Friday, June 26, 2020 - Big Food Stories

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internet happy Friday June 26 almost
July insane how fast this month is going
this year
we're almost totally halfway through the
year it's incredible today I'm going to
be doing a little industry updates
talking about some action some drama and
a song you know the one place that
doesn't need any more of that say just
could use a whole lot more love and
understanding and progress
doing with some action right now also is
Friday so my attention today is just to
have some fun you know chat with you
guys please leave your questions leave
your comments or if you're even feeling
up to it come live with me the link is
here fit dot ly / Tila tea party if
you're on Instagram yeah you can try to
come in live with me but yeah you can
just visit that link bit ly / t let tea
party that's where you can visit me come
into my tea room come to my tea table
alive and we'll chat and talk about
everything going on I'm just gonna add
some water into my teas get myself some
fresh warm tea here to drink today I did
the last event of the tastes the people
taste the people's tea series that was a
lot of fun on the Tuesdays and Thursdays
of this month which I know today's
Friday but yesterday I I took a day off
and spent some time for my family at
Lake Mead and postponed the class to
today so now we're we're on Friday and
the class series over there was six
classes and featuring the stories and
teas of some of the most beloved tea
makers in our network covered teas from
like today Mount China as well as Assam
India which I'll be talking
a little bit darjeeling India in
she's okay Japan and was the last one
just them all maybe I did yep the first
one Alfredo for an on to Taiwan how
could I forget Alfredo oh my goodness
I'm so ashamed I forgot all freedom he
would be so angry with me if he knew I
had forgot about him his class was first
but today was the final class and we
focused on a white tea shank poor and a
show choir all from Alicia leaned out of
no no Sean you none so it was a lot of
fun to give his story and you know me
the classes I've given a whole lot of
context about the place and the people
behind these teas so we didn't just
evaluate the teas and and you know share
our tasty notes we really did talk about
the place and and even some you know
political economic situations that
whether we like it or not do affect the
tea industry it's speaking up hi good to
see you guys hope you're doing well
having a beautiful weekend I am ready
for my beautiful weekend although lots
of work left to do I played hooky Oh out
of this week so you didn't have to catch
up on my work over the weekend but
that's fine it's all good I love working
I feel good when my time is occupied I'm
not very good which is sitting around so
it'll be good to have something to do so
yeah speaking about how the political
economic situation can affect tea the
tea industry and equality there's some
pretty important news coming out of a
song right now I wanted to kind of make
that the focus of my chat today with you
guys so there was a well so they're been
flooding for the past few days there has
been major flooding in Assam and that's
not an uncle
thing this is the monsoon season once
you see the happens in the summer and
you know it's very typical for floods to
come and from what I've heard from you
know our contacts and aslam the flooding
hasn't been you know prohibitive for
work or a problem at all and they were
expected but they are a problem for a
different situation that happened near
Dibrugarh in a place called bag John
which is like I think it's a leak but
it's near it's in the teen sukhiya
district which is near to deep regard so
Assam is a pretty big place the two
major key growing cities is Guha Thien
and deeper guard the Guwahati is more on
the west side of the state and gulati's
on the east side this oil rig that has
the Kazi problem is east of deep regard
just slightly east of deep regard and
it's being said that the complications
with this oil rig are now threatening
the quality and the safety of the tea in
that region and and from some articles
that I've read from testimony of various
folks to the the government to the state
government about how to deal with the
situation is that these oil rigs said
this oil industry there has been posing
a problem for the quality and safety of
Assam tea for a long time longer than
this situation and so this situation I
believe it started a few days ago let's
see what day does it say this Wednesday
this happened a few days back there was
a gas well that blew out and created a
fire and I think actually it's still on
fire to to this point now I'll go ahead
and let's see if I can show you a photo
what it looks like
you can see what I'm talking about
Instagram sorry guys I can't show you
the photo if you could just imagine like
a big fire coming out of like the lid I
think that would be the best so here we
go here's a photo you can see what it
looks like so the oil the oil rig is
below that's like a oil you know
oil-rich place which so I think you know
from what I'm reading on lion oil and
tea are the two largest economic drivers
of of the state of Assam and so that's
why they're both heavily supported by
the government excuse me why I drink a
lot of tea I have a lot of tea left over
and I don't want to waste it so I'll be
drinking it through this discussion
so yeah this fire has started and the
flooding has only made things more
challenging for the fire and I haven't
seen yet at the flooding it's the cause
of this fire no one's really said
directly what's the cause of this fire
was or the cause of the blow out of this
