Friday, March 20, 2020 - Trust is Leadership
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We are live from the tea Tea room
here in Las Vegas, Nevada on
Friday and really happy to be here
with you and celebrating the
end of this week and hopefully gonna
have some some friends
come on through Instagram and chat
with us
It's been a tough week. But I think
we're all gonna we're all
gonna do good and we're all gonna
learn a lot. I think we
already have learned a lot and you
know it's interesting when I
first started you know doing doing
these sessions.
I was trying to avoid talking about
what we're dealing with
here and just realizing now that
there, there is no avoiding it
and we we do need to talk about
it and Everybody's perspective
here here with everybody is learning
and and all of that great
stuff. So here I'm live on Instagram
and yeah. so you know
before we start bringing some friends
on and start chatting
with didn't wanna talk about an
article that I read yesterday
that talks about the real problem
that we're dealing. Right now
and why it is becoming such an issue
for us and what we're
eventually going to evolve to have
which is leadership and you
know I talk about leadership all
the time in fact, just last
week I had a business partner here
that's was asking me what is
tea latte and what is my vision
for Taylor? What is my goal for
and ultimately what I said is the
tea let his leadership.
That's what we are and that's what
I want the world to see us
to be and so it was you know really
related relatable for me to
read this article about our lack
of leadership and it's very
long article and I'll I'll go ahead
and like post a link to it
so that way you guys can all read
it. but essentially says that
leadership is trust and trust within
a community and and that's
really what we're missing in our
society now. And why we're
having such a A A tough go at dealing
with what we're dealing
right now is because there is a
lack of trust and that our
leadership has really done a lot
in creating that lack of trust
that we are only out for ourselves
and that's kind of been the
mentality that we've been rolling
with here in the developed
world, which has. Pulled into the
developing world, too, You
know I travel a lot to the developing
world and there is this
kind of romantic romanticism in
around. Hey Lyn Lyn. How are
you doing good to see you thanks
for saying hi.
yeah. So it's it's not just a problem
exclusively ours either.
even the developing world where
small scale trusting
communities exist. There is still
this ideal toward. you know
the the the more developed world,
which really is based off of
a lack of trust and it was really
interesting that you know
since about 2010, there's been this
growing community around
information transparency peer to
peer information sharing. so
this is like the cryptocurrency
world and that is all based. Of
trust like you know, Bitcoin and
blockchain is all relevant for
trust-based transactions. So that's
why Bitcoin has been
successful for currency transactions
cuz the mutual
understanding of the value of a
currency which could be a piece
of paper or could be this like electronic
entity that we all
possess and trade with each other.
there's trust that we both
understand the value of that currency
and so that's why.
Bitcoin is a good application for
currency. you know when
you're talking about information
sharing such as like I know
you know in the industry that I
work in. There's a lot of talk
around walk chain being good for
like supply chain management,
the information around supply chain
and you know, ultimately,
unless there's a trust transaction
happening between that
sharing of information. the blockchain
really or any type of
blockchain really is it. You know
that great of a solution cuz
it's all it's all about gaining
trust. so I just filled my guy
one with an aged showing poor really
dark in color. It's really
beautiful. look forward to drinking
this. Oh my gosh such a
deep freeze a robot. If you guys
can take a look see how dark
that color is really nice. Whoo
whistling tea What I'm showing
it to the camera. It's okay. I'll
pick it up and have some
I just listened to the live message
that Nevada's governor just
gave reiterating the importance
of non essential business.
closing down. yeah isn't this guy
one beautiful. It's it's
totally my style. It's nothing fancy
other than the print on
it, but it's a nice big size so
I can drink lots of tea to
myself. yeah. so a few a few nights
ago, there was a really
important message shared with the
state that non essential
business will need to be closed
and so that meant. And of
course casinos, which is you know
a big deal for for here in
the state. cuz you know a lot of
the economy is driven by that.
yeah, Paul. Yeah. The governor was
just live in. I was
listening to that. you're right
not much leadership because you
know he he is you know talking about
what we need to do. but
when it comes to the actual enforcement,
you know someone asked
the question. How do we report if
an honest essential business
is still operating is. His answer
was just don't call 911 so
then what do we do you know? you
know we hold ourselves
accountable hold our peers accountable.
That's that's the best
that we can do as individuals but
yeah, I really feel like if
you're gonna say something as a
leader, you're gonna say
something and make some kind of
order. it's really important
that you yourself follow through
on the water, which I thought
was interesting that they they're
now doing their press
conferences virtually which ended
up with a bunch of technical
difficulties. They weren't able
to get the the journalist. To
clearly get their questions through
That's good. Yeah, so I didn't do
a rinse on this tea and I
actually don't do rinses a lot of
my teeth because I I trust
that they're clean. you know they
may have some age on them,
but they're coming from clean, reliable
sources and not being
aged in places that I don't know
so I like to drink all of my
tea whenever I have a chance so
I usually don't do a rinse and
just. throw that out so enjoying
this tea now. So as I was
saying with with leadership, if
you're gonna make an order if
you're gonna say something really
important to follow through
yourself on it and and to set an
example for everybody else to
follow through on it as well. So
you know I'm reflecting on
that myself and through my company,
what the work that I do
here if if I'm gonna say that let
his leadership what does that
mean you know and and the leadership
that I thought from day
one of starting my work was accountability.
