generation and use yeah and various
kinds of applications solar
cooling or limited and some of the
other kinds of things that
we see. but it exists and we're
gonna see some developments in
that area. Ultimately, right now,
it tends to be very
expensive. I'll just mention. Three
more very briefly here
advances in front of all take technology.
There are various
kinds of cheaper cases systems higher
performance kinds of
systems and things are out there
that are a little different
than the discipline all flat plate
systems, but that we're
going to see more and more of these
other kinds. Finally, I met
mentioned two other ones that if
we were a seaport on the Sea
somewhere we could cap wave power
or title power, of course
where we're. Blocks away we are
here those are not at all
available to us. Those are that's
a very quick summary of
different kinds of sources.
Go I supposed are so one panelist
we haven't heard from yet
today would be Linear. He's like
he's a retired dentist who has
also been one of our best friend
team volunteers Lynn. If you
wanna introduce yourself and then
Maria, I will then you can
introduce yourself again and then
take back over. Yes, you know
I guess I needed right I live here.
I have a physicist and
chemical engineer that went on clean
energy and environmental
projects for months Center of Chemical
Company for 30 - four
years. always as a ID in Chicago.
Yeah RD function that I I'm
gonna blend out what what Robert
said on some of the things
he's quite quite right about some
of the technologies are
feeling the wrong. I Believes that
we can make our voters of
harvest clean energy by 2050 by
all of these these technologies
we talked about and I'm gonna talk
really detail about a few of
them that I actually have experience
with in the energy is
definitely installing PVC on Senator
connected to investor
batteries right now, which seems
to be kind of a murder for so
and as well as with across the nation.
I'm especially in Las
Vegas because that because, for
example, we're talking about
the you know sir on the rooftops.
The reality is that this is a
net metering things going on now,
reality is that that's not a.
it's a nonstarter in the respect
that the India energies,
killing three times the amount of
costs. For the rest officer
when they do the new Style Center
panel, which is around
three cents a kilowatt hour right
now, a retail at the source
of the power. so when they put the
that still leads into our
what we called the snap and the
snack ribs is the film is gonna
enable us to leave it out power
at the hundred percent renewal
level, which is very difficult.
so I ate a lot harder than
that. 50 percent because when you
have the 50 percent you're
allowed to turn on some gas power
chiropractic occasion to to
level out the power of the grip
for a hundred percent that
happen anymore. So you have to have
some some other kinds of
power to take the place with the
sudden shock and what is to
share power with people with with
people that have a lot of
room like uncle in Wyoming, where
he has really rich in their
reach. and so that comes to a stop.
Group, which connects our
area and they're actually trying
to build some reasonable
transmission lines for those at
least from my own down to
Nevada because of when sometimes
where the Sun is not shining.
it is a special kind of necessary
to distribute power hundred
percent Power 20 -, 47, will be
using medical type places to
get your powerful The public sources,
but let me give you some
experience. I had when I was looking
for Santa. One of our are
higher. One of our processes was
a 50 megawatt electric
chemical process, which I was a
RBI engineer in Baldwin and
this process. we had to if we turn
that they are. it was like
eight 80000 amps a 600 pounds if
we turn that thing on TJ. 20 -
eight comes down so we had acquired
made of leather power of
with TVA, which is a surprise source
in order to in order to
manage that electric pencil process.
Well today is the
essential thing where power you
have to love the the you know
you have to have some backup power
in order to instant back up
to to take place in the surgeons
or you don't have far ability
for things like Right now is batteries
but there's other
sources as well. the as mentioned
batteries of manager power
when excess is event where there's
excess power and make it
available. another is is a lack
of power from safe, for
example, so when the Sun goes down
but but there's a little
expensive but technology is driving
the cost down and they some
say that when it's around A hundred
Bucks. For rock, then it's
equitable with other kinds of power
in a little bit a little
bit more in the next 70 outcome,
which is the sequestering
higher success rate coverage now
important to the total
important to maintain 20 - 47. You
need continuous hundred
percent power sources like deal
former and hydropower that that
I mentioned Kind of kind of believer
that the nation we're we
have a lot of terrified of course
after every day, but hydrogen
is really. he also played that out
how to just really
absolutely more important things
we could we could you know use
in order to supplement the power
that we need 20 - 47 now so
questioning simply have thought
about the question and common
oxide in order to save. Run up a
gas power power plant or
something like that, but that's
not practical. I actually was
involved with a a process that produced
10000 tons of pure
high. I was actually the RV engineer
for hundred plants to
produce 10000 pounds of pure hydration
animal. The problem is
when we make covered when we make
hydrogen using the steam
methane reformers that we had generate
us and see 02 and so
term. Was he had to be sequestered
or stepped from the hydrogen
and it's actually quite feasible
and when you're just making
which is from manufacturing is not
alone but when you're
talking about the massive amount
from power places is
impractical because the equipment
is is is very expensive and
and fairly highly technical and
and in reality would not be
practical from scaling up to the
large skills we need for power
plants. So what I'd like to point
out is it's better to not
make the cover. At the beginning,
rather than trying to step it
out when you we I like to call it
is better to not not put
lipstick on a pig is to go ahead
and put me on make make power
that does not generate carbon dioxide.