and subsequent fire but the flooding has
made it impossible for the rescue crews
or whatever you call them to to cap the
busted oil
gasp gasp oil out
that's what it's called yeah it's a big
problem so and and so now they're there
because of this situation it's caused or
it not caught maybe yeah it's cause the
politicians to listen to what all the
industry experts are saying and now
they're saying hey actually this whole
time having the the gas industry you
know alongside with the tea industry is
actually very harmful for the
environment and actually could be
accounting for a lot of the damaged soil
and fertile soil in the area and I talk
about that a lot when it
to Assam that's just the one thing
that's tattooed in my mind every time I
think about spending time there it's
just the sadness of the soil you know as
you're driving through the countryside
of a psalm it's just miles upon miles
upon miles of this dry infertile licking
soil like styrofoam if anything that
these tea bushes are all just lined up
on the very sad situation cuz when it's
like that you know that the
sustainability of that operation is not
very good you know and that's always
been my point with organic agriculture
products I believe that there is a right
to the consumer to know the transparency
of the agriculture practices used on
their products because it's becoming
part of your body so whatever was put
into it it's important to know so you
fully know where your products where
your future self yeah I'm doing a
Facebook like to you can see it there
I'm everywhere and on Facebook you can
actually see if I show a graphic or
something you can actually see it and
you'll see the link up here bit bit got
away slash deal at a party you can join
it all are welcome if you're watching
this and want to join just come on in
you know I've got a waiting room so if
you're troll and you want to come in and
try to give me some trouble you try but
I doubt I doubt my my tea party radar is
gonna let you in but yeah so there's
just a waiting room when you go that
link and I'll be able to allow you in
now if I allow you in and you have your
camera off and I don't know who you are
more than likely I'm gonna kick you
right out if I don't know who you are
that's cool I'd like to get to know who
you are so just have your camera on and
we can track we don't write about
anything if you want to tell me I'm
wrong on things I welcome that too I'm
more than welcome that that's what's
needed so you know increased perspective
is always very important so
that's the purpose of this you know I
always advocate for our culture of
transparency and like radical
information sharing and radical
perspective expansion so this is the
only way to do it so yeah even if you've
got an issue with what I say and what I
do or the way that I have my cups
aligned I welcome all the feedback yeah
you can come come give me an earful
that's cool so yeah back to the
situation and a song so yeah this this
this conflict this environmental
conflict has been a thing in a song
since the mid 1900s so or early 1900
19th century
okay sorry I take that back a lot longer
so this is not a new issue and I'm sure
that there are environmentalists in that
area that just go bonkers you know not
having their voice heard trying to say
something about this but it takes a very
you know drastic and traumatic situation
like this like this actual fire like
this actual gas blowout that well you
know get the politicians picking their
ears up and asking oh yeah you were
saying something there was something
wrong about this let's look more into it
so you know I think that that we are
just going to be seen like a string of
events like this that are just
continuously going to be happening that
that's really it not just but the tea
industry that with everything really
gonna challenge our status quo and
really gonna challenge the current
systems that we have in place and the
resilience of those systems too so yeah
that's what I was talking about I was
giving my personal opinion fo organic
products right so I do believe the
consumer has a right to know my personal
passion about organic agriculture and I
should even say organic because that
word has been so co-opted in licensed
and you know charged for a fee I'm just
talking about mindful agriculture
your actions as being a part of a bigger
system doesn't need to be certified
organic just needs to be natural and you
know mimicking the systems of nature so
the reason why I'm so aggressively
advocating for that type of Agriculture
anti monoculture is not so much for the
consumer yeah I think the consumer
desserts transparency but more than that
the earth deserves natural agriculture
the earth deserves resilience and even
the human diet Reserve deserves
resilience as well so you know that's
that's when the consumer does come into
play about hearty nutritious sustenance
provided to them as food versus
chemicals and addictive patterns and
really sick psychological mind tricks
really to be honest you know when I when
I reflect back on my work as a food
scientist doing a product development
working with the sales team marketing
team to come up with products that they
would want to market and sell I just
remember like some of the things that
they would say so here's one example and
this is organic this is so this is a
good story to tell because it's related
to organics I was working for a company
and and this was probably like one of my
most valuable learning experience
working for this company that did
private label for Whole Foods and Trader
Joe's which are two major like all
organic all-natural no GMO retail stores
here in the states and so we we made