of information
between stakeholders between a community
in our case, this
community is international tea community
of tea growers
producers. you know in some cases
tea traders or brokers or
middlemen of sorts of whom we also
hold accountable for their
honesty and transparency and the
work that they do as well as
you know the retailers that we work
with. Hey Brandon. How is
it going man? Good to see you happy
Friday. So yeah, I was just
politics you opened your JT. don't
being last night. Oh lucky
you JT's got really good tea up
in Eugene. If you guys are up
an organ and looking for for good
T, I do recommend JT he's got
some really nice tea there. Taiwanese
special specialty.
By the way I have put together like
a list of all the retailers
that we work with that. you can
support in your local community
or on the Internet. now is a really
important time to support
these small businesses that are
committed to sourcing good
quality, ethical tea and providing
that to their community and
it's also a good time for you to
get some good tea for hi Wendy
how you doing some good tea. Your
stocks and for your home,
yeah, that's something that people
say they often forget and
look over when it comes to preparing
their home. For times like
this, you know they think of the
the TP they think of the rice
and the ramen noodles but you know
tea is something that's like
very low impact and takes a very
little real estate in your
cabinets. to have on hand that can
bring immense amount of
comfort to you and your family throughout
the day or into the
night. I have noticed that I'm drinking
a lot more tea at home
and it's making me feel good. of
course, like a lot of these
like live sessions have really.
Me to to drink more tea. I've
been finding myself tuning in with
other people's tee times on
on Instagram and such and and feeling
inspired to drink tea
with them. So if you are feeling
inspired to GDP, I hope that
you do right now actually I'm gonna
be on for another. You
know, 50 minutes or so so I'd love
to have tea with you. so
feel free to to get your tea flowing
and I'd love to have you
split screens with neon on Instagram.
Available and we can
catch it, catch up and chat about
life and mostly I'd like to
chat about the things that we look
forward to you know versus
the things that we're afraid of
or the things that are
uncertain for us because that we
could talk endlessly about
right now by the second everything
is is changing but really
important to focus on the positive
and focus on the community
and focus on building that trust
right. so if we think about it
in that perspective of Of leadership
being trust, then that's
something that we can all build
ourselves. You know, leadership
doesn't have to be a single individual.
It's it's a whole
movement. You know it's the whole
community caring for each
other and working with each other
and building that trust and
communication. Hi. How's it going
good to see ya bye. Hi. How
are you doing good? That's a push
behind you. Yeah. Labradoodle
so and he needs a shave and I'm
pretty sure the groomers is
gonna be close tomorrow. So for
like months, I'm like okay.
Yeah. If you ever shaved shaved
your dog yourself, I did try
one time but the race they're like
broke on me halfway through
so that was you know a bad effect,
but I don't know I'll be
trying to do something maybe so
yeah, we'll see again. No. Can
you can you introduce? Can you introduce
yourself to to our
community? Please alright. Hi, you're
up here. hi everyone. I'm
Miriam. I work at Sticky Motor Company
and I've known at least
the bond long long before that.
so yeah I got into tea.
probably I guess we're around 2010
so about I guess 10 years
ago. yeah and there you go so I
just drink a lot of teeth good
on. so like all this is just my
foot all the crazy crash. So
that's what I think so you work
for for motor. That's based in
Seattle are you based in Seattle?
Yeah. I'm out in Bellevue.
Okay. I've got enough. I'm just
you know, renting a House out
here too expensive to buy Yeah,
I'm at my family's over here
too. So if local for me and yeah,
I love all the local DC. I'm
here. It's really good. Yeah. it
is Yes. Seattle is an amazing
teaching Super collaborative lots
of trust there. there's
leadership there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It was funny that you're
talking about that because I had
just listened to a podcast of
from it's called Econ talk. It's
really good podcast and they
were talking about it's called it's
They were calling it. It's
a time to build but really with
the podcast was talking about
was like our institutions as in
like you know the. Like the
school system or the institution
of life, the government, or
just like regular old, you know
like institutions that just
like a company or Bank and they're
talking about how faith in
these institutions is very very
low at the moment. you know
there's just this lack of trust
in these these things so it
makes it difficult for you know
people in general when we don't
trust our government or are you
know the companies around us or
the community around us? And that
is very concerning for you
know people in society. Yeah. So
yeah. Well. it's a good. It's
good that this is a common theme
that people are talking about
because yeah, we haven't been talking
about this much. you know
what I think what we're doing right
now has raised that
question and everybody keeps talking
about how this is bringing
out generosity and people and so
maybe that reflection is
what's making us feel like well.