and I've heard that the
truth now the best method I got
to put out the best method to
remove carbon dioxide is now in
the atmosphere is by planning a
lot of trees worldwide and refuel.
Places that were forced to
been pouring down like in Brazil,
for example, or higher faster
than ever. They haven't been for
millions of years, just as
many billions, we need balance of
trees worldwide, but that is
that could there's some evidence
shows that my term as you
could remove maybe 30 percent of
the property oxide. it's
needed to get get back to work now.
How did you? I like that
about hundreds of seconds? I think
being the bad now but it's
actually very practical way of of
getting some supplemental
power. once you the way you get
it is you have a tape of water
and all you do is stick a couple
of veterans here and plug it
into some Center powers and wind
power and the highly of oxygen
bubbles away in the
in the Catholic. It's pure hydrogen,
we could be captured in
his to grab the turbans to supplement
the grid power or it can
be used in manufacturing now manufacture.
We are one of things
they mentioned is manufacturing
manufacturing. we need to be
playing their up as well. They play
their act up in terms now
again back to the President was
better to not make Colorado
oxide to begin with and the Ohio
this process can produce.
Hydrogen with probably clean through
processes that make
fertilizer or other dogs or other
chemicals that require the
use of hydrogen rather than putting
on the reformer process,
which uses a lot of natural gas
and generates a lot of public
oxide now one of the things that
one exception of hydropower,
though I like to put it out is a
reality after a better kind of
a steady unusual hydration for vehicles.
electric vehicles is
that magical. I've heard a hydrogen
and the the infrastructure
required to handle higher to to
have a higher vehicle is way
more expensive. Now since the cost
of batteries is down the
only real practical way they caught
a low cost way is E V,
which is electric vehicles using
batteries in charging them,
and it's actually 90 -. five percent
of the power for electric
car can be done by charging in your
garage and then I One of
the things I recommend for our group
or anybody that's working
on is to make EVs less expensive
for the average family now to
expensive and not available widely.
I think getting the the the
price stand this. it cost nothing
batteries coming down but we
need to get those CDs on the market
maybe for return. so so
people asked for the actual another
thing that's a problem is
charging we're working on getting
the charging of those
fashion, but they also have. Now
a 300000 mile lifetime now the
new some of the new electric cars
the batteries last 300000
miles and they're very soon in the
next few years. Experts say
they'll be cheaper to buy than than
gaspard vehicles so that
that's what I say anyway we can
do it basically.
Thank you Lynn. I will now turn
it over back to Maria Maria
Munich of who will introduce herself
and her background and
then moderate the rest of. Okay.
Okay. Thank you it's all
really interesting stuff and I'm
really happy to hear all of
your expertise on the subject. I
come from a completely
different background. I am a field
biologist, so I come from
the ecology and environment sort
of background so I primarily
work with the desert Tortoise population
here in well actually
over the entire Mohammed dessert.
So although I'm based here in
Las Vegas, I currently have a project
in. Windows California
and I've worked throughout Southern
California, Southern Nevada
and a tiny bit of Utah that tiny
bit of Arizona. That's in the
desert. so yeah well. you know we've
all looked at and spoken
about the evidence. How dire it
is for us to go to work cooking
energy. the evidence is just you
know all over the place so.