products for their brand in our factory
and so that was actually where I got my
experience with organic certification
and my time there that was probably my
biggest project was managing all the
administrative back-end things and and
the audit for our first organics sort of
occasion audit and I remember as we were
taking on this project we were having a
lot of meetings with the sales team and
actually the sales team were like I
outside sales so they weren't even like
sales for that worked in with worked in
the factory with us they were like
outside sales that were just on the
ground outside doing the sales for us
they weren't like regularly in the
warehouse with us which makes a big
difference when it comes to siloing of
departments and and fluid communication
between departments which I also have a
very strong advocate for that like
knowledge exchange and knowledge
transfer between different parts be it
contractual workers or full-time workers
whatever kind of value-add working staff
you have in your company I just think
that like knowledge exchange between
those parties is super critical super
important but a lot of times you have
contract workers and outside sales and
you know you're just trying to like
distribute yourself and spread yourself
out to be all over the place it ends up
with a lot of silently and not a lot of
smooth communication and smooth
development between all the different
teams and so this that happened so these
outside salespeople would come into the
office once a week and request a meeting
with me because I had a huge list of all
these new products that hadn't developed
for them risotto products like this was
a dry mix facility so we only we only
packaged dry mixed ingredients into like
a plastic bag inside a cardboard box
with like the cooking instructions
cooking instructions on the back so cake
mixes bread mixes like rice mixes like
rice-a-roni type products mac and cheese
those types of things that are really
dry and and the customer makes
themselves we would make those types of
things and I had a list of like 60
different products that I had to develop
and I tell you what I had a lot of fun
with that project that was a lot of fun
that was just like I'm being in the
kitchen all day making you know 20
versions of mushroom risotto recipe and
and figuring out how that recipe could
be translated into a dry mix box and so
we were at one of these meetings and I
was testing out all the different
products for the team and I was really
proud of that work you know I put a lot
of hours into developing all those
formulas and then putting them together
and cooking them you know had a whole
table full of food for them to taste
and they very passively just tasted
everything like that wasn't even
important to them at all like the fact
that the formulas had been made and that
they could put a spoonful in their mouth
and say okay like that was enough for
them like they weren't like me they
weren't like thoroughly like thinking
about every spoonful and making sure
that is really hitting the parameters
that we were wanting to for each product
which you know I spend all my time
trying to tell them you know all of my
goals and and and and you know
everything that I could about each
formula and but then the sales team so
they they they taste a spoon pull
everything they say okay good it's all
good to go
and they said all right let's talk about
something more important and I said well
what's what's more important I mean I
think approving these formulas is gonna
be the best I mean we could start
talking about the nutrition labels if
you want and they said no no no let's
talk about the color of the packaging
you know we gotta start talking about
the design of the box like what color
would best pool to the customer that's
help conscious and like it's innocent
enough really
it wasn't inherently evil what they were
saying but for me in that moment given
the context of what was going on I like
almost cringed inside like I was so
proud like I had developed all of these
like organic certified non-gmo non
chemical preservative versions of all of
these famous products that are full of
stuff that Kraft Mac and Cheese or
whatever and I truly believed that the
quality of the product itself would have
more than enough you know it's a to
justify its marketing and its attraction
but for the sales team their top
priority was like the color of the
package and this wasn't just a design
thing it wasn't just like oh which
design aesthetic is gonna fit what we
mean no no they were motivated and they
were asking these questions because they
wanted to know which color would attract
the organic granola type hippie type
person and I had no response to that I
was like you know and at that time I
didn't identify as being a hippies and
if it was now I'd have something really
sharp and fast to say in a situation
like that but yeah I had nothing to say
you know other than you know I think the
customers of these products are gonna
see beyond color but they had a very
valid point and say no they don't and
not to say it's it's not because they're
not world it's just because we have been
conditioned our entire lives to to
connect psychologically with products
and let the marketers tell us how we
need to be thinking and how we need to
be feeling you know it's like fast-food
restaurants have you ever noticed that
they're all they have different designs
and different names and different
appeals that connect with different
emotions with different people but how
the one commonality you see with all the
major fast-food brands is the color of
their branding is the exact friggin same
red and yellow red and yellow red and