So why weren't we being
generous with each other before
why weren't we sharing with
each other before? yeah, cuz we
were just so wrapped up in in
our lives and you know trying to
fit in and been into the
system and and succeed in that system,
which is all based on a
lack of trust. Yeah, yeah. I don't
really interesting cuz it's
definitely like We've been very
just like growing more and more
and more disconnected and so it's
gonna be very interesting to
see how this like force disconnect.
like this force distance
will change you know how how close
we get online basically and
how we start rebuilding communities.
when we're not allowed to
be mutual, you know yeah cuz you
know I just remember back in
the early 2000. Or so, like I have
like friends online, just
like this and basically my parents
dance is pretty much you
know. they're not really your friends
cuz you don't actually
like know who they are right, you
know and it was just funny
because it's I'm like what are you
talking about? I talk to
them all the time you know like
I talked to them more than my
friend down the Street so
Pregnant so Seattle is we haven't
technically shut down yet but
we have like everyone's like highly
encourage to stay at home.
So like I'm working to help today
and and so we're all you know
really far apart and so funny cuz
like I'm a total introvert
like 90 - nine percent of the time
but like the instant, you
tell me, I can't go out like that.
I was like, Oh, no I So just
something I was like I have feel
like I've got cabin fever even
though I have it, I wouldn't be
doors for a whole day. You
know, yeah and and you know I saw
you doing these live streams.
That's like that's a really good
idea because then we like have
a way to you know like do a social
activity with each other
digitally and so that will be really
interesting to see how
this continues to to shift people
into this thinking like ways
of connecting with each other and
stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Great. So
how how is the overall energy in
Seattle and like how has it
changed over the past few weeks?
Parallel really bad. so
around at the beginning of March.
Yeah around the beginning of
March, we were like Oh what's going
on this is crazy. You know,
I hope things will get tight over
here and just kinda let. Oh,
that's you know that's a problem.
That's like far off you know
it's over in Italy in China. not
really here like we didn't
know that was trying to hear but
we're like we should be fine.
Yeah and yeah kinda just sort of
like this like low growing
sense of dread as we're like. Oh
all of these cases are having
community trans transmission. So
like maybe we are actually
screwed here and people like no
my fine and You know the case
is just keep going up and up and
up and just keep going up and
up and it's not just people in you
know an outbreak of a
nursing home. It's there was a community
leader Guide down he
was a long time business owner over
in place market and I think
it was very quickly marketing and
and he just suddenly passed
away from Cobi. he passed away.
I heard someone tested
positive, but I didn't hear someone
actually passed away. I
totally could be proud in this and
I feel like I'm really bad,
you know Seattle light but like
I think it's like a blushy, you
know like I don't know I. So but
yeah, but now he he takes the
positive and then he just passed
away. I think today or
yesterday, Oh well there's this
professor in the the Medical
Department and he caught it and
he passed away and yeah, we've
got you know more and more cases
were more exposures. It kinda
feels like it's all brewing closer
and people are really
worried people are really really
stressed about it And people
are like I think there's a real
feeling of restlessness of like
a lot of people have been really
inspiring. so that's really
inspiring stories coming out here
recently like so there's have
you heard of the farm. The farm.
No. I did not. I don't know
the art form so the airport is really
like famous restaurant
over here and it's pretty well-renowned
As well, and and it was
really you know when suddenly restaurants
are closing they
posted a picture of their dining
room empty and they like you
know just like everyone else it
kinda just like what do we do
at the farm. I don't know if it
was one of their friends or if
it was the the owner or not but
they came up with this really
really amazing idea and so what
they're doing. Is they started
a fundraiser on GoFundMe and so
for every 20 - $5 that people
donate they like prepare and pack
an individually packaged
meal. You know that's made by these
five search ups. they
deliver it to one of the local hospitals
and so Indiana like 20
- four hours and like 40 - eight
hours they raised I think
almost $40000. that was like what
is that like a thousand miles
or something pretty good. Yeah like
that's milk over well over
a thousand miles. That's great.
So yeah. and so that's just
been really exciting and I think
people really were like. Oh
thank goodness. there's some way
that we can contribute to
this. You know like just staying
at home and just being scared
me. Yeah. yeah. there's a lot of
restaurants that are giving
away free meals to kids in the area.
Yup You know, because
there's lot of kids when they can't
go to school, then they
can't get their lunch over there.
I don't know yeah, I kind of
I worried that like I know that
it's really really wonderful
gesture to donate to the hospitals
I don't think we've quite
figured out what to do in the long
term with this like how
sustainable any of these you know
any of these legs outreach
efforts are but at least you know
that was something that was
really inspiring and really nice
and people are trying to think
of other ways of of being able to
do stuff like that. Yeah,
which has been nice and relieving
in a weird way. So yeah after
I finish my work here today. I'm
gonna head to my my friend's
restaurant chef Janine Shiraz she
is doing today and tomorrow
so Vegas residents if you're interested
they're doing the a
blood drive with the the the mold.
truck and offering a free
meal for anybody coming and donating
blood and yeah, I have a
negative blood. so I know it's really
important. for my plead
to be there and they probably are
short. I can only imagine so
yeah, I'm gonna go do that. That's
my little wave of helping
out myself and then you know it's
it's great promotion for
their restaurant. You know like
they've been on the forefront.