Example, even just now with the
Covid- 19, we have a Stanford
University study that just came
out showing the pollution
levels in China prior to this crisis
and pollution levels now
and they're just insanely like it's
the airs like so much
cleaner now and it's measurable
so moving toward a cleaner
energy future. We can have that
and we can create that by
eliminating fossil fuels and you
know eliminating cool and the
traditional forms of energy production
that we have been used
to in the past decades and decades
so ecologically the desert
tortoise population. We talked about
Photobucket take solar
versus the mirror systems talking
about Ivan Paw right on the
California Nevada state line and
the major fat. It has on our
wild animal population that I would
say around A hundred and 50
tortoises desert tortoises have
been trends located for that
project back in 2010 to 2012, and
my friend, Kirsten is
currently finishing up her PHD on
the subject and she is
looking at the effects of large
scale solar on those are
tornadoes populations and a lot
of them don't do too well.
And she has genetic evidence in
her in her work to show the and
the bigger problem. The much much
much bigger problem is
affects these mirrors have on our
Bird population. so the few
times that I have gone out to Ivan
Paw. I noticed this is
anecdotally. not any sort of evidence
was collected on this,
but I noticed really odd birds that
should not have been there
like American coots. And yeah, water
Bird some Ducks you know
the reason why they were attracted
was because the mirrors look
like water so they shouldn't have
been there. Yeah. the
appearance of water created this
mirage attract the water birds
and much much more importantly is
that these mirrors that they
that shine on to the towers anything
that flies in that beat
those beams yet vaporized. So it's
even almost impossible to do
a proper mortality studies because
mortality studies involved
counting carcasses and if you can't
account purposes if they're
just ash we can't even get an accurate
number to have many
birds are being killed through these
mirror systems. so it
seems you know economically ecologically
it just seems that
photo voltaic is the way to go combat.
Point of view So yeah, I
just get it kinda gave a brief background
of where I'm coming
from. so our first question I came
from one of our wealth from
the least and it's very legitimate.
how can we make an
incentive to make people wanna go
renewed to renewable energy
sources and what about converting
these major cities that are
completely built around these sources
having how do we get them
to change to renewable energy with
anyone like to offer to
answer that first? Maybe from a
political standpoint, Senator
Yeah, I I think that the it's largely
a financial conversation
and I think that that most consumers
don't want to buy
renewable energy. They would much
rather have a clean energy if
given a choice but not if it's at
a premium and so I think that
that making intelligent policy decisions
that that incentivize
the lowest cost renewables and and
So many good points were
brought up that that lead to that
and and I know about Lynn was
talking about the transmission system.
There are things that we
can do from a policy standpoint
at the state level, but at the
National level group, particularly
the first the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission on how we
could streamline the adoption
of of a smart grid and build out
more transmission to
accommodate using Having a very
portfolio of renewable
resources across a very portfolio
of load and and so there's
there's a lot of things we can do
and when I know that the the
question was about incentivizing
but I think that just really
making smart policy decisions will
allow for the low cost
adoption of renewable energy without
direct financial
incentives, but then on the on on
the fellas. Side the
investment tax credit that is Associated
with with renewable
energy. Construction has been a
significant mover for for
adopting a large scale solar projects
and and wind projects and
geothermal projects across the country
and in our state, we
have an incentive and that is the
renewable energy tax
abatement program in the state of
Nevada. So if you take the
federal investment tax credit, coupled
with the renewable
energy tax abatement program, it
makes the cost. Of solar and
wind and geothermal far less than
it would be otherwise and
that that to me is the most effective
and efficient way to
incentivize renewable energy. I
I I don't think that that that
it's very effective from a financial
standpoint from from a
cost-benefit standpoint to give
direct incentives to the end
user and subsidize the cost of electricity
in that way. Okay.
Thank you Cynthia I would like to
know certain communities tend
to be more representative within
the environmental activist
movement but more than others. So
how can we make this movement
better reflect not Nevada in America
as a whole? any thoughts
on that? Yeah. So mom's clean Air
force has the next outreach
program called Richmond and what
we do is we hold meetings
called Go. To seek those and we
engage our members and Spanish,
we have discussions about what it
is that we're doing on the
federal level, but also what we're
doing on the local level and
state level and we hold these vehicles.
with our members in
different States have several accommodates
feel consultants
that are part of our Organization
and that's part of the way
that we bring them into our Organization
and let them know
that. Even if they might not speak
the language or maybe don't
feel comfortable going to different,
you know with different
Organization, we bring them into
the fold and we talk directly
to them. we're not the only Organization
out there their selves
so cheesy spot they've been around
for a while here in Nevada.