yellow now that I told you you're gonna
see it everywhere red and yellow red and
yellow that's a psychological mind trick
right it read in particular but red and
yellow together it's supposed to
stimulate hunger the feeling of hunger
and a freakin color it's incredible so
yeah like our food and I just feel like
if you want to be like a mind
controlling marketer in this
world I think like go try to work it on
other products of food the that's like a
very dangerous product to be playing
with those types of mind tricks
especially when it involves children
because food is are alike it's our most
basic need it really is like oxygen but
you know we don't have to buy oxygen we
don't have to I mean other than not
killing all the trees like we don't
really have to put much work and to
creating value in order to consume
oxygen food on the other hand yes we do
have to there's a lot of value required
to generate food or to buy food so I
think the like most essential and
primitive primal consumer product that
we have is food and we shouldn't fuck
with that like as food businesses as
marketers as as creators when you're
dealing with sustenance primal
sustenance like that we really shouldn't
be playing any mind tricks with anybody
because then that will lead especially
when it comes to children will lead to
like deep psychological effects into our
future as we develop relationships with
other consumable products like our whole
ethos around consumerism will have lied
in in that first habit that we create
through our food and the example of that
is friggen the cereal aisle at the
grocery store it is just filled with so
much manipulative mind tricks and
there's actually a term there's a term
used in that industry and I brought this
term up several times in these life
sessions because it's just it's one of
those things from my past it's just
tattooed in my mind and I feel like it's
important to share with everybody that
experience of the term of pester power
so pester power is like this like
internalize like absolute desire of need
to have something and
and to be so motivated by that that you
like and it's usually children in
regards to their relationship to their
parents like the children want that same
thing so bad that they pressure the
actual buyer the parents to buy that
product which the parents probably know
damn well their kid doesn't need that
product but the kid has so effectively
you know communicated that the parents
will will surrender to it and will buy
that product and so that's from
childhood like some of my earliest
memories and in childhood were about
that we're like memories of being in the
SHA the shopping cart with my mom and
pointing at things that I wanted them
and you know the ensuing argument but
then the ensuing pester power that's
generated you know my parents I mean
when I was very young and we definitely
weren't us financially privileged as we
are now so situation was a little
different but you know families that are
more affluent or even not even affluent
families will will oftentimes find that
satisfying that pressure that that
pester power is a much easier solution
than building values and their children
and so then you know that's their
foundation and then they cook through
there and read the rest of their life
with that being the foundation of their
relationship with consumable products so
yeah I don't know how I got so hot topic
on that but that's that's a very
important thing to keep in mind is that
as marketers of food we have a big
responsibility of shaping people's
understanding and relationship with
products and even educating people
that's something else I've been talking
a lot about so like there's so much of a
pressure to like fact check our media
which is important yes let's do it
more fact-checking more better
it and and you know fact-checking in our
social media and and the clickbait links
and make sure that we're getting
educated with the right information
which yes let's keep that but we keep
neglecting like one of the most powerful
educators in our current society are
free marketers and and really to be
honest if you really think about it
there are a significant amount of people
in our population
I dare say over fifty percent of our
population in this country that's are
completely and exclusively educated by
marketers you know especially especially
the people that grew up on that pester
powder and had that pester power you
know satisfied from a young age why
would they need to educate themselves
you know you you've let the marketers
tell you what to feel what to think you
know and then we start getting all of
our our medical claims you know from
these marketers yeah and there's not a
single fact-check organization for
marketing assigned that fascinating not
even like independent I mean there's a
couple of like cheeky bloggers and
instagramers that like say things here
there to like try to hold marketers
accountable for their dishonesty but
nothing widespread nothing
nationally-recognized nothing you know
third-party reviewed there's several for
media there are several for politicians
really good I mean actually that's
become my favorite place to read my news
it's to like read the fat check article
on an article or like presidential
debates or any kind of political debates
you don't have to watch the whole debate
you know I prefer just to go in the next
day and see what the fact checkers had
to say who was more honest
it's pretty incredible so yeah it's
Friday I'm pulling a little loopy a
little out of it but I'm grateful you
know to be able to chat with you guys
catch up with you guys talk about the
world next week should be good on Monday