You know every every step of the
way kind of being the lead the
leader they were the first ones
to to go online with their
their online delivery orders. you
know three days before
anybody else did cuz yeah here in
Vegas. there's been like a a
really big delay of accepting where
we are in this and the
business position and and the leadership
that the businesses
need to step up and build that trust
in the community that
we're all created. Save space for
for the community but you
know when when your livelihood is
on the line it, you know most
business owners here have waited
until the very last moment
until you know they've been ordered
by the government to close
down but you know I think she's
been really proactive and being
steps ahead and then now this collaboration
with the blood
Bank, which is really great. So
yeah. Yeah. The governor just
gave the escape of speech Before
I went live as I was a little
late, I was trying to catch that
and he was trying to stress
the urgency that nonessential businesses
need to close because
yeah, like we had a big controversy.
One of the Strip clubs
stayed open and they like they were
fused. It's like so lack of
class, but you know they've been
using this whole situation in
their marketing since day one and
they refused to close and
they even talk to the media and
said we refuse to close and.
Then, they said they were gonna
do like drive through lap
dances or something like that, and
it's just ridiculous. It's
like yeah the the faster we like
make this decision and move as
a community. The faster we can resolve
this and move on with
our lives somebody said on Twitter.
something like can y'all
just stay inside already like I
feel like I'm in kindergarten
and you know my recess is getting
shortened because I'm a kid
who will get in line exactly. It's
like that. Yeah, it's. That
we've been having a big issue with
that here. I mean, I'm sure
it's an issue everywhere but here
it's it's you know we're
we're in such like a gig Gig Economy
service economy here that
maybe a larger portion of people's
livelihood are at stake here
than than other places. So that's
understandable. yeah. Sorry I
shred like some numbers on how many
people are working and like
you know pieces and later second
thing. in the US, it's like
two million four million people
or something like that, like
it's you know it's a lot of people.
Yeah. honestly, I feel like
that's like you know a little ball
they and and then there was
like you know, retail workers and
like and gosh that doesn't
anywhere near the number of gig
workers because who's counting
that number barely right and affecting
you know millions of
people in this really. Temperature
yeah, I've got a friend or
one of my cousins. I know friends
have been fired already
because they're their cafe disclosed.
no one of my cousins. I I
don't think that she's I don't know
if she's been fired or just
like for load basically or she's
on leave or whatever but she
worked for Nordstrom and that's
closed all their stores. and
then, of course, it's kinda funny
cuz my cousin was just about
to buy a restaurant last month and
it built through just
because of like issues with the
the You know the owners of the
time and and now we look at that.
We're like whoa. That was a
total bullet dodge. You know that
was just like wow that would
have been horrible. Yeah bad timing.
Yeah. Yeah. She had no
gotten that kind of Kind of like
you know just financial and
like be like you know responsibility
like just the
responsibility for equal work there
and the responsibility of
like you know and all the the cost
of owning a restaurant and
then suddenly this happened like
Oh, what did they think? Yeah?
Yeah. So yeah it's yeah. it's it's
not and it's really it's
hitting high low. You know yeah.
It's pretty terrible all
around and and people are really
resistant to something normal
normal seat because you know a lot
of times like that's their
only income you know like and they're
really. I think you know
like I'm terrified you know I didn't
have my income. You know
it's very lucky that I'm probably
still them to keep it and
yeah, it's just yeah that's gonna
be. Like nuts, I don't know
maybe even become like YouTube streamers.
Yeah. Well, I mean
the ultimate thing is that we're
will become farmers. you know
will become producers will become
you know maybe not literal
farmers, but I'm I'm using that
the term farmers is someone
that's producing something versus
working for somebody you know
what I mean. We're gonna touch on
this the other night when you
hit me up and I said some pretty
strong stuff, but I stay
strong things to that strong opinion.
So you know. I stayed I
say, like sometimes some sleeping
statements that you know
aren't literal but figurative you
know that a lot of the source
of this problem is you know lack
of leadership as we are
talking about the lack of accountability
and trust between all
these points and how do we bring
how do we bring that back is
by you know, starting with ourselves
first and then moving to
our family, the moving to our community
and then moving to you
know the the global community at
large So yeah, ultimately,
then you'd be a farmer to do that.
you know if you if you
ultimately just had yourself like
you have to you know, harvest
your own harvest your own food harvest
your own everything that
you need. so that's what I mean
by that. it's literally a
farmer, but you know it's Your own
soil basically, yeah, I
don't know cuz like on one hand.
yeah, it feels like what this
sort of feels like it's revealed
is relying on anyone else is
extremely risky. like just you know.
we cannot rely on
stability is what it feels like
But I think like I think at the
same time though to.