They're one of our partners that
we work with we also have
another partner here in Nevada.
They don't necessarily work on
environmental issues on. But we
do a lot of work with make the
road and there are a number of driven
Organization and before
all this happened. I was going to
go speak to their membership
about the ways that they could get
involved in climate change
and our movement and part I was
going to go present to them
once a month. so right now, everything
you know, I'm moving to
you know, holding our meetings virtually.
I'm still trying to
figure out how it is that I can
bring this message directly to
them. Okay. Thank you and there
there's been evidence that I've
read that show that you know, communities
of color tend to be
disproportionately affected by their
dirty energy. more
pollution. Well, I mean look at
Flint, Michigan. You know the
the contaminated water so I would
suggest also that may be like
you're doing you know and it's great
more awareness and then
once people are aware that this
is affecting them, you know
that would probably give them an
incentive to do. To fight for
clean energy so alright well the
next question I would like to
ask Leonard Bob because you come
from the energy standpoint
either one can answer this. What
is the greatest misconception
about clean energy? about how would
be implemented that either
of you personally run into and how
would you go about
correcting it?
either you or if you are like whichever
wants to jump in versus
comfort. I get I can come in a little
bit. I mean it's a broad
question. whether the things I noticed
was sitting several
things. I like to point out when
is that we talked about clean
energy and covered oxide is actually
a clear manager from the
standpoint is not toxic to humans
or animals or anybody else.
All of it is all that does is that
traps heat. if you breathe
out five percent cotton oxide every
time you breathe. so it's
obviously not toxic. You can't smell
it or anything like that,
whereas other pollutants, we're
talking about you know our
actually you know technical stuff
that you get something like
that probably is nothing and it
affects we we put them covered
outside of the atmosphere, say car
right here in Nevada that
common oxide show. In India and
South America and an article
throughout the globe in just a relatively
short amount of time
to win and so it's it's it's totally
I think they said that the
climate change type of thing is
better to save the room all at
once, which is a rare occurrence
in the history of average
since man has been on Earth. so
that's the misconception of
what kind of accident is do. It
seems to be the major ones.
And how about you Professor Boom?
In terms of how we can move
toward clean is that what you're
saying, yeah, what are the
biggest misconceptions you've come
across in your in your work?
well, I think making the systems
much more cost effective is
the best possible deal because most
of us are motivated by the
cost and we're we may have a desire
to be clean and all that
sort of thing, but if the cost is
really. Expensive we look at
different direction, so I think
that the crucial thing is and
this is happening. We're coming
up with more and more clean
systems that are less expensive
and I think that's the that's
the direction that we really have
to go. Okay. Thank you and
one question that was directed to
me is what can we do to
minimize ecological harm or create
ecological benefit of clean
energy technology? if we adopt them
as utility or Mass scale
well, I would suggest using already
developed area not pristine
desert, but already land that's
already been developed. for
example. If you've been to the Springs
Preserve, I don't know
if you've seen the parking lot,
they have panels on the parking
lot. That's amazing. you know the
panels are producing energy
and creating shade at the same time
for for crimes to be part
under especially in our hundred and 10
degree Summers. That's a
wonderful idea. so if we can use
already developed land to
promote place to put large-scale
solar in that would be huge,
you wouldn't be displaced. Native
wildlife out of their habitat
to create these large scale solar
farms, which is unfortunately
what we're doing at the moment so
that would be a huge huge
step in the right direction. If
we continue that land that's
already in disturbed instead of
Christine desert habitat, and
then, of course what I mentioned
earlier about using photo
rotate, which means to be the way
to go anyway, instead of the
mirror systems that it's just. The
Bird population so okay, the
next question so Senator what is
your human had mentioned your
experiences fighting for clean energy
policy at the state
level. what are some of the implement?