I am going to have like my first proper
well India's virus cases are going up
right now a lot so Monday I'm going to
have my first proper you know live
session with like a theme that I have
done in a week you know say I kind of
took a week off this week to you know
for some personal time and to focus on
the finishing out these tastes the
people to taste the people's teeth
virtual tasting classes but next week
will start again on Monday I'm doing the
dignified hospitality and I have a guest
so it's not just me
I'll have my friend Stephan who runs a
podcast called serving consciously and
it's he has been talking and he's been
running this podcast for almost a year
now and he's been having so many guests
and so many great conversations with
various hospitality professionals about
the disparity between you know kind of
the level of dignity and consciousness
that servers are people of service of
service industry you know may have
identified within themselves versus you
know the respect and dignity that's
actually manifest in the industry and
he's been having these conversations
since before pandemic and now that
pandemic has hits you know these things
have just blown up even more you know
the idea of dignity within the food
service industry restaurant industry for
everybody along not just the servers but
also the shaft
the business owners the investors the
supply-chain the vendors farmers you
know a lot of its come up and so that
was how I started doing the Monday
dignified hospitality and came to learn
that my friend Stephan was already doing
a podcast so I said hey would you like
to come on here and then you know we can
talk in more detail about all the things
that you've been hearing in your
conversations and how those can be
applied to this manifestation of this
manifesto that I'm formulating
formulating from the conversations I
have on Mondays so Monday at 2:00 you'll
want to catch that one and then on
Tuesday morning and this is something
I've been promoting over the past few
days you should be able to find the link
all over our social media and I'll go
ahead and post it in the comments here
but bitly slashed not just he underscore
channel you will be able to get
information and free reservation or free
free registration to Tuesday mornings
class that's going to be at 9:30 in the
morning Pacific on Tuesday morning it'll
be a panel discussion with Ray Lou of
grass tree people
Linda Louie of vanity out of LA and Lisa
C who wrote the the tigran hummingbird
rate lane that should be really
interesting conversation where we will
be discussing in general the insult
untold stories of tea and three of these
panelists are experts and very high
influence level of Chinese tea so of
course you know that they're going to be
bringing that perspective and but you
know I think the thesis of this panel
and what the conversation is going to
come down to is that a lot of the
stories of tea that we do know about
you know the heavy tea drinkers of
turkey in Ireland and Canada in
Australia the stories that they hear
about auntie are not like are not the
real stories and by real I mean like the
the traditional stories the sustainable
stories they're the stories told by
marketers just like what I was saying as
marketers we have a very important role
in responsibility in educating people
you know in a marketer may say oh I just
try to sell my product no harm done
it's like okay no harm done to you and
maybe you didn't you know use any
physical harm in what you're doing but
it's harm to the intellect and it's harm
to the intellectual capacity of public
when we as marketers are not telling a
truthful story so yeah it's interesting
and and and there's also you know
parallels between that issue that that
particular issue of the story being told
t be told by marketers is also related
to the themes and trends of colonialism
throughout our past and I think that's
why I've been invited to be a part of
this panel because I do have so much
first-hand experience with even the
untold stories within you know the the
colonial system you know the stories
that do get told in our commodity tea
system are the romantic stories of you
know the happy beautiful women
harvesting tea in the mountain
landscapes of the Himalayas or the the
courage and clever you know
cleverness of robber fortune whenever he
you know brought tea from China to India
you know or the romance of European tea
planters you know bringing their
families to Darjeeling to start a new
life and those are all true things those
are all things that happened you know if
those stories were told correctly I
don't know and I'm not trying to say
that that they weren't but only a
limited perspective of the whole truth
was being told and so you know just as
much as there was a story of a European
planter that moves their family to
Darjeeling and had a great time and had
all these adventures and you know
becoming country people in India there
was like over 500 untold stories of the
laborers that also had to move their
families to Darjeeling and you know had
to put themselves into slave
relationships with a company that they
were working with and had to sacrifice
certain rights and certain luxuries and
an autonomy in their life for tea and so
yeah you know like there's untold
stories of tea of traditional tea from
China just as much as there's untold
stories of of the actual labor and
people that are making even the
commodity tea so I look forward to that
discussion that's going to be on Tuesday
at 9:30 in the morning Pacific time so
if you're on the East Coast that'll be
12:30 it's free registration this event
will exclusively be streamed live
through the link that you register with