To think that we can all be independent
like that, like I think
that's an interesting kind of very
American mindset. You know
to think that we should all just
try to be as independent as
possible and to assume that that's
the solution. I don't think
that that sustainable at all because
of one just like you know
we can't do everything at once and
that's the reason why
society is sort of like created
these little diversion each. Of
people feeling different little
roles here in their companies,
building different little roles
here and there and all together
collectively you know providing
the services that everyone
needs for the most part and so I
think that that will come back
and I also think that people are
just very
very very, very resistant to change
even when it's something
this strong So I just don't know
what to do that's different.
Yeah. I think that even if the landscape
rightfully ships under
our feet will still keep trying
to plug away at the same old.
like it's basically because that's
really you know new habits
have to develop under different
circumstances and and we you
know like We just do a lot of things
that are kind of our kids
and it's and it was not a patient
to a different time of day,
you know, time and age but most
still stick around and they
probably will continue to stick
around and maybe some things
will change. But for the most part,
I think things will
ultimately be rather than saying
what I do think will radically
change those you know that. Online
and I think that that's
gonna be actually a very positive
change. so I you know it's
creative destruction for better
for worse and I think that this
will be a very helpful to people
just all walks of life. you
know as we get through this and
after this no. He said
something important, though about
what you've learned in this
process, and I think that this is
something that everybody is
learning through this process is
that we can only rely on
ourselves for the stability like
at the end of the day, no
matter what's happening. It's just
gonna be us that are there
right well, Eastern but I've I've
had some extremely lucky like
Circumstances in my own life where
I have had people where I'm
completely able to rely on them
and like as a for instance, you
know a shirts family but not all
families reliable but but this
is family example is so my aunt
owns a tree nursery over here
in over at Redmond and so it's a
full sale. only nursery and my
grandpa was the one who founded
it and when he died. Took it
over really not knowing anything
about plants. She's been a
person before and unfortunately
very soon afterwards. we went
through the financial crisis of
the late and so that just
completely destroyed the housing
market and therefore the
market for landscaping in the market
plans, Yup and she took
money out of her own retirement
in order to pay for her
employees to keep them sustained
through that You know she
tried extremely hard to not let
anybody go. you know because of
her employees have been working
for my graphic for you know
years for decades and so she you
know she just didn't take a
salary. she just you know she took
money from her own savings
from protect days and supplemented
the nursery so that everyone
could still keep their job. even
in that terrible. you know to
multiple time. Yeah and there are
more people like her. There's
not a lot that's pretty rare but
there are more. Like her who
really, you know, try to do the
right thing for their community
and be like you know, I'm not getting
through this alone. I'm
trying to keep as many people with
me as possible. you know and
so I really take that to heart and
I really try to do what I
can with that for my friends who
are having the hardest time
through this but I don't I didn't
work at a tech company. I
don't have much to say things that
she did but but still I. I
don't think that we can't only rely
on itself. I know that it
feels like that. I know that a lot
of people are proving
themselves to be untrustworthy as
leaders but that's not
everybody and whenever I see that
I'm very proud to see you
know that kind of thing and I hope
that those people will
continue to take a stand with where
when they can. Yeah Yeah.
well like I said it starts with
us first and then goes to our
family and then goes to our community
and then you know
community at large and for so long
conventional. We've been
allowing community at large people
that we don't never
connected with never probably even
had a conversation with
We're allowing them to hold all
the power in our lives, the CEO
of the corporations, the politicians
and and what not the
people that you're saying are proving
themselves untrustworthy
now and so I think that's that's
what I'm trying to say is that
like it's all having us reflect
of that that hierarchy of of
trust of course, first ourselves
and. You can't trust yourself.
That's the first thing to work on.
Is you know to build that
trust up core because yeah, it's
like loving yourself like you
can't love anybody else until you
can love yourself right. so
it's the same same concept. yeah
and then realizing that you
have your family. Then you start
realizing the leaders in your
community that are doing the right
thing like all those
businesses and you're at you're
talking about like people that
are making the right decisions and
and giving them the power
you know like. The power in that
way versus the way we have
been working for the past couple
hundred years where you know
like we're giving all the trust
and power to these folks that
like no better, you know they're
the ones that know how to make
money and like we've been taught
to believe that that's what we
need to follow versus you know money
is nothing and we're all
learning that right now, like what's
what's important is is our
time and our values. Resources for
ourselves first and not to
say that we shouldn't be connect.
We actually have to
absolutely be connected will believe,
but you know this time
will be a cool time for us to all
kind of go in word and
readjust that that power dynamic.