I mean some of the
impediments to taking to the better
level. You've already
mentioned some would you care to
expand on that? Yeah. I think
the number one obstacle we currently
have is that a lot of
people in this country definitely
and and this administration
do not believe in science and do
not respect that the data that
should be driving these these these
decisions and and they're
the the big thing that we're facing
right now and that's
probably the major obstacle is the
the stranded cost Assets and
the carbon economy and so if you've
got a long-term investments
made in and and refineries and an
oil and gas exploration and
production and and and the machine,
the industrial machine of
our our our planet that has been
running off of carbon-based
fuels for so very long to try to
transition away from that you
make all of those those previous
investments, non economic and
and that's really. The biggest obstacle
and that's what we see
with with our own utility what we
see in this country and what
we're seeing across the board in
in every economy in the world
and so that that's the biggest hurdle
and and there are
creative ways to to approach that
and one of one of the ways
we've done it in our state is by
actually paying down those in
those long-term investments and
in in our case, coal fired
power plants and so you know we.
Asking utility to make an
investment on our behalf and they
go out and they build a coal
power plant and then we for one
reason or another change our
our our policies as state and we
ask him to shut it down well,
the rate payers and and and the
companies that we asked, we
actually told to make that investment
are now on the hook and
and helping them transition out
of those those older
carbon-based investments and into
what we do. We feel is now
most important. that's really the
trick and that's where policy
makers can come in through mechanisms
like carbon pricing and
and and career tax credits and also
through things like direct
security securitization of of existing
investments. Okay. Were
you able to achieve bipartisan support
for your bill? and you
know how could you get Republicans
on board with clean energy?
and then the second part of that
question? Is helpful these
changes you're proposing impact
rural communities versus those
in the bigger cities in Nevada.
Well, I'll take the second
question first in several counties
in the state of Nevada. The
the tax collected from geothermal
plants is the largest tax
payer in that County and so when
we look at at some of these
renewable energy projects and transmission
projects that
accommodate when you have energy
they, they have a tremendous
benefit for the county's the rule
communities in our state and
in the same as true. Of our nation
of with with wind
development and with transmission
development and and the the
first question that there are it.
It's it's amazing. I I got
two Republicans in the minority
Party in 2017 to vote for for
expanding our renewable portfolio
Standard and then I got
unanimous support in the 2019 session
to support expanding our
renewable. Energy portfolio Standard,
I think I got zero
Republican votes to to pass a a
carbon reduction bill that did
not even have mandates in it. It
just it ordered that we meet
me. take a a A A subsequent of where
we're at We create a
report about where we are from the
greenhouse gas emission
standpoint and we put out ideas
on how to get to the goal and
then I got zero votes. I'm from
the Republican Party on that,
but if I got a unanimous vote. The
Democratic Party and so so
what I would say is that looking
from 17 to 19 if there's an
enough public pressure from organizations
like Cindy's and from
organized and from constituents
that we can move folks into a
better place. and so that pain is
not a single public 22
Republican votes out of out of 30
and over 20 -, five and and
and 2019 unanimous votes on the
same basic piece of legislation
so With the pressure that that that
that the Green team and and
and all the volunteers in here as
well as organizations like
Cindy's, a couple with the data
and the facts from from folks
like Doctor Gamez and from folks
like Lynn that we can get
those folks to the right place by
2020, - one and it's it's an
incremental approach. I don't think
we have time. I think we
gotta get it there yesterday, but
that that that's that's the
only way that we can get it get
in there and it's so keeping up
the pressure as Educating them.
Okay. a question from Wayne Willis
wouldn't the fastest way to
clean energy to be slowly make carbon-based
energy more
expensive than market forces will
create demand incentivize
intimate innovation reward investment
in new sources storage
etcetera. So why not support a carbon
fee and dividend
legislation like the Energy Innovation
and Carbon Dividend Act
HR six anybody care to comment on
I I do support the carbon pricing
and whether it's through a
cap and trade or the dividend system,
the cost of carbon needs
to be assessed and and and then
things decisions that we make
in long-term investments that we
make is is as States and and
as Nations and as industries will
be far more realistic and and
will be based on the true cost and
so right now in our state.
it's really difficult for us to
assess any sort of cost of
carbon because of of. That is something
that really needs to
happen at a National policy. If
you if you take a piece of
metal approach to any sort of a
carbon pricing scheme on a
state-by-state basis, it could rehab
is on interstate Commerce.
Okay. Thank you. this is I'm sorry.
Can I comment too. Of
course you can okay I run family
must do at a National level is
stop subsidizing the fossil fuel
industry. That's just my.