which is a private webcast webinar
platform so I will not be live-streaming
that it is free but you have to register
and go to the Pacific link that will be
given to you after registration so yeah
don't expect me to livestream this and
you'll just find it on our site you do
have to
to go register and that's a bit ly / not
just he underscore panel if you're in
any of YouTube twitch facebook or
periscope you should be able to see that
link in the comments
yeah please sign up if you can't make
the live event there is an option to
purchase the the replay
I wish then you can watch on your own
time you know I don't know much about
that one I don't know how much across
but I did hear that you know if you
visit that link bit doll why / not just
t / panel our underscore panel if you
visit that link register and order the
video from there there will be some
portion of that coming back to t let's
um and I you know I I didn't know about
that I just heard about that so if if
any a portion does make it back to T let
you know I will let you guys know I'm
gonna end up just donating it to
something I'm not too sure you know I've
had my fair share of opinions on
nonprofits and and nongovernmental
organizations but you know if it's extra
money coming in like that that I don't
really feel like is mine to be taking
you know I gotta find a worthy cause so
if you have a recommendation of where
you would like to see that donated to
let me know if not maybe I'll just
donate it to two healthy sunrise which
is my friend Dina's nonprofit that that
services families and children of
hiv-positive families so yeah also next
week I will continue my constitution
study group I it has been recommended to
me that I read the Federalist and
anti-federalist papers so I'm gonna dive
deep into that and of course tea talks
Thursday and another Friday and the
week's go on and on but you know I hope
that well by then actually it'll be
beginning of July the lockdown in India
should be over although it looks as if
they're come their numbers of infection
are increasing just like they are here
you know it may may lead to an extension
of the lockdown I'm not too sure but we
will definitely keep an eye out on that
and let you know what's going on there
yeah other than that I think I'm gonna
go I still have some more tea to drink
here but of course I always have more
work to do too so I'll just be here but
it's been nice to catch up with all of
you just for your reference I was
drinking any purple white tea a sticky
rice chunk pour and a small batch
handmade show pour all very delicious
teas all coming from the Lee family out
of non-null you none no no Sean and all
these teas are available on the tea in
its website other than this
white tea
I don't have this on the website because
I'm only a very small quantity of it but
if this tea intrigues you and you are
interested you can go ahead and just
direct message us or whatever platform
you're watching this on it or email info
at telecom and I'd be happy to give you
pricing and information about how you
may be able to get access to this
beautiful wait team I just want to show
you the leaves just because there's so
so you can see the contrast of the
company the color of the leaf you see
that see that purplish color to it it's
like green and purple pretty cool but
it's just a white tea so it's just
harvested and dried just like this very
minimal processing really nice flavor to
it it's a unique teeth this purple tea
you know like it's it's become very
common even though it's a very random
genetic expression of the the poor
cheese a lot of farmers have started to
clone those purple trees those random
naturally purple trees clone them and
then you know propagate out in larger
quantities the cuttings of those trees
to be able to more mass produce purple
teas but usually they're processed into
a black tea or even into a shell party
but in this case it's a white tea this
was a special commission only a small
quantity made of this so that's why I
don't have it listed on the website it's
not something that I'm plenty to
regularly carry but if it's something
that intrigues you you are more than
welcome to to order a little bit of this
you can just email me info at telecom to
ask about that
so that's it
yeah I updated you guys on the the
flooding and the the gas the gas blowout
and a song we talked a lot about you
know the the corporate corruption around
our food systems you know related to
also this this issue with the gas
blowout you know a lot of times a lot of
the decisions that are made by business
are not checked and are not controlled
you know by the government that's meant
to be protecting us and protect
Dean you know our as the Constitution
says our public health our public safety
safety and welfare so yeah we're
supposed to be protected in that sense
but a lot of times you know there's just
so much corruption going on that's those
commercial interests have more power
more ability to do whatever they want
but as consumers and as businesspeople
you know even our voice even though our
voice may feel small
like our voice is powerful in and
bringing and accountability and
demanding accountability so you know I'd
like to continue to recommend to you to
to keep that accountability well I'm
going to sign out now but I hope you
guys have a beautiful weekend I'll be
back on Monday for dignified hospitality
looking forward to that one exactly at 2
p.m. Pacific and yeah please do not
forget to register for Tuesday morning's
webinar panel at bit ly / not just he
underscored you know all right
happy Friday happy weekend much love

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