Yeah. yeah definitely
you make really interesting point
about this being a moment of
reevaluating like what's important
you know and how we spend
our time and our energy and our
money you know. I like what
money is actually worth kind of
thing and I think especially
we're people who are you know Just
you know the complete like
like the working class, especially
at the service industry
working class right now. I think
this is very difficult moment
for that. but I think that electrically
this is probably the
best moment that they have to like
demand a better quality of
life and interestingly, so some
of the oldest. Historical
economic data that we have is actually
from like the Bionic
play and and then so I I looked
up the article recently those
like you know what happens to an
economy after a play and the
there were some people who had looked
into this. a few years
ago, I had written a little article
about it and it was really
interesting because so like after
the boot. Leg and after the
Spanish flag there was basically
a huge boom in wages and
working wages and so you might you
might say, Oh well, maybe
that's just it's like suddenly there's
less workers better
thing, but I think at the same time
like people are like
and also because people did like
change where they live and how
they live and what kind of industries
you know they worked in,
but I still think at the same time
that it might also just be
you know like. clearly what we were
doing before was
unsustainable. You know I you know
if you want my labor, you
better pay for it, you know, so
I think that would be something
to look out for and I do completely
expect the difficulties
that we're undergoing now. Will
you know cause people to really
have marketing power in being able
to demand a better? you know
work life. you know conditions.
Yeah after this stuff. So and
even through this honestly, yeah
because it's kinda fun. How
we're like looking at grocery store
workers this essential
workers you know when people just
you know, give the baggers
total ??? before. yeah. So it's
like no. they're actually
really important. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
our sanitation workers.
Yeah, Super important and you know
the farmers again going back
to the farmers. Maybe they've always
gotten the short end of
the stick in our in our, you know
commodity mentality and we
were talking about TV other night
and I said something you know
that that tea is a luxury. It's
a modern luxury and I know I
think that that's something else.
in addition to labor into you
know working class labor that we've
also often like commodified
and looked over and just kind of
scoffed at you know tea and
and the difficulties that will come
into you, You know actually
India. Right now, as of tomorrow
the 20 -second so in a few
days they're they're having to do
a total curfew during the
whole day so that they're not allowed
to go out and so actually
you know a lot of the tea producers
that we work with it. They
had started. You know the first
flush processing but they've
all stopped production and won't
start again until the end of
April and there has been a labor
logistical issues in Cuz you
know the labors and China Chinese
tea is all like my migrant
workers that come through you know
they come from different
States and have to work in the field.
so there has been some
logistical issues in China of arranging
labor for the tea
harvest. So you know I think we
are gonna see some issues and
logistics of getting tea to the
market here which ultimately
will affect the price and ultimately
will challenge. All of us
to lovers to reevaluate how we value
tea and it's something
that I've been fighting for since
the very beginning is trying
to increase the price of tea and
that's not because like I
wanna make more money in my business.
It's because I I'm that
correlates to how we value teeth.
He has like been thought of
as this like common global product
that's available all over
the world and it's just a common
commodity that you should be
able to get access to and I I don't
agree with that. I mean
that idea. There has created a lot
of sustainability issues
that you know we've been talking
about for the tea industry but
then also you know there are hardworking
people in the tea and
the tea world. that do organic work
you know in Japan,
especially that's like a really
big issue is is organic farming
in Japan. It's like the odds are
against you to be an organic
farmer in Japan cuz your product
is not as valuable in the
local market because the local palette
has gain. A liking for
that strong punchy mommy, which
comes from like the high
density of chemical fertilizers,
so you know if you do that
hard work you you have a disadvantage.
You have a handicap and
then whenever you try to take your
product to the international
market. It's all been so commodified
and just kinda you know
scoffed at as a product, you'll
never get anything more than $5
a kilo you know, and that's that's
like local market price for
the highest that you can get even
if you make a really good.
Product yeah. So yeah. I've been
good. It's good. No you go you
go. okay. yeah. I I thought it's
company you know working at
this Japanese company that like
lower quality Japanese Green
teas like really expensive but like
higher quality Japanese
Green tea is relatively cheap so
and and that's just been
because yeah they've they've had
this weird. Dynamic where the
Bird is really high in a way disproportionately
old they don't
really they don't really really
on migrant labor and you know
so the only like thing that farmers
can do to grab a margin. an
actual like livable margin is to
try and do some like higher IT
but because. Feel the same the pressure
to like have really low
prices for the really big cheaper
entities. I think I think
that they push those those higher
price list. High-quality tea
prices down too despite them being
actually pretty good quality
and and then, of course another
country is you know like the
labor is just dirt cheap comparatively
because they don't treat
these people barely at all and That
will be so definitely been
you know it's been interesting to
watch over the last few years
now how workers in India have been
trying to get better
conditions and the estate owners
like you know, I think you'd
be way better than me about how
the differences in
landownership. you know also translate
these differences in
prices and these differences and
and like labor equality
basically between different teeth
countries. And I think it's
been very interesting to watch you
know the Indian workers like
try to get better conditions and
it will be you know it's been
obviously very
push back on I guess from you know
like the state owners and
the buyers you know to buy to paying
better prices for you
know, better labor or better treat
of labor and so this will be
interesting. You know this will
be such a dramatic change that
maybe something will actually give.
Yeah, you know the field
might get a little bit more equal
across different. Yeah. Yeah.