Circle coming absolutely. Absolutely.
So the next question
comes from Jeff Jones are there
any ways we can help reduce
waste at landfills and create energy
at the same time. So I you
know a common first thing that comes
to mind is waste
incinerators, but is there any way
to do that cleanly as
anybody know about this and care
to comment on it?
If I were talking to you are you
actually the question can you
capture a recycled retail as an
interview or something like
that? yes, it's quite possible.
we did that quite a different
plate quite a few projects at Monsanto
Company where we took
waste streams and use them to great
energy rather than just
trash a project. One of my favorite
projects is in 1980 the CEO
mindset. He said reduce emissions
of all kinds of ways to the
environment by 90 percent and I
was an engineer that worked on
that and anytime I had a project
I I was included an
environmental component and we it
led to recycling recycling a
lot of our products and also improving
the efficiency of our
projects all of our products. To
in order to emissions and the
ground for 10 years and we made
it just by having the medicine
for that, but there's a lot to be
okay. Thank you the next
question is from Leslie Style. if
we get a trillion dollar plus
Green New deal slash WPA the second
stimulus. do you expect it
to be jobs and policy oriented without
the need burn senses?
Incentives or how well it works.
I guess this is it seems to be
a question for Senator Chris Brooks.
Well, I would like to see
if any sort of of direct financial
stimulus goes through to
large infrastructure projects and
and I I think that if we make
those long-term investments in renewable
energy projects using
federal dollars that that we will
once they're built, they'll
they'll stay in operation for decades
and decades. They'll put
put Americans to work and it will
help us transition away from
those some open costs and what I
would hate to see happen is
them get a. Towards the expansion
of offshore drilling or
interstate gas pipelines it is so
so much of that is is is
dependent on who sits in the White
House and who sits in in
Congress and unfortunately everybody
here has a tremendous
amount to to say who that's gonna
be in a few months. And so if
we if we get a large stimulus package,
I I am concerned with
how it will be directed in our current
administration but but
I. very optimistic that that will
change and and if it does
that we will have a much more intelligent
strategy on how we
would implement those funds and
Green infrastructure projects
right. Okay. Thank you and the next
question is from Shauna
Sean Baker about the maintenance
of photo voltaic panels if we
were to put them on every rooftop
in Las Vegas, who will
maintain them that is will a public
utility company, be able to
access them to clean and maintain
them when a property owner is
not available. Would it be better
to make? Public buildings
like malls and restaurants put out
photovoltaic panels on their
rooftops anyway here to comment.
come back. I can I can speak
to that. I think that the rooftop
server because of the
maintenance and the President started
the is a way America
expensive than than, for example,
if you put in front of a take
in large industry in the large utility
great places. Because
the the the cost of certain on the
rooftop and House over a
long term is much higher, three
times higher than the utility
grade and the cost of will become
commissioned civil like on
top of parking lots and buildings
and things like that it's
kinda similar between but the lowest
cost silver in Lewis
called maintenance will be a huge
installation like over the
city. where you have Of these, the
economy of scale is the
economy of scale than seven and
the Congress and the economy of
scale of maintaining them. If you
maintain, you know,
A thousand megawatts of power, all
at one time with cost for
the maintenance is a faction of
what it would be to go around
to all the rooftops in Las Vegas
and maintain boats. and so the
reality is to not rely too much.
On a smaller scale stuff and
more on a larger scale stuff, Okay.
Thank you Professor care to
comment on that.
Yeah. Oh. yeah. One possibility
is that flat plate TV in
general does not have to be cleaned
and I think that was shown
in some big egg plants that are
down in it. Toronto Valley I
think there's some of those facilities
that are down there.
They have never been cleaned and
yet operate almost as well as
they did when they were first put
in. so there's a little bit
of weather effect on the positive,
depending on where they're
located. it could be negative, but
it's positive in here it,
but it also for low efficiency kinds
of systems like flat plate
systems are it does. Paid to really
clean them in a very
frequent kind of war.
So well, what are the main impediments
now to making this
happen? is it just general support
for the fossil fuel industry
that's happening under this current
administration, or there is
there much more to it than that?
Well. I think the fossil fuel
whole business is something that's
very big and Redondo on a
political basis. And when we talk
about renewable kinds of
energies we have. Companies and
that sort of thing that are out
there. Some of the big companies
are starting to change their
attitudes, but in general that.