I don't know so yeah be a state
owners as as as you know, jerks
as they can be it's actually not
their fault. You know like
they're they're themselves are not
profitable right the the tea
factories the only profitable people
are the ones closer. you
know to the other end of the supply
chain. So those are the the
retail brands the retailer of course
they win. Walmart wins
always Amazon wins. Always and then
you have the the market
brand so that would be like lifted
and lifted in under
utilized. Her is like the greatest
example in story of how that
evolution has happened because Lipton
started as a tea growing
tea producing company but now like
they own like zero teeth
production and our exclusively babe
like put themselves all the
way on the other end of the spectrum
because they know that's
where the the value and the power.
So you know like I met a
state owners in the state managers
and they've been jerks. You
know like they've been showing this
jerks to me personally and
you know I can call them jerks,
but it's ultimately it's it's
not them as well. That's making
those like decisions on the
treatment of the labor. you know
it's it's on the other end you
know and so I think that's really
important to to stay focused
on and ultimately that's that's
us as consumers or you know
it's Walmart. Walmart I like I like
put it up like educating us
to expect lower prices. You know
what I mean. Yeah. So
absolutely. yeah. absolutely cuz
like you know so we do some
tea. Some you know through some
distributors and through some
retails like big big retail stores.
you know like that kind of
like you know packaged up, they
just interesting. Me and and
it's like yeah and I'm like looking
at the way that like the
pricing structure has to work like
Holy crap. They accepted
chunk you know and they demand so
much from any supplier and
you know it does. it's it's completely
prohibitive to high
quality high antique really, you
know and they also. The other
thing about that is interesting
to me is that so like these
buyers vibrant tire raise right,
they have to stop these
shelves. with all of these different,
you know brands and
they're constantly like reviewing
but you know as like the most
profit and like you know what do
they consumers seem to be
buying? I don't buy and and I just
think it's interesting that
like if that specific. Person that
one person doesn't
understand you know like buyers
really, you know worries about
that or they don't understand you
know a better quality product
and stuff like this. They don't
have the same values then
they're just gonna completely ignore.
you know like loose leaf
tea, for instance, yeah. that's
been really severely ignored.
in supermarkets, you know for better
for words like it's like
on one hand, you know you're like
do I really wanna buy loose
sleep at the supermarket.
But under the hand like that would
be so much nicer for these
you know loosely producers that
have the stability of that huge
purchase. When we purchase all of
months from one, you know
buyer for better for worse because
again, like I said this
profit margins. they really got
you so but yeah, I just think
it's kind of been really revealing
to be like in this work and
just be like. You know it just like
these big decisions come
down to very few people and if they
just don't get it, you know
the than the entire like ultimate
all shoppers. Yeah, like
everybody. yeah and they're definitely
you know feeling
pressure to have cheap as chief
of things as possible because
they think that buyers will only
buy cheap things and so
there's I feel like there's this
tug and pull between you know
Buyers who like I guess, maybe it's
just that we don't
consciously go to the store. I like
really really study and try
to find quality things like we're
very impulsive buyers. You
know very often when we're in grocery
stores and the only way
that we really be impulsive as if
it's cheap and then that
creates a pressure for these these
store buyers to just supply
more cheap things. Yeah because
they know that that's what's
gonna be. Yeah. So yeah. it's just
all the Sun. I guess. so
when I started the business, I you
know exclusively only worked
with like the top tier of quality
only out of necessity because
I was working on such small quantities
that the logistics cost
were so high that I had to work
in a category of product that
could absorb those high logistics
cost of you know, in some
cases like. Dollars a kilo just
for shipping tea to the US so
with the the the teas perceived
value in the market here was
only like $10 a kilo just like mathematically
wouldn't work but
then as you know, I've grown my
network and we now work with
you know hundreds of buyers and
in some cases, some some larger
buyers that are getting their product
into like big box
distribution last year I I made
a new strategy of of trying to
satisfy those big box buyers and
finding products that would
meet their $7 a kilo demand that
that was needed in order for
the distributor to make 30 percent
and for the retailer to make
an additional you know, 40 percent
and then for everybody to
still workout and so I like spend
all of last year. all of my
sourcing trip. I was like developing
agreements with a. Of our
growers to arrange like container
shipments and figuring out
like how much purchase orders I
would need to confirm and and
then I got a booth at World Tea
Expo, which was a huge expense
and spent all my time there and
you know like we definitely
were one of the most active popular
booths at the expo, but
that like and and people were like
excited and like I made this
like really up not just like marketing
scheme of like we're
doing a shipping container. Now
we're you know like we're doing
big fright now and so people came
and they were interested
these big buyers like we're getting
we were getting their
attention but then you know once
you know what months go by and
you start like talking out the the
actual deals and you're like
this is great. We're finally gonna
get like transparently
source. ethical tea into the big
box system and you know I
realized quickly that they really
didn't value those
businesses. Didn't value even the
ones that have this
incredible marketing of ethics and
transparency and and love
and community at the end of the
day, they still didn't care. It
was all about the money and it was
like pinching everything and
then even pitching me and like I'm
offering myself as it's very
transparent platform like everybody
knows how much money I
made. if you wanted to you can Google
and find out how much
Miami like commissions as far as
like commissions and for this
big brokering like the model that
I made would be eight percent
Commission on brokering deals and
like that's doing a lot of
work of like lead. Owning the communication
between everybody
delicious between everybody and
like of that whole system. I
was the only one being honest that
that logistics company
really wasn't being truly honest
with us about what their
actual cost were and how much they
were charging us, but I was
and I ended up being the one like
getting beat up by these
buyers like Oh, you're you're eight
to eight percent is too
much and I'm like what do you talk
like this to all the other
ones? They're like no. we don't
because they don't and I'm like
well why and they're like well cuz
we put you to a higher.
Standard cuz you know you you you
presented yourself as this
higher standard and I think you
think like I should be charging
a higher premium than it like really.
I'm gonna be held to a
higher standard and then I just
realized you know it's just not
even worth it to pursue this because
it the value is not there.
The appreciation of the value is
not there so yeah I gave up on
that and you know now everything
that's going on here is just
like I'm like really glad that I
didn't end up committing to
that cuz I. I was gonna have to
arrange financing for that and
and and just pull the trigger and
like be the the one
responsible and only making eight
percent on the team's value.
at the end of the day on everything
I'm really glad I did it
cuz now with what's going on it,
it would have been a very
grave mistake. so yeah, I just think
like the the centralized
big box model is that there's no
way around it, you know and I
mean there's no way of like fitting
the solution. Into that,
like there's only problems with
it and so I'm not even gonna
try to play in it like I thought
that that was a solution for
helping the farmers that I worked
with to find these like 10
tons business opportunities for
them. but at the end of the day
like there's never gonna get value
ever. it's sad. Yeah. Yeah I
I felt. Definitely very true.
Yeah, I think that. Match is like.
For the big value stuff like
it's just not there, you know and
it's not gonna be there and
the like the pricing structure that
they require is just
??? and yeah, I really do hope
that like online still do
you know like produce quality. The
people won't be able to go
out as much you know with. The shutdowns
I just hope that like
if we are still looking for me that
you know, we're still able
to somehow find these stores online,
you know and actually be
able to like genuinely you know
connect with the the little
stores in the companies that are
actually like you know pretty
soon like the product. yeah and
I'm I. I'm a little worried
about how that will be able to be
sustained, sometimes because
I think to myself like oh, there's
just gonna be so many out
there. You know how was a normal
to a certain group, but the
thing is is we don't sort through
all of that. you know, just
the the we have ways like deciding
whether or not we want to go
and like purchase from a particular.
Or not online and we'll
just like use that so like I think
this is the reason why
influencers you know like the age
of influencers and then is
because it's a way to sort through
the thousands you know
millions of these online that don't
have like that, greedy
toughness and so we don't get like
rabbit at the store when we
go pick up our toilet paper. Yeah
and but this. How they have
to reach out and be you know part
of communities through
through the sort of like influencer
nap. Yeah, and that will be
interesting to see how that could
to evolve throughout this
well. That's what we're doing now,
you know we're we're doing
that and things for for being a
part of that you know like
we've had a very valuable conversation
here and yeah just
continue spreading the message and
and getting it going. I
think we're gonna get cut off soon
cuz Instagram only lets lets
us do this for like an hour. My
little warning hasn't come up
yet, but I'm just like giving a
warning. Prior to so, you're
you're not surprised by that, but
I do appreciate you like
connecting with me. This has been
fun and it's been good to
hear your experience in Seattle
and also your experience. Yeah,
you see that we got 20 - five seconds
yeah. so if there's any
you wanna like leave any closing
remarks or say, say I guess I
guess my closing remark is probably
just gonna be that will
pull through you know this craziness
and you know I think if we
I'm sorry Merriam. Well, this has
been nice. We have three
viewers. Thank you so much for tuning
in. I hope you learn
something. I hope you develop some
positive outlook on the
future. I know we talked about some
negative things, but
ultimately, it's all for the sake
of the positivity as Mary was
saying, we have to be influencers
and and help our peers in our
community navigate through these
issues of finding value values
gonna be really important thing
that we all we all learn
through this process together. There's
gonna be a lot of pain
getting getting to that, but. yeah,
thanks for tuning in hope
you stay happy. Stay peaceful drink
lots of tea again. If you
want to find a local retailer and
your area that is selling
high-quality transparently source
tea through our network. you
can visit Talent dot com slash map
and we have like a whole map
and you can like visually see where
all these retailers are
located, who's doing online orders
now in. I pick up as well
and just a special shout out to
the art on display here. Our
buddy Nick Canton here in Las Vegas
made amazing artists
artists as well. he picked up some
good tea yesterday so he's
he's at home reading good books
and drinking good teeth. so
he's all set until next time I'll
be back tomorrow every day.
I'll be doing this at two PM and
if you're interested in
chatting with me. And drinking tea
with me you can do that
through Instagram and yeah. so see
you tomorrow at two Aloha.
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