Fuel industry is made up
entirely a big companies with a
lot of political power and they
wanna keep in business doing what
they're doing. Okay. Okay.
Thank you so this screen new deal
would Nevada be able to have
something like that that would apply
just to our state or is
this sort of a federal federal proposed
legislation. Senator
Well, you know there needs to be
a comprehensive National
energy policy right, something has
been lacking for my entire
life and and and and short of that
States have stepped up and
done their own thing and and so
in Nevada we we we don't have
any any gas or oil to speak of.
We don't have cold. We don't
have these incumbent industries
that that have made have huge
workforces Associated with them
that would be displaced. So for
in Nevada it's. Upside and so that's
you know what got me into
into my current job and and I think
that there's a lot of
people who who agree with me and
support that vision, including
our governor and think about this,
we've got lithium. We're the
only operating lithium operation
in the entire North America
and lithium is the primary ingredient
for energy storage and
for electric vehicle storage. we
have an album ours is an
operating lithium operation, Iron
Eer and and and lithium
America have have mad. deposits
that they've identified in
their developing right now, we've
got a very new one of the
most urban States in the entire
United States of America. So
therefore we have new infrastructure
and we have the average
short of round trip the average
commute or the average Las
Vegas is less than 10 miles, so
even though the the most modest
and inexpensive electric vehicles
that could solve those those
every daily needs. Then you take
all of that. Together and and
there is really no good reason for
us not to electrify as much
as we possibly can and then provide
that electricity with
renewable energy and and and so
I think that that we are trying
to do a Green new deal in the state
of Nevada and and I've
watched in my career. tens of thousands
of people be employed
and make a good living wage in this
clean energy economy.
Nevada has the most solar jobs per
capita in the United States,
Nevada uses the moon. Solar per
capita in the United States and
if we couple that with the geothermal,
but we have the wind
available ability that we have in
and the opportunities for
transportation electrification,
I I think there's nothing but
upside for for our economy for for
and for our air and and for
our greenhouse gas emissions that
that benefit the entire
region. But I think when it was
very broad of a very important
point, we need to talk about the
regionalization of our
transmission systems is we can't
do it alone? Yes, okay. Thank
you. we've reached our time 330,
but since there's a little
glitch is everybody they're able
to stay for another 10 minutes
or so longer.
Okay. Thank you
Well, anecdotally, I drive a Nissan
Leaf and even and I bought
it used. It's a 2012 about it in
2016 and even in the almost
four years I've owned that car.
I noticed a huge upsurge in the
amount of charging stations just
in Las Vegas. I see them at
all sorts of casinos now shopping
mall of whereas before you
know, I was very limited in my mobility
because there wasn't a
place to charge it and there was
always that battery anxiety. I
was running out of battery so even
in a few short years, I've
noticed a noticeable improvement
in that. so yeah, no matter is
improving, but there's still a long
way to go. Okay. Hey, well,
how about we because we have about
10 minutes left. everybody
do a closing closing statement and
then we'll we'll wrap it up.
Okay. So let's start with you.
Go worry about that thank you for
having for inviting Moms,
Clean Air Force and mothers to be
part of the panel. I've I
enjoy doing these things because
every time I learned something
new but I do think that together
we can make a difference and
anyone that wants to get involved
and you can visit our
website. Moms Clean Air Force dot
org The Org or you know,
there's the Green team as well that
people can volunteer with
we are a member-driven Organization
and we look forward to
working with the senator and the
rest of our legislative
members and moving forward. I do
think that we had a huge
victory this last pledge of session.
I think we were one of the
most greenest legislative sessions
and Nevada is leading other
States and were shot. Them that
it can be done here in Nevada
because we have leaders like Senator
Chris Brooks and others
leading the way
Okay. Professor you come up with
a few closing weeks.
Here we go. Yeah I I think that
Nevada's in a very desirable
location in terms of the energy
situation, I think as was
mentioned in some of the presentations
we don't have a lot of
heavy duty
environment environmental and polluters
in terms of energy
kinds of things within the state.
That's one positive thing. We
got our utility seems to be oriented
toward trying to do the
right thing in terms. Of renewable
kinds of energy and I think
that we're on the right track. Really.
I think I'm very happy
that I'm living in Nevada. I think
it's a great place
when what's your from you? Yes.
first of all. I'm very happy to
be part of this you know phone conference,
but also I've I've
I'm glad we're barely less on the
same page with all the people
that are in this panel. I do have.
I do have some environmental
background. We'd like to make a
couple of comments that you
posted first of all. I think the
cost of PDF with batteries is
gonna be enough that we don't have
to worry about the same
thermal stuff anymore, which is
an environmental problem. I
also did research on Emails in terms
of working with the you
know out of interface with the automated
Society in terms of
courage and this is the standpoint
is that many of the windows.
As you can watch out and put them
in driveways, but the the
number of birds save energy compared
to what might be damaged
by running into windmills is is
is with the pretty in as many
windows as you can as you look at
the areas and environmental
responsible in a general, we better
be. we gotta be careful
about going too heavy on in some
cases in the environmental
situation Because the reality is
we've got to stop global
warming for the safety of the Earth
and there are some you know
moments for lithium and some or
the underwater grab in the
Pacific Ocean for metals like cobalt
where we need to go ahead
and defend energy, which is going
to damage some environmental
habitats. We have to be that away
just have to be struggled. We
can with some of afraid of. Damage
will be done otherwise that
this has been great. It's okay.
Thank you. Senator. closing
words. Yeah. I I think that the
number one thing that I I would
like to stress is that that we can
do this. This is something
that well it it. It needs to get
less expensive. That would be
great. Well, We'll invent new things
that will make things
easier with the technology. We have
and the pricing that
currently is we can get this done
the only thing that is left.
His political will and and holding
of elected officials
accountable and electing folks who
agree with us on this is is
the key to getting this done and
the time frame that we need to
get it done
and it looks like somebody flipped
in a final question right
here at the end and so somebody
asked Jaggers asked I lost my
job because of Kobe and I would
love to work with any.
Professionals does anyone have any
programs that have been
mentioned that can fire people in
the energy field. Anybody
I will say that based on on some
recent actions across the
state of Nevada that a few gigawatts
of renewable energy will
be being built over the next couple
of years, and some of those
projects will be getting started
in the next few months. And so
if you're in the building trades,
if you're in the
environmental law or contract law
trade, if you're in a field
biologist, if you're an engineer
or a survey or an architect
all of those folks. Will be needed
to work on these projects
and and no employee thousands of
Nevadans and and these
projects are starting in the next
few months so some of them as
soon as the next few months exactly
so you know one of the the
arguments I've heard like something,
say coal miners. for
example, they're like well, you
know there's Green New deal
comes and I'm gonna lose my job
as a coal minor. Well, I mean
you know of course and buggy makers
had to adapt to when the
car was was made. Have to you know
adopt with the times and get
retrained for new jobs and that's
how it's gonna be with this
type of clean energy future. So
I also feel that to have
political will as you mentioned
Senator would involve a lot of
education and just you know when
I talk to people about how
many birds are killed on the mirror
systems of of solar
projects, people are are dumb founded.
they didn't know so the
clear the key is education you know.
Informing people letting
them know what's at stake, you know
all of our futures are
state and especially you know our
children and our
grandchildren's futures as well.
So anyway, I would like to
thank you all for speaking today.
It was very interesting. It's
really good to hear from different
fields. you know coming from
in the environmental and ecological
field. so it's really
awesome to hear you know people
from the political spectrum and
from the engineering and academia
field so. Thank you Marcus,
for and of course, Cindy you know
from activism field and yeah.
Thank you all for coming at least
thank you for offering to
host us before this little bit upright
happens. then yeah, this
has been a wonderful way to spend
a Sunday afternoon so over to
you, Marcus Thank you. Yeah. I mean
that's about it. you all
covered it. I think that we can
leave it at that. Thank you if
you're still like if you're still
on the panel or still
listening in. thank you so much
for. helping us put together
what I think was a was once we like
once we got a few things
figured out a successful event.
I like I mean I feel like I've
learned a lot today and I am really
excited for what's it like
for what's next in an environmental
activism in general and
with the Green team and with everything
that everyone on it
like on our panel is like has done
and is doing so I will leave
it at. Thank you all so much have
a great rest of your Sunday.
Thank you so much alright take care.
Thanks appreciate all of
your time. Alright. Bye bye.